Thimble Queen
Called away to another place
i'm having hot pitta stuffed with ardennes pate and rocket, water cress and spinach.
I buy 'Great Foods' falafel. They do different flavor ones, iykwim, and pakora/onion bhajis too (not authentic). They're handy for sticking cold into a pitta with some salad and pickle without having to think too hard. And enough ways to vary the flavours that they don't get boring. Or crumbled over a salad. They're often on offer (i buy them specifically because they're dairy free and not disgusting) - in with the kosher fridge stuff at my sainsbury's.You eat quite a lot of falafel Rebelda which ones do you get or do you make them?
BiddlybeePitta with houmous, rocket and ham I think
I thought a wholemeal pitta on it's own was about 200 cals
I know nothing tbf