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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

Ha I can't believe that moon has got me defending the SWP :D Seriously though - didn't know that audiotech. Fair play
I'm not Tory supporting though, I've just been delivering a Tory attack leaflet and the local party is in a coalition with Labour on the Council.
But you are. It's the very essence of the coalition you're bending over backwards to defend. Remember it's what you had to do because the 'country' would not have forgiven you otherwise.

Louis MacNeice
Those SWP petitions I took around to many Labour party constituency meetings and the posters fly-posted against the witch-hunt of Militant is what happened. You're spouting tosh.

Yep, the Swappies made a fuss when Taaffe and the rest of the editorial board of the Militant were expelled from the Labour party, too.
They were complaining about Militant splitting from the Labour party, at the time I didn't even know the history and that the Socialist Party had formed form Militant.

why would the SWP complain "about Militant splitting from the Labour party" ? can you explain that, as it makes precisely zero sense ?
virtually everything you've posted here could just as easily come from a tory; you've defended a tory-led coalition to the point of imbecility: you are totally a status quo-lover...in what way are you NOT the very essence of a modern 'enlightened' tory?

With this simple statement does the earth get piled upon the grave of moon23's analysis. © Bullies and dick waving bastards.
heh i knew this unity would be short lived :D

i have no idea about that (genuinely) as i was only born in 1988 !!
I remember trying to get Labourites to sign that petition too. The right-wingers pointed out that they hadn't interfered with half the SWP York branch being expelled, so we should bugger off. The Millies (ever so politely) asked whether we thought anyone in the Labour Party would give a flying fuck what the SWP said.
The Millies (ever so politely) asked whether we thought anyone in the Labour Party would give a flying fuck what the SWP said.

Yep, that was the general view - "erm... yep... thanks, but why are you bothering?". :)

Anyway back to the students protest...
why would the SWP complain "about Militant splitting from the Labour party" ? can you explain that, as it makes precisely zero sense ?

I don't bloody know, that's what this bunch of people were going on about. Maybe they were winding me up or something.
What did you attack the tories for moon?

The Local Lib/Lab coalition has been running a consultation on where cuts need to be made. The Tories said it was a waste of time, and one actually said the electorate don't know best. So we did a nice attack leaflet condeming the Tories for wanting to ignore the views of local people.
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