I know three stories like this, so I think it's probably really very common.
1) Friend in Portugal found her partner in almost identical situation as to that described by
2) My b-i-l, after leaving my sister (well, she literally ran from him) got a new gf, things didn't work out, and he hanged himself from the balcony outside her flat.
3) In a way, the best one. I was once, oh dunno the name for it, last person to see someone alive, because opening my mate's paper shop as a favour one Saturday a regular came in and bought his copy of The Times. Went home, read it (presumably), then hanged himself from a tree in the garden so wife would see it when she drew the curtains. He was a dentist, she'd refused to remortgage the house to raise money to expand his surgery.
The best? Why? Look, I know it's not great, in fact it's fucking gross. But anyone remember when the BNP membership list was hacked and released? The dentist was on it. One less fascist dentist, but yeah, sorry about the circumstances the cunt chose.