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'Pistol' - Danny Boyle's Sex Pistols biopic

It’s great that it’s upset the turd Lydon .

My Gran went berserk at the council when they suggested moving her outside loo into the property right next to the kitchen. She said to them how bloody unhygienic is that.

She also continued to use a mangle right into the 80s. Shame she didnt put Lydon's head through it the prick
On off relationship with him. Idolised him as a teen and disappointed in later life.

Still listen to the records. But not precious about the Pistols. Actually quite enjoyed the Alex Cox film at the time and remember he was not at all impressed.
Yeah I remember really liking it. I wasn't, and still am not a sex pistols fan, but watched it over and over with friends when I was a young teen. I'd quite like to see it again.
Had to laugh at this line from his press release:

"How can anyone think that this can proceed without consulting me and deal with my personal life in this, and my issues in this, without any meaningful contact with me before the project is announced to the world."

What ever happened to anarchy in the UK, eh?
He hasn't got a stall at the bookfair either :(
Talking of toilets and the Pistols. For one gig i played in a Sex Pistols tribute band called the Sex Pretzels. The original drummer was called Can’t Cook so i was christened Won’t Cook. The bassist was a female known as Dibble. I didn’t have a drum stool at the time so (i shit you not) i had to sit on an old toilet as a substitute. We did a good gig and in appreciation the crowd gobbed all over the band and our equipment. Pub’s demolished now unfortunately (The Commodore in Birkenhead).

ETA: The guitarist now plays in HMHB.
The trailer did not inspire confidence, but I never thought a mixture of Danny Boyle and Punk would get a good review in the Tory papers.
I'm sure I'll end up subscribing to Disney for a month again at some point in the future, so I can catch it then when it's all over.
Watched the first three episodes and i think its great. If you want a dramatised documentary about the pistols retelling the well known story but with actors instead of newsreel - this isnt it.
What it is is a very well told human story with fascinating characters and some excellent performances. Its pretty much from steve jone's perspective - but that means you get a very different outlook - that of a damaged, vulnerable but resilient working class teenager who wants to kick back. Chrissie Hynde features quite a lot as his sometime lover and arse kicker. Glen Matlock is brilliantly smug and annoying. Rotton is a petrol bomb in human form - scorching with resentment and bitter intellect. Mc Claren and Westwood are art school pranksters inspiring, fetishizing and feeding off these malcontents. Paul cook is .... a normal young bloke who plays drums.
I suspect the tepid reviews are because punks cultural gatekeepers (not least Lydon himself) want it chapter and verse "the facts" - an account that subscribes to their version - rather than a story that you can emotionally engage with.
I thought the story of how "bodies" came to be - with the Pauline of the song at the centre of it is gripping and powerful. And steve jones going on a five day speed bender in order to learn guitar is hilarious.
The review calling it a "panto version" is well wide of the mark IMO.
Will binge this after Stranger Things.

I love Steve Jones - he always funnier, more interesting and more charming than the "other guy" in interviews.

Proper working class cockney 'erbert made good - something he's never lost despite being an LA resident for decades
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