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Many dead in coordinated Paris shootings and explosions

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Ive just seen an article, the passports conviently found on the bodies of the killers are now found to be possibly fake....

Saw that coming so who are those people?
I've avoided the news for the last couple of days because I just didn't want to engage with the shitty reality of these events - but reality has to be faced eventually.
Right now I can see nothing but entirely negative repercussions -
The anti-immigation/anti islam agenda will go into overdrive now. Those temporarily muted by the tradgedys of refugee drowning in their thousands will be back in full roar - and then some. In the UK the likes of the The Daily Mail wasted no time in exploiting the victims to fuel their shit stirring agenda - I imagine this will be even more the case in France.
The far right in france will see this as Christmas come early.
Politically the arguments for more military intervention will dominate. Their will be another round of restrictions on civil liberties, free movement and ever more state surveillance and intrusion.
After the russian plane bomb and Paris attack most people will feel that an attack in the UK is only a matter of time - and this fear will further distort debate.
Any attempt to respond to this rationally, by understanding the context and the complexity will be drowned out.
Some tragedies - such as the hillsborough or the pictures of drowned refugee kids - shock society in a way that makes them respond with humanity and greater understanding as people seek to put things right. Attacks like those in Paris have the exact opposite effect - people are bewildered and angry and want to strike back at those seen as responsible; exactly the reaction that the cunts who did this want.
So that means bombing even more fuck out of the middle east, turning on "suspect" communities and throwing desperate refugees back into the sea.

Just fuck fuck fuck you fucking cunts all around.

"So that means bombing even more fuck out of the middle east, turning on "suspect" communities and throwing desperate refugees back into the sea"

Hopefully points 2&3 will not happen, ( look at 9/11)as to No 1? indiscriminate bombing of the ME is going to achieve nothing, But, if the events in Paris lead to a cohesive international plan to destroy ISIS, then perhaps then,those poor souls murdered will not have died in vain.
It's obvious that mass immigration (e.g. the recent Syrian refugee crisis) could be used to facilitate atrocities like that of recent days. But we need someone with the bottle to say that assuming that risk is a price we should pay for doing the right thing.
Mebbes Merkel, but not at this junction.
"That last part is exactly what you do with syrians who don't want to live under the assad dictatorship - the one whose actions have helped (by design) ISIS and other islamists. You identify all those non islamist or anti-dictatorship syrians as murderous islamists in the same manner as the worst blood soaked takfiri. So yeah, heed your own words."

President Assad just happens to be an elected dictator . Those who ran against him in the elections polled extremely poorly . I do not even remotely consider them comparable to daesh .When I refer to trrorist groups being cut from the same cloth I refer not only to the likes of Daesh , and Al nusra, which comprise the biggest and most active elements of the armed opposition but the wide spectrum of others . Such as the Jaish Al Fatah umbrella group, supported and hosted by Turkey and others who just days ago issued a public statement or fatwah denouncing both secularism and democracy .

And indeed many of these so called FSA types of whom I've previously posted videos of them standing shoulder to shoulder with IS ,on joint operations, and their leaders praising them and Al Qaeda as misunderstood "brothers", and their calls for foreign jihadists to come to Syria from across the Muslim world . And the admission that Al Nusra comprised a major proportion of the so called FSA ..over ten percent in the beginning . And did most of the fighting .
I tar the so called moderate cannibals within the FSA with the same brush as the be headers and crucifers . Absolutely . Because they're generally the same rotten type and have proven it time and time again through their direct cooperation with , their praise and their continual defection to these groups .
Terrorists carrying fake passports is hardly controversial, is it?
It's under hand and possibly illegal, definitely not cricket
It's under hand and possibly illegal, definitely not cricket

I've only caught glimpses of this shit as I don't really have loons on my FB feed but I do have people mentioning it. They found a passport = conspiracy! The passport is false = conspiracy! But there's nothing conspiratorial about criminals carrying false ID.
It wasn't perpetuated. She was calling someone on it. And she has a Jewish background. So wind your neck in.

Given what this this is all about, mebbes we should all be careful about the dangers of perpetuating steryoptpes? just a thought.
BBC News tonight showed the discovery of a massed grave of Yazidi women, in Sinjar. more details here: Mass grave of Yazidi women discovered in Iraq after Sinjar offensive

They have just attacked France, and probably attacked Russia with the airliner although the finger of blame has yet to be pointed, I can imagine various voices will be asking for boots on the ground.

Just as long as the politicians and their families will be wearing the boots, no problems.
I was criticising someone for posting that picture. It looks like a classic antisemitic cartoon with the big nose and the hat. And the butchers knife/ritual murder thing. And the fact israel are giving them money in the cartoon.

I got that. Wonderhead thinks your a racist for pointing it out.
They were the easiest to acquire? What's your theory?

Well I find it a bit odd that people who regard themselves as citizens of an actual Islamic state would want to go to their certain deaths tainted by citizenship of an apostate , kuffar state like Syria, which they want to destroy as an actual entity .
I suspect what they really want is French military action to be taken against the Syrian state itself . So laying a trail to syria ,which suggests Syria is somehow responsible, because according to the western arrative, the Syrian state is the cause of Daesh would make sense in that regard . And because it's what the French government have always wanted to do anyway .
Why bother carrying a fake passport with you on a one way mission ? Its the very last thing you need . These guys take care to ceremonially wash and cleanse themselves before they do this stuff . Carrying a tainted symbol like an apostate passport when your about to be purified for heaven strikes me as a bit odd . And a bit sus .
Eh? So we're not allowed to condemn an image using racist tropes because by doing so that means we're being racist? Show your workings.
It shouldn't be there to condemn in the first place, obviously I naively thought we were beyond that on here, I stand corrected. My apologies.
Its not my fault that some twat used an antisemitic image to condemn isis by seeming to say theyre all jews (which is actually a common theme of 9/11 false flags theories and is a similar line that al qaeda are now using in their turf war)
Read the article. Read it again. Understand the complexity and contradictions and the history.

I have done and I understand it . They've funded and armed them . There's no denying that . Presumably not to overthrow themselves though . And what's more they've directly sponsored a religious and ideological climate in which this intolerance positively thrives .
Well I find it a bit odd that people who regard themselves as citizens of an actual Islamic state would want to go to their certain deaths tainted by citizenship of an apostate , kuffar state like Syria, which they want to destroy as an actual entity .
I suspect what they really want is French military action to be taken against the Syrian state itself . So laying a trail to syria ,which suggests Syria is somehow responsible, because according to the western arrative, the Syrian state is the cause of Daesh would make sense in that regard . And because it's what the French government have always wanted to do anyway .
Why bother carrying a fake passport with you on a one way mission ? Its the very last thing you need . These guys take care to ceremonially wash and cleanse themselves before they do this stuff . Carrying a tainted symbol like an apostate passport when your about to be purified for heaven strikes me as a bit odd . And a bit sus .
As has been said before, if you're about to do something like shoot a bunch of people, in a state that requires people to carry id and that has racist coppers who will stop brown people for no reason, it does not make sense not to carry id. You'd carry id, wear your seatbelt, obey the speed limit, all that stuff, to make sure you didn't fuck up on the way to the shooting.

So the only question would be why false id. If it was left by one of the shooters and it was false, given that their object was to cause division, it seems possible at least to think that they might purposely want people thinking they had come to France as Syrian refugees. Hell, the Daily Mail ran with this as their headline today. Even if it proves to be false, it has done damage.

Or... they were simply travelling on false id given that they reasoned their names were known to the authorities and a false Syrian passport was what was to hand.
Well I find it a bit odd that people who regard themselves as citizens of an actual Islamic state would want to go to their certain deaths tainted by citizenship of an apostate , kuffar state like Syria, which they want to destroy as an actual entity .
I suspect what they really want is French military action to be taken against the Syrian state itself . So laying a trail to syria ,which suggests Syria is somehow responsible, because according to the western arrative, the Syrian state is the cause of Daesh would make sense in that regard .

You are absolutely completely fucking bonkers.

You think the terrorists carried Syrian passports to convince the French State to attack Assad in response?


Are you taking the piss?
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