Bring back hanging
The true mark of being in government, people think you are two faced fuckers. Never mind Labour's double U-Turn on fees or the Tories U-Turn on fees. It doesn't matter, ultimately parties are unpopular when in government fall our of government win back popularity and get back in. At least Labour had Union apologists supporting them in power and the Tories their own powerbase. Of course a minor party is going to get bum rapped when in government without that kind of structural support.
The Lib Dems have been a protest party up until now, but it’s better to have a term in office and make some positive changes then heckle at the side-lines. I think some of the things the Lib Dems are doing are worthwhile, and that it’s worth taking a hit in popularity.
I think it will be a shame if some good Councillors lose their seats in May, you get good and bad councillors in all parties and it’s frustrating when bad ones get elected and good ones get defeated on national rather than local issues.
Lots of people thought you were two faced rat fuckers before the coalition. Now a lot more people think that way. Now a lot more people know that you're two faced fuckers. Nothing you say can help you now - nothing about 'union apologists' (want to expand on that?), no attempt to paint the extraordinary as ordinary, as the normal run of things - none of this will help you now.