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London Anarchist Bookfair 2015: predictions/dramas/confrontations...

Already happened a few years back, so she's done it and probably wrote about it too... "I was there on the front line..."

Now, more importantly, where's the nearest Wetherspoons to the new venue?
Holborn or Angel probably. There is a pub nearby called The Lincoln Lounge which is alright , bit small though.
I suppose you know you can download a cut-down pdf version Copse: A Cartoon Manual of Tree Protesting but, yeah, not the same as a real paper book.

Had been aware of that online version a little while back, so thanks for the reminder. And that's better than nothing tbf.

But what you really want is the real thing as you say :(

I really need one day soon(ish) to splash out and actually buy stupidly expensive real old copies of both Copse, and Squatting : the Real Story (1980, and out of print for ever :( )

Now THAT was a great book when I last thumbed through it around 35(ish) years ago ...
It is horrible thinking of the books one once had but gave away, or the books one nearly bought but failed to 'cos food is useful too, the books lent out and never returned, the books lost in transit, all the books that now that are gone and out of reach. :( There ought to be some sort of special grief or bereavement counselling. :D

In fact, there should be a national Day of the Disappeared Books and the mourning thereof, silent vigils, candles, prayers to be said in churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, gurdwaras, oak groves, everyboodywhere, and sorrow and lamenting throughout the land.

Then everyone goes to the pub, obviously. :)

EDIT - "everyboodywhere" was meant to be "everybloodywhere", obviously, but whatever the boody creatures are, I'm sure they lament the lost books too.
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Had been aware of that online version a little while back, so thanks for the reminder. And that's better than nothing tbf.

But what you really want is the real thing as you say :(

I really need one day soon(ish) to splash out and actually buy stupidly expensive real old copies of both Copse, and Squatting : the Real Story (1980, and out of print for ever :( )

Now THAT was a great book when I last thumbed through it around 35(ish) years ago ...

I've got a copy of Copse in good condition. I'm away from home, but give me a message in a few weeks and I'll dig it out and sure we can come to some arrangement. :D
TBF some of my university peers are involved in it and I'm struggling to keep my bile down - they're really nice and compassionate people but that's not what I base political work on, otherwise I'd work with labourites and the AWL! wanted to meet, organise and discuss with fellow communists and class struggle anarchists but it seems like I'm literally the only one with a true internationalist, anti-reconquering union posts for the working-class, and anti-electorial position. :(

I even heard an anarchist at my uni wanting to set up red unions. Honestly! :facepalm:
Are you ICC?
Are you ICC?

No. At the moment I don't belong to any formal leftcom organisation though my politics are close to those of the ICT/CWO - though so much of their literature is in print that I need to discuss with comrades before deciding whether to join, attend their meetings etc. I'd like to see a more developed theory of imperialism on their front that avoids the decomposition stuff of the ICC without necessarily taking Leninist decadence as a given, though in principle I accept decadence/decline and I even did when I was a soft Trot(ish) marxist cf. Ticktin, I just think it needs updating.

But yeah at the moment my home situation is quite dire and I can't afford to make my communism public outside the university.
Are you ICC?

Heavens no. ICC are nuts TBF, bunch of old weirdos with an utterly untenable parasitism theory, a central organ that doesn't need to coordinate anything because most of the comrades agree with it and when disagreement surfaces the organ collapses or covertly adopts positions behind the party and cause people to leave. A bit like Trots in some regards. It's only their politics that are good in theory, and some of the texts they have put up are worth reading. They're still my comrades as they hold revolutionary positions but I wouldn't dream of joining them in a million years. See also the entire Turkish section resignation statement from the ICC and their new organisation
Pale Blue Jadal

CC. You should read that frogwoman sihhi - think it'll interest you both.
They also completely misread Marx and Bordiga on the historical proletarian party under capitalism westcoast1, substituting it for mere formalism, like the Leninists do. They actually have the gall to say that if they stop existing then the international world party is impossible and hope of a communist revolution is lost. Absolutely barmy!
Isn't that Kings Cross development a private space?

it's in a university, surely it's technically the same kind of space as any other university as in the previous venues - although in practice educational institutions vary wildly in terms of security
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To return to the original point - best local pubs are either the cider tap (euston arch) or the www.thebreelouise.com

I have been going to the bookfair for the past 7 years since getting back to the UK and am looking forward to meeting my first genuine anarchist. Basically it is a hell hole for anti-social psuedo ultra leftists. ;) William surely you can bunk a train and we can meet at last!! There are still some routemasters in London I am sure.
Already happened a few years back, so she's done it and probably wrote about it too... "I was there on the front line..."

Now, more importantly, where's the nearest Wetherspoons to the new venue?

Her descriptions of existing on life 'front line' are about as reliable as the 'front line' despatches of Claud Cockburn.
My not very young driving instructor (teaching me right now) asked about some Class War related stuff recently (he used to hang out with Ian Bone, he claims, when IB was still in Swansea a zillion years ago).

Bone's autobiography "Bash The Rich" is a great read and has a bunch of stuff about Swansea - you can get it cheap too. Or I could get one for you...? Might be a good present for your instructor :D
Heavens no. ICC are nuts TBF, bunch of old weirdos with an utterly untenable parasitism theory, a central organ that doesn't need to coordinate anything because most of the comrades agree with it and when disagreement surfaces the organ collapses or covertly adopts positions behind the party and cause people to leave. A bit like Trots in some regards. It's only their politics that are good in theory, and some of the texts they have put up are worth reading. They're still my comrades as they hold revolutionary positions but I wouldn't dream of joining them in a million years. See also the entire Turkish section resignation statement from the ICC and their new organisation
Pale Blue Jadal

CC. You should read that frogwoman sihhi - think it'll interest you both.
I think the problem you find with being so purest- which is admirable. Is that due to the vast majority of the population not being into obscure political theory- unless you operate with other socialist, communists and anarchists in certain activities- you will be confined to being a one man and his dog organisation.
I think the problem you find with being so purest- which is admirable. Is that due to the vast majority of the population not being into obscure political theory- unless you operate with other socialist, communists and anarchists in certain activities- you will be confined to being a one man and his dog organisation.

i mean i can see this for certain strains of anarchism but the left communist criticisms actually resulted out of existing struggles, it's not purist handringing for the sake of it. We don't criticise unions, natlib and parliamentarism for the sake of it, we criticise them in reference to the failures of past and present concrete struggles.
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