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London: the unlockening/relockening

There is an interactive map on the UK dashboard that starts to show that sort of level of detail when you zoom in on the map sufficiently.

In terms of the image in the post you mention, the font used for the title makes me think Daily Mail graphic. For all their ridiculous, deranged and dangerous output in this pandemic, they are also massively into producing rather large quantities of graphical illustrations of pandemic data.
yeh it's from today's mail Omicron makes up 40% of new Covid cases in London, Boris Johnson says
Vaccination rate is pretty hopeless in many parts of london.
Extent of hopelessness made unclear by limitations in the total population estimates used. Similar pattern in most cities I've glanced at, and its hard to unpick extent of genuinely low uptake from faulty population estimates, or other factors such people who were in the city only being there because of a job there that went online or evaporated during earlier phases of the pandemic, and are now residing elsewhere. Obviously that possibility includes those who had 2nd homes and the luxury of running away from the cities when the pandemic shit hit the fan.
I was talking to a friend about vaccination rates in London over the weekend (locally our cases have gone from 282:100,000 (01/12) to 663:100,000 (08/12). Vaccination rates are 63%/56% for vaxx 1 and 2.)

He reckons he knows a load of people who haven't been vaxxed. All from his allotment and in their late 50s/60s. The prevailing logic seems to be that if you eat a good diet (i.e. veg from your allotment) and are reasonably healthy, you'll be fine and don't need to be vaccinated as your diet will protect you from catching it. And if you do somehow catch it, you won't be very ill with it so what's the point in getting vaccinated... :confused:

(My friend is very strongly pro-vaccination and has been gently trying to persuade them to get jabbed but to no avail. It's all very strange 🤷‍♀️.)
I was talking to a friend about vaccination rates in London over the weekend (locally our cases have gone from 282:100,000 (01/12) to 663:100,000 (08/12). Vaccination rates are 63%/56% for vaxx 1 and 2.)

He reckons he knows a load of people who haven't been vaxxed. All from his allotment and in their late 50s/60s. The prevailing logic seems to be that if you eat a good diet (i.e. veg from your allotment) and are reasonably healthy, you'll be fine and don't need to be vaccinated as your diet will protect you from catching it. And if you do somehow catch it, you won't be very ill with it so what's the point in getting vaccinated... :confused:

(My friend is very strongly pro-vaccination and has been gently trying to persuade them to get jabbed but to no avail. It's all very strange 🤷‍♀️.)
It's a nice theory, the diet bit, but sadly bollocks
The prevailing logic seems to be that if you eat a good diet (i.e. veg from your allotment) and are reasonably healthy, you'll be fine and don't need to be vaccinated as your diet will protect you from catching it. And if you do somehow catch it, you won't be very ill with it so what's the point in getting vaccinated... :confused:

There's a contingent of what some might call the hippy-dippy organic food people that are like this. We generally buy a lot of organic fruit and veg since it generally tastes much better, and there's a fair few randoms we know from around the area who do too. Imagine our surprise this summer when one of these couples we chinwag with expressed shock that we'd taken the vaccines "completely unnecessarily", because why would we pollute our bodies with "chemicals" when organic "chemical free"* produce was already protecting us...?

I'm not very tactful at the best of times but I said they were ignorant fools if they believed this and asked them why they did. Cue the phrase "we did our own research..." and enough eye-rolling from me to give me a neck injury. We've not seen them since but suspect we're off the christmas card list. Some people who I know around here who do have allotments don't subscribe to any of this shite thankfully and they've all had their jabs, so it's not an endemic outbreak of idiocy.

TBH you get the same form of denialism in virtually ever walk of life, because no one likes to think of bad stuff happening to them and it's very easy to convince yourself you're immune from X because of Y if you really want to believe it.

* I should have warned them about the perils of DHMO.
personal observation (from the west / south west side of london) is that trains today had slightly more than half the number of passengers that's usual (although mondays tend to be more popular for wfh-ing)

bloody big queue at the lambeth council (?) covid testing tents opposite the old vic just after 9 am (think they just do testing and handing out boxes of home tests, not jabbing)
I'm starting to wonder if cancelling the fireworks and restricting the new years Day parade might just have been a brilliant piece of foresight. There again, it might just be about not spending money?
Mrs tag said the same thing. People working from home a little more, schools and unis closing down, people knocking off early for Christmas.
Went to a caff for breakfast this morning, as this it felt like it might be the last chance for some time. Sat outside, as there were no windows to open, and a big sign on the door instructing people to make sure they closed it properly :(

One of the owners (I think) was saying that he'd been foolish (his word) and initially hadn't got the vaccine, as he'd listened to people saying it was all about putting tracking things in you. Then he got covid and spent three weeks thinking he was going to die.

He's probably in his early thirties, and is now triple jabbed. He was still working, unmasked, in a relatively small, unventilated place though :(
Went to a caff for breakfast this morning, as this it felt like it might be the last chance for some time. Sat outside, as there were no windows to open, and a big sign on the door instructing people to make sure they closed it properly :(

One of the owners (I think) was saying that he'd been foolish (his word) and initially hadn't got the vaccine, as he'd listened to people saying it was all about putting tracking things in you. Then he got covid and spent three weeks thinking he was going to die.

He's probably in his early thirties, and is now triple jabbed. He was still working, unmasked, in a relatively small, unventilated place though :(
I and my colleagues are front line workers. We hot desk. We have no paper for hand drying. We have no windows or doors which we can open.
They have just had a wall mounted temperature checker and PPE, otherwise no safeguards.
Yep, I helped a guy up of the floor on friday and administered personal care; he has since tested positive.
Shortly, we are headed out for a walk followed by a pub dinner (booked) which I am so looking forward to.
Was there much of a rush hour on the roads today? I need to deliver some presents tomorrow. I imagine most schools are done and dusted.
Was there much of a rush hour on the roads today? I need to deliver some presents tomorrow. I imagine most schools are done and dusted.
I know a few schools breaking up tomorrow (S London). Not an early finish either. Roads seemed quieter today, but not hugely.
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