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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

I'm not saying most Tories cause violence, or that your particular bunch of tories are involved in stuff specifically. There are however some organised groups of Tories like the Lib Dem politicians who plan to cause trouble. Mainly they just want to break public services, and smash people out of their homes. Nothing major really.

Then again the protesters' violence was relatively minor and in proportion to what they faced.

I accept some protesters' tactics inflame the situation.

corrected for you
Well I was about 17 and had gone along to the local town hall in a solidarity protest for some workers who were being unfairly sacked. There were 2 of us there from the Socialist Party, myself and my mate Johnny. We were heckled by the other 'Comrades' there from the SWP who called us splitters etc. I was just a kid, I didn't even know the bloody history of secularism amongst the left.

I despaired a bit after that, Johnny stormed off saying it was bollocks when there were only a handful of us and we couldn’t even protest together in solidarity. He had a good point.

all very dramatic

So, now you're libelling legal observers as well. Let's have it then, explain just how unconcerned we are with methodological evidence collection?

Personally, I'd like to know what he means by "methodological evidence collection".

Does he mean collecting evidence of policing methodologies?

Does want to determine the various methodologies behind evidence collection in general (that could be a long one!)?

Does he mean that he wants to knows what method(s) of evidence collection the legal observers use?

Does he actually mean that he believes that legal observers should be more concerned with methodical evidence collection?

I could go on (and often do!)...
So your experiences in the Socialist Party turned you into a Tory supporting Liberal? It happens I guess.

I think that happens to some teenage Swappies too, mind.

And look at Mandelson. He was supposedly a member of the YC for a few minutes, wasn't he? :)
So your experiences in the Socialist Party turned you into a Tory supporting Liberal? It happens I guess.

I'm not Tory supporting though, I've just been delivering a Tory attack leaflet and the local party is in a coalition with Labour on the Council.
Because you need to.

Because the SWP would not call the SP splitters for leaving labour. It's utterly ridiculous and fake. You might as well say arsenal fans wanted ferguson to leave after chelsea drew at west brom. It's meaningless ill-informed crap.
REally good shaman75 - the contradications in class struggles intensify. Here's Ian Bone on the troubles and troubles to come thinking somewhat similarly;

I went down to Scotland Yard yesterday in solidarity with Alfie Meadows. The overkill of cops was incredible……..tube stationexits closed, wall to wall riot van for a hundred yards.Top cop promising a ‘more robust approach’ – that’s more robust than nearly killing Alfie and tipping Jody out of his wheelchair. More robust means snatch squads on demos, zero tolerance for mask wearers, using SUS laws to stop Cameron’s ‘feral’ ( black!) youths arriving at demos,……….and on and on aided and abetted by a complaisant press. But the top cops know they can’t deliver on this. Last week a tiny demo by ‘youth March for jobs’ (groan) was similarly over policed.Everytime aa Facebook flash mob is promoted hundreds of cops are dispatched for fear of getting it wrong again……….hundreds more outside parliament yesterday. This is draining cops from local areas and costing an unsustainable fortune. The cops themselves are divided at the top – Sir Hugh Orde says the police ‘must not be seen as an arm of the state’ – when have they been anything fucking else? Some cops are wanting water cannon and a ban on marches while another on telly yesterday mused ‘Is nearly killing a young student for a few broken windows and graffitti worth it?’ These divisions will exacerbate under political pressure. Leave alone anything else happening – and it will – the run up to the massive TUC demo on March 26th will be greeted by an hysterical press. Over 500,000 on the TUC march maybe – how will they police that and the thousands of kids and shadowy anarchists lurking with intent on thhe fringes beyod control of the TUC stewards. You can forsee the evening Standard headlines and botched squat raids the days before even now. The quality of police intelligence is extremely low and comes mostly from monitoring websites but now without the political nous to distinguish what’s real and what aint. The shadow of March 26th is going to keep them jumpy – another fuck up here and heads will certainly role. Our strugle may take a breather over Christmas but will return in January.It’s still all to play for – and the monlith opposing us is cracking and creaking. Kick it till it breaks. The TUC must be shitting themselves – they’re about to organise the biggest riot in our history!!!!
could you PLEASE break up this text to make it readable?
They were complaining about Militant splitting from the Labour party, at the time I didn't even know the history and that the Socialist Party had formed form Militant.
whaaat? And you were in the SP? did it not strike you that a fair bit of reading up might be in order? :facepalm:
I'm not Tory supporting though, I've just been delivering a Tory attack leaflet and the local party is in a coalition with Labour on the Council.
virtually everything you've posted here could just as easily come from a tory; you've defended a tory-led coalition to the point of imbecility: you are totally a status quo-lover...in what way are you NOT the very essence of a modern 'enlightened' tory?
Because you need to.

Because the SWP would not call the SP splitters for leaving labour. It's utterly ridiculous and fake. You might as well say arsenal fans wanted ferguson to leave after chelsea drew at west brom. It's meaningless ill-informed crap.

It's what happened.
They were complaining about Militant splitting from the Labour party, at the time I didn't even know the history and that the Socialist Party had formed form Militant.

The swappies aren't in the fucking labour party, why would they be complaining about a split that had nothing to do with them? And why did this persuade you that "socialism" was wrong?
I love how a lib dem twat can bring two groups who normally hate each other together, united in the face of the common enemy :D

I'm not a fan of the swappies but as anything, if you're going to criticise something you'd better make damned sure it was accurate.
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