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Liz Truss’s time is up

Well folks, I'd love to join in the fun here but I've just had the call and apparently I have to be on standby because next time one of them resigns it's my turn to have a ministerial job.

If yours hasn't come up yet don't worry, I'm sure it won't be long.
Christ. The word 'unprecedented' is becoming routine and redundant.

When do we get to see a televised fist-fight in the Chamber?
At this rate tomorrow probably

Chief whip and deputy resigned lol
The way they are going on they will have to take a page out of the Russian Army's playbook and start snatching people off the streets to be Government ministers.
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By over a hundred votes when there was a rebellion expected. That's twenty more than their majority.
There's 90ish abstentions/absences. When do we get the breakdown of who got flung across which lobby? I reckon some of the opposition couldn't be arsed , keep turning the knife slower.
There are 356 tory MPs. 326 voted No. I can't imagine many, if any, non-Tories voted No, so maximum 30 rebellion, probably at least one or two are in hospital/on remand or something so absent.
If yours hasn't come up yet don't worry, I'm sure it won't be long.

Is this like the covid jab where my Mrs got one six months before me just because she once got some inhalable steroids from the doctor? Is there anything I can do to bump myself up the queue? Only I've got other stuff to be doing, so I'd like to get my Home Secretary service out the way quick smart. Besides, I'd just legalise all the things then have nowt all else to do tbf.
Is this like the covid jab where my Mrs got one six months before me just because she once got some inhalable steroids from the doctor? Is there anything I can do to bump myself up the queue? Only I've got other stuff to be doing, so I'd like to get my Home Secretary service out the way quick smart. Besides, I'd just legalise all the things then have nowt all else to do tbf.
It's only going to be a couple of days I'm sure you can squeeze it in.
Is this like the covid jab where my Mrs got one six months before me just because she once got some inhalable steroids from the doctor? Is there anything I can do to bump myself up the queue? Only I've got other stuff to be doing, so I'd like to get my Home Secretary service out the way quick smart. Besides, I'd just legalise all the things then have nowt all else to do tbf.

From the spectator.
One MP who witnessed Morton walking past with the Prime Minister’s PPS, tells me: ‘She’s as mad as thunder and is saying ‘unbelievable’.’ Craig Whittaker has just come out of the lobby and said ‘I am fucking furious and I don’t give a fuck anymore.’
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