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Men hired for sexual fantasy break into wrong house


Oh my oh my...

In a sex fantasy gone wrong, two men with machetes entered the wrong house in New South Wales, Australia, before quickly realising their error.

One of them has now been acquitted of entering a home armed with a weapon in July 2019, Australian media report.

They had been hired to carry out a client's fantasy of being tied up in his underwear and stroked with a broom.

The judge concluded that "the facts of the case are unusual".

The role play was arranged over Facebook by a man near Griffith, New South Wales, who provided his address to the hired pair.

"He was willing to pay A$5,000 if it was 'really good'," the judge said.

However, the client moved to another address 50km (30 miles) away without updating the two men. They then entered a home on the street of the original address.

When the resident noticed a light on in his kitchen at 06:15, he assumed it was a friend who came by daily to make morning coffee.

When the men called out the name of their client, the resident turned on the light, and saw them standing above his bed with the machetes.

When they realised their error, one of the pair said "Sorry, mate" and shook the resident's hand, according to local reports.

The two men then drove to the correct address, where the client noticed one man had a "great big knife" in his trousers.

The client then cooked bacon, eggs and noodles, and a short time later, the police arrived at the property and arrested the hired pair.

The judge ruled that evidence did not suggest the men's actions were intentional.

This kind of thing has happened a few times. Too many fools these days just fantasizing on the internet and deciding to DIY everything at the spur of the moment. Before you know it there's strangled bodies in the bedroom, blood all over the carpet and random people's houses being broken into by machete-wielding naked men. Communication is the key, people. Meet up with the naked machete men at your house a few days before they're going to break into it. This should just be common sense.
This kind of thing has happened a few times. Too many fools these days just fantasizing on the internet and deciding to DIY everything at the spur of the moment. Before you know it there's strangled bodies in the bedroom, blood all over the carpet and random people's houses being broken into by machete-wielding naked men. Communication is the key, people. Meet up with the naked machete men at your house a few days before they're going to break into it. This should just be common sense.

Exactly, which of us here can honestly say they haven't been hired to carry out a client's fantasy of being tied up in his underwear and stroked with a broom, but on arriving at the house and starting to carry out the fantasy discovered that the client has moved to another address without updating them and there's a different person or even a family now living in the house?

I used to demand payment up-front for that very reason...
This kind of thing has happened a few times. Too many fools these days just fantasizing on the internet and deciding to DIY everything at the spur of the moment. Before you know it there's strangled bodies in the bedroom, blood all over the carpet and random people's houses being broken into by machete-wielding naked men. Communication is the key, people. Meet up with the naked machete men at your house a few days before they're going to break into it. This should just be common sense.
I'd say, first meet with the naked machete wilding men for a coffee in public to see whether you'll hit it off. It's common internet dating sense not to invite them directly to your home.
Right because this happens:

"When the resident noticed a light on in his kitchen at 06:15, he assumed it was a friend who came by daily to make morning coffee. "

amidst the multiple lolz, had to re- read that bit
tbf have pulled assorted environmentalists and others at gunpoint from land rovers on various training Areas as nobody bothers to notify the exercising troops. That these people are bimbling about the training area:facepalm:.
They were mostly resigned to it "at least your not paras"
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