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Meadows vs Boyle?

Meadows vs Boyle

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Two of the finest UK directors I can remember, working in the UK too (I like Nolan, but he's basically a Hollywood director).

Who's better?
They're not really that comparable as Meadows is more of an auteur. So in many ways, Meadows' bad films are more interesting than Boyle's good ones. However interesting does not necessarily mean watchable, and Meadows does not make films that are in any way slick.

So, on balance, Hmmm. Meadows.
Until Meadows does a film as fine as Sunshine then Boyle will always win.
A very stylish, ultimately quite silly film. I think there's often a little less to Boyle's films than it first appears. Same with Slumdog Millionaire – some brilliant scenes especially with the young boys, but a plot full of holes and an unconvincing artifice.

They're so different, it's a bit invidious to compare them.
If I can indulge in a bit of film theory jargon for a moment, 'Dead Man's Shoes' shits in the grave of 'Sunshine' and then goes round to its house and does its grieving widow up the wrong'un.
If I can indulge in a bit of film theory jargon for a moment, 'Dead Man's Shoes' shits in the grave of 'Sunshine' and then goes round to its house and does its grieving widow up the wrong'un.

Fuckin' this.

Shallow Grave, Trainspotting (yeah er a A Life Less Ordinary, oh and the Beach), 28 Days Later, Millions, (yeah and Sunshine) and Slumdog Millionaire.

Meadows, films have been, very good, very bad, and excellent, but they are all on the same themes, same general environment and many of the same ideas (essentially irrational hatred, violence, xenophobia, outsiders trying and failing to fit in, and role models who disappoint) well Meadows seems to be a one trick pony. Think of how few meadows films finish on anything else than a bleak, almost non ending.

As a contraversal comparison. Boyle is Albarn, and Meadows is Gallagher.

That being said Meadows is in this late 30s and Boyle is in his mid 50s, so I think the comparison is unfair.
If I can indulge in a bit of film theory jargon for a moment, 'Dead Man's Shoes' shits in the grave of 'Sunshine' and then goes round to its house and does its grieving widow up the wrong'un.

But Sunshine isn't Boyle's best by a long shot.
Boyle really knows how to make an entertaining film, but something's lacking in his work somehow. He is a Hollywood director too, so not really comparable to Meadows. Perhaps it should have been Boyle vs Frears.
If I can indulge in a bit of film theory jargon for a moment, 'Dead Man's Shoes' shits in the grave of 'Sunshine' and then goes round to its house and does its grieving widow up the wrong'un.

Which is all the more impressive when you take into account that Sunshine is by no means a poor film.

Boyle is good, but Meadows is better. They aren't directly comparable, but Meadows takes it for his amazing talent in taking small people's small stories and making them completely gripping.
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