Changing the facts
I try to be positive about exercise. I coach a sport and do not talk about appearance. Some of them have recently had a taste of success and want to push on to the next level and to do so have asked for homework. I have focused on the benefits of strength, fitness and skill of what they can do. I have told them it is good to do any exercise they enjoy then given them some specific options. I've tried to keep them away from the meat head and unrealistic standards of some Internet based fitness sites. Actually I'll have more of a think on this and see if there's anything useful I can do.
Following on from InArduisFouette ’s post about Rio Ferdinand, maybe you can get the boys to do “girl stuff” like yoga and ballet?
I really enjoy looking at clips of muscle bound men attempting the more supple sports. And there’s a great channel I look at which is male gymnasts attempting female gymnastic disciplines.
It’s really interesting to me to see how different physical skill sets are valued differently in boys and girls (for e.g. strength of force Vs agility and core strength)