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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

who are the revolution students? ive never heard of tht group so how do i no your not making it up

i agree some people go to demos with the intention of fighting, then again sopme people join the police cos theyre attracted to violence

I get confused, but I think Revolution are the youth wing of Workers Power, which Permanent Revolution recently split off from. There were plenty of Revolution flags there, although I do not know if they were involved in any violence. or indeed 'violence'. They do tend to hook up with more anarchist elements, despite being Trots.
They mainly are fantasists, but then you could argue that about lot's of people who genuinely think there will be a revolution ( or even Lib Dems like myself who hope Nick will become less Tory). I’m not just basing this off the web, but first hand experience of them too.

Your 'first hand experience' consists of being unsure which socialist party you were a member of. unwilling to show any link to any real organisation and desperately googling to find some fantasists to back your own fantasies and lies. No?

you had a chance to prove genuine 'experience' of so-called 'violent socialists - you have just blown it. just a liar and smear/muck spreader.
I'm not being funny, but i'm hardly very well liked on this board so i'd rather not give out my personal details. I used to be a member down in Brighton from around 1999-2001, I think the regional organiser was called Naomi, but I can't remember many other people's names from back then. I was just an a-level student. I did organise a road block and occupied my FE colleague though. I was quite the radical before realising the problems with Socialism.

what problems are they then if you're saying that they are violent then you are wrong the because the whole reason they are most often criticised is bcause they dont go "far enough" in support direct action , thats why anarchists and the like criticise them , of all the things you can criticise teh sp or anyone else trot goup for that its not it, you cant even criticise anarchists for it, they might go on and on about how it necessary and bore everoyne shitless but they dont do anything violent, 99% of the time, and most of them would never out and out advocate violence, it shows that you dont have a very good memory, or at least you are so keen to prove how much of a fanactical lib dem you are you are willing to misreprenet people in the process just to prove to yourself you are right, well you are not right, as i said i volunteered for the lib dems once in an election, im not going to say the activists i met are all nazis just to prove im right to myself, thats just intelctual dishonestly
Do you records go back to that period?

records. more fantasy. no the memories of activists i have known for over 20 years from the area (there is not that many full-time organisers or branches... mores the pity) would prove you genuinely knew and were involved with real people - I am not even asking for your details - just the branch, where meetings were, names of members you knew. You know basic non-scary stuff. its an opportunity to clear your name. - give a simple example of your "first hand experience" - prove you are not a liar.
I get confused, but I think Revolution are the youth wing of Workers Power, which Permanent Revolution recently split off from. There were plenty of Revolution flags there, although I do not know if they were involved in any violence. or indeed 'violence'. They do tend to hook up with more anarchist elements, despite being Trots.

ah fair play , and ye lol, sure some ex WP memberrs on ere will have summink so say
records. more fantasy. no the memories of activists i have known for over 20 years from the area (there is not that many full-time organisers or branches... mores the pity) would prove you genuinely knew and were involved with real people - I am not even asking for your details - just the branch, where meetings were, names of members you knew. You know basic non-scary stuff. its an opportunity to clear your name.

sorry mate i will edit some of my posts if i am making that much of a tit of myself ,, ...
sorry mate i will edit some of my posts if i am making that much of a tit of myself ,, ...


Hiya froggie - that was just a reply to moonies comments dude!? you arn't being foolish in any way that i can see mate?? :)

I am guessing that moonie has told one lie too many (he is welcome to prove me wrong). it is one I am calling him (in the gentle sense) on. If it shows he is lying then that exposes the 'quality' of the rest of his (or i guess her - but probably a his...) arguements up.
ah ok cool its just im quite drunk and i dotn want to say anythng foolish! :) and i agree, it would be interesting to see (to say the least)
He seems to be saying that he knows all about socialist parties because he got involved in one (but he's not sure which one) when he was a teenager. Is that right? If so, breathtaking, even by moon's standards.
ah ok cool its just im quite drunk and i dotn want to say anythng foolish! :) and i agree, it would be interesting to see (to say the least)

:) just you say what ever you want to say. its not like i could stop even if i wanted to - *secret: remember you are the bad SP policemen and i'm the good one this eve ( we can swap around tomorrow)* :)
He seems to be saying that he knows all about socialist parties because he got involved in one (but he's not sure which one) when he was a teenager. Is that right? If so, breathtaking, even by moon's standards.

they sinisterly flog you newspapers at solidarity prices :(
That's true most are not violent people, unless they are attacking what they view as an instrument of the state. I'm not saying that all Socialist or Anarchist are violent at all. Just that there are groups within these large protests who identify with those ideologies who are intent on causing violence.

I agree the police on balance are far more violent.

so why mention it then and why mention the SP and others like they are violent grouops and why say that "its how scoalists work" if thats not what you beleive why say it !!! if you belive the police are far more violent then why constantly go on about the behaviour of protesters and link organisations which are proven to be non violent to them on a thread that is given over to discussion of the police tactics when there are other threads to do so on

unless you think that "violence" is doing anything other than saying "its a fair cop guv" as soon as you step foot near a Protest

if you agree wthat the police are far more vioent, then fair enough, agree there is a cause for discussing tactics, and violent direct cton etcm and whether it works (and if you look at my posts, its actually points I myself hace made on this b=oard), but you are not doing it, it seems that you tryign to just insult and attack people, and you are just making excuses for the police brutality

and btw re the violence - this is a very basic thing, the police do have a monopoly on the AUTHORISED use of the state violence. they are the only force in society apart frm the secret serivces and the army that is allowed to use violence, if i beat someone to death i will be jailed andrightly so, if a policeman beats someone to death the chances are they will just get away with it

Do you get what I am saying? Im not saying the police are the only group to commit violence but in day to day life (ie not in war) they are the only group its AUTHORISED for

thats a very different thing to saying that nobody except the police commits violence and it should be common snese surely? anyone who has watched any show involving the police know that they get away with things (even if it is the right thing) that normal citizens wouldnt necessarily get away with
He seems to be saying that he knows all about socialist parties because he got involved in one (but he's not sure which one) when he was a teenager. Is that right? If so, breathtaking, even by moon's standards.

:) and if he was in the SP he is more likely to have been put off by the tedium having to do a saturday morning paper sale than the *ahem* fantasy weopons training in rediness for the uprising

records. more fantasy. no the memories of activists i have known for over 20 years from the area (there is not that many full-time organisers or branches... mores the pity) would prove you genuinely knew and were involved with real people - I am not even asking for your details - just the branch, where meetings were, names of members you knew. You know basic non-scary stuff. its an opportunity to clear your name. - give a simple example of your "first hand experience" - prove you are not a liar.

Well it was the Brighton branch and they met in the George's Taven which has now closed down. The pub used to have a monopoly quiz machine in it you could play. I used to be a member with another student called Johhny Savage who I was friends with.
so why mention it then and why mention the SP and others like they are violent grouops and why say that "its how scoalists work" if thats not what you beleive why say it !!! if you belive the police are far more violent then why constantly go on about the behaviour of protesters and link organisations which are proven to be non violent to them on a thread that is given over to discussion of the police tactics when there are other threads to do so on

I'm only talking about the Socialist party, becuase BA questioned suggested I couldn't even remember the name of the party I was in. I never said the SP were involved in violence.

and btw re the violence - this is a very basic thing, the police do have a monopoly on the AUTHORISED use of the state violence. they are the only force in society apart frm the secret serivces and the army that is allowed to use violence, if i beat someone to death i will be jailed andrightly so, if a policeman beats someone to death the chances are they will just get away with it

I accept there is a bias in the legal system that mean the police are far more likely to get away with violence, but they have very few if any additional laws to enable their violence. Everyone has some recourse to legal violence in self-defence or to use reasonable force to remove a trespasser that has refused to leave your property.[/quote]

police know that they get away with things (even if it is the right thing) that normal citizens wouldnt necessarily get away with

I agree they get away with things others wouldn't.
That's true most are not violent people, unless they are attacking what they view as an instrument of the state.

that is complete fucking bollocks, you look at the (acutally often quite detailed and well analysed) reasons anarchists and the like criticise the SP and other Trot Groups, its because they dont take such a view of that, as being necessary or even necessarily OK (some criticisms which i agree have some merit tbh), and in fact view some - SOME - of the police as being capable to being won over to our side, a pov i agree with because i don't think cops can be viewed in such a simplisitc light

as for anarchists, when was the last time you saw an anarchist attack "what they view as an instrument of the state"
I dont mean defend themselves in a kettle, I dont mean chucking paint at a car, I dont mean smashing a widnow, I mean deliberately setting out to harm and kill policemen, politicians, and so on, i mean planting bombs, etc etc etc


whereas, through the centuries, how many people have been the victims of state / corprorate violence? how many people have small and vilified groups of anarchists, trots, or anyone else killed through deliberate, cold-blooded, calculated actions designed to hurt and kill compared to how many people capitalism and the state (in their various guises) have killed for the simple fact that they have the implied use of massive and deadly force on their side. Do you get what Im saying, and do you get why the two (as stupid and counterproductive as some of the violent protesters' actions occasionally are) can NOT be compared.

I find it really objectionable that you are trying to slander protesters - of whatever political persuasion - and then separate them from everyone else by describing them as "violent" and feigning concern for people who have their "futures wrecked" etc, we all know who the real violence is being carried out by, the economic and physical violence - and your attempt to introduce some sort of false moral equivalency by deflecting attention from the actions of the police at the behest of party which you support and is now in government is utterly disgraceful. without this lot (and i mean the labour party as it behaved in gov't as well btw) there would be no need for any protests

yo usaid, "I know how socialists operate" (like some sort of right wing ex leftie whose seen the light) and then some bollocks about violence, so its no surprise some of us became angry because we know this not to be the case, and i find it really objectionable that you describe people in those terms when you know for a fact it simply isnt true, again im not talking about the sp im talking generally, you know that most anarchists etc wont hurt a fly, and yet you keep making insinuations about violence, you mention violence and then say that because you used to be a socialist it means that you know how these groups are, so who and what the fuck did you mean then?

ive got no problems with people making criticisms of anything - in fact as you can see from my posts i always try (altho i don't always succeed) to be even handed and balanced about everything - but theyve got to make damned fucking sure it is accurate

either you didnt mean what you said or you meant to say something else (in which case you should think about what you say a bit more) or you did mean it and are now embarassed at saying it
I agree they get away with things others wouldn't.

Yeah and ?? by equating the protesters' "violence" against property, morally speaing, with the violence of Police Brutality, and implying that it has the same quality, the samae characteristics, the same, full weight, of the state, the justice system, the crimianl system, etc etc etc, as well as the fact the police are able to keep order be the IMPLIED use of force, if someone steps out of line, in a way that anyone else is not, dont you see how this is objectionable, not to mention incorrect
Look at the news today for example, the police said that protests would possibly be banned, and those will be prosecuted, who go on them,

protesters have to apply for permission from the police to go to demos

can the protesters say that police will now be banned at protests unless they have permission to go from the demo organisers, and any police officer who came to a protest will be prosecuted? what would happen if they enforced this rule? not to go all anarcho on yo ass but ...

Can you not seem the IMPLIED USE OF (LEGAL) FORCE here??? Its not a question of them "getting away" its a result of the whole way that the system is set up, you can argue whether it is right or wrong , but come on!

THIS IS SO BASIC, how do you not get it
I accept there is a bias in the legal system that mean the police are far more likely to get away with violence, but they have very few if any additional laws to enable their violence. Everyone has some recourse to legal violence in self-defence or to use reasonable force to remove a trespasser that has refused to leave your property.

thats not true, the social function of the police is to enforce the law, ie enforce what laws have been made, some are good, some not, the fact that they have that function means that they dont need many special laws authorising what they can and can't do as they are given by default that social function, since who enforces the enforcers?? ie very few (usually largely toothless) bodies, in fact, the prime minister is barely mentioned in british statutes, this means that because of his nebulous legal status there are in effect very few limitations if any on his power

i really don;'t want to be defending an "acab" stance, but this is why some socialists, anarchists and others have such a criticism of the role of the police, and the institution of the police in general, even if not individual officers, because they are responsible for enforcing laws made - so the arguement goes - by a ruling elite, and the only check on what they do is by default gona be another police institution

you're argueing like the main problem is that there aren't enough laws etc, and that the police if they commit crime are treated just the same as anyone else because there are also provisions for things like citizens arrests etc, but this isn;'t true
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