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London 20th- anyone going?

I will be there - is there a North London feeder march? Bloomsbury Square like the last one?
I didnt even know about it til now.

Ironically I cant go because its the last day of my adult education course... :(
Did some street-leafletting this morning with people I work with, response was quite good. (I.e about one in ten took a flyer, some people smiled, nobody told us to fuck off).
shall we all meet in the elephants graveyard/pacemakers arms after? (Quebec Arms just round the corner from marble arch station called elephants graveyard as it's a gay pub which caters for the older gent) It always seems to be chock full of protesters after a march.
All UNISON members and their families are asked to join the TUC March against Government cuts and attacks on the NHS this Saturday 20 October.
We need to send a strong message to Ministers to deliver an economic policy to create jobs and growth, a society that benefits from world class public services and a commitment to a fairer future.

Saturday 20 October, 10am, Embankment, Central London - look for the UNISON banners & flags.

Marching to Hyde Park from 12 noon
Just got this from Unison

10am start - might roll up at 11 or so, if it is big - people won't have set off yet

Wow, the Daily Mirror is giving it its full backing and lots of publicity

and yes, I hope its peaceful, let the numbers speak for themselves...
yes what's needed is definitely a completely passive ineffectual march from a to b without any action being taken what so ever which might upset or affect the establishment or the status quo... that'll speak to the upper class usurpers in power, nothing says class war and stop the dogmatic destruction of the welfare state like total inaction...

strikes fear in the hearts of the right wing... I mean that worked so well to stop the war didn't it, it really got the point about student fees accross, it sorted out the whole sale privatisation of the NHS didn't it...

co-opted descent and neutralise it... still I'm sure a lot of papers will be sold so that means progress eh comrades....

if you're going to do this protest then take over parliament and don't leave until they start storming the place and shooting... what the arab spring surely has taught anyone is if you accede to their requests to politely move along and congregate only in sanctioned areas then they will murder you one by one in your beds...

if you want change and want to effect change then sadly you need to stay put and not leave and be prepared to he attacked byt he forces of the state until the ground swell is such that it is no longer viable for those holding the reins of power to remain.

but the likelihood of anyone bothering to do this short of a few anti war campaigners is nil as people are too self centred and have work on Monday, besides it might rain...

they govern by our consent, or in this case because of our apathy...

enjoy your jaunty stroll across London, but please don't think it's some kind of statement other than you're capitulating with the status quo...
its alla bit last minute.com

just for reference this gets on my tit's more than pretty much anything it's like the entire world hasn't quite understood that every time they say or use this phrase they are in fact advertising the company like some moronic parrots...

yeah I'm well anti capitalist yeah we should protest against the powers that be anchovi in the OK sponsored by mcdonals and nike a cola ...

fucking lifestylers...
The TUC strongly discourages feeder marches as it is unable to steward them, and they block roads that may be need for disabled and other access vital to the march. Nor will it stop its march to allow unofficial feeder marches to join. They will need to wait for the entire march to pass. But there is nothing to stop people making informal arrangements to meet around the form-up area and walk (on pavements as pedestrians) to the march - or meet elsewhere and travel together by public transport.


Probably don't want to be associated with other actions.
yes what's needed is definitely a completely passive ineffectual march from a to b without any action being taken what so ever which might upset or affect the establishment or the status quo... that'll speak to the upper class usurpers in power, nothing says class war and stop the dogmatic destruction of the welfare state like total inaction...

strikes fear in the hearts of the right wing... I mean that worked so well to stop the war didn't it, it really got the point about student fees accross, it sorted out the whole sale privatisation of the NHS didn't it...

co-opted descent and neutralise it... still I'm sure a lot of papers will be sold so that means progress eh comrades....

if you're going to do this protest then take over parliament and don't leave until they start storming the place and shooting... what the arab spring surely has taught anyone is if you accede to their requests to politely move along and congregate only in sanctioned areas then they will murder you one by one in your beds...

if you want change and want to effect change then sadly you need to stay put and not leave and be prepared to he attacked byt he forces of the state until the ground swell is such that it is no longer viable for those holding the reins of power to remain.

but the likelihood of anyone bothering to do this short of a few anti war campaigners is nil as people are too self centred and have work on Monday, besides it might rain...

they govern by our consent, or in this case because of our apathy...

enjoy your jaunty stroll across London, but please don't think it's some kind of statement other than you're capitulating with the status quo...

LOL. Let's see what happens on the day, eh? :)
yes what's needed is definitely a completely passive ineffectual march from a to b without any action being taken what so ever which might upset or affect the establishment or the status quo... that'll speak to the upper class usurpers in power, nothing says class war and stop the dogmatic destruction of the welfare state like total inaction...

strikes fear in the hearts of the right wing... I mean that worked so well to stop the war didn't it, it really got the point about student fees accross, it sorted out the whole sale privatisation of the NHS didn't it...

co-opted descent and neutralise it... still I'm sure a lot of papers will be sold so that means progress eh comrades....

if you're going to do this protest then take over parliament and don't leave until they start storming the place and shooting... what the arab spring surely has taught anyone is if you accede to their requests to politely move along and congregate only in sanctioned areas then they will murder you one by one in your beds...

if you want change and want to effect change then sadly you need to stay put and not leave and be prepared to he attacked byt he forces of the state until the ground swell is such that it is no longer viable for those holding the reins of power to remain.

but the likelihood of anyone bothering to do this short of a few anti war campaigners is nil as people are too self centred and have work on Monday, besides it might rain...

they govern by our consent, or in this case because of our apathy...

enjoy your jaunty stroll across London, but please don't think it's some kind of statement other than you're capitulating with the status quo...
Do some of your bombs garf
sure ... let's... though forgive me if I don't hold my breath that this will be the start of the second British revolution where we see cameron clegg blair and cos swinging from lampposts at marble arch...

If I can't grandstand on the internet with my shouty rhetoric it's not my second British revolution.
Do some of your bombs garf
uhuh... thanks for your as usual eloquent input it's genuinely invaluable without it what would us nihilistic shits do... still I'm waiting for you to email mail me that approved list of political actions it's sanctioned I can take until I get that then I'm just going to be frittering away all that energy maybe in things which you aren't sanctioning...

when will you actually post up something of substance rather than your constant trolling and sniping... can you really only sneer and are incapable of stating what your position is....

We look to you dear leader, we look to you...

as the chief Manarchist of urban where else can we go????
uhuh... thanks for your as usual eloquent input it's genuinely invaluable without it what would us nihilistic shits do... still I'm waiting for you to email mail me that approved list of political actions it's sanctioned I can take until I get that then I'm just going to be frittering away all that energy maybe in things which you aren't sanctioning...

I approve of you staying away from the march. Or if you come, staying away from me and the people I'm with.
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