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Lambeth's plans to demolish Cressingham Gardens and other estates without the consent of residents

Errrrr, just one moment. I note the fake 'Selective Outrage' here, have you all failed to see the endless abuse from David Warner, or does that not matter?

David Warner went on the attack immediately and was very personal indeed, even going as far to accuse me (Daniel Fitzgerald) of racism just because I challenged a councillor along with many others, who happens to be black about her vile pro demolition position on Central Hill. I note that NONE of you here or on the Buzz thread commented on this outrage except violentpanda.

David Warner who remained silent throughout event then took to his keyboard after the event and went on the attack.

He also argues that councillors Jim Dickson, Becca Thackray, Jennifer Braithwaite deserve respect ffs!

This man is danger to council residents and is no more than a Lambeth Council Brown Shirt doing all their filth for them.

As always those who should be offering support don't. Interesting that after a bit of digging many of the above wingers are home owners and are not council residents like us on the receiving end of years of Lambeth council, Lambeth councilors abuse who bully and gaslight.

Even the wonderful Buzz in the past year has seemingly lost its sting and its free thinking non partisan position, going soft on Corbyn and especially the Greens.

The point is this, if you want to get personal & worse to openly lie and smear, then you are in No Position to play Cry Bully when some shit is thrown back at you.

The video of the entire event filmed by three of us no less, is vast. I'm chasing up it will be posted in its entirety. Watch this space.
If I was a member of a residents' association, I wouldn't want this kind of thing written in my name. Regardless of what the person who it was aimed at might have said or done. And it would likely make me steer well clear of ever engaging with you whether or not I supported your cause. Many people reading that comments section will simply be put off getting involved with supporting Cressingham gardens, people who might have something useful to offer.

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If I was a member of a residents' association, I wouldn't want this kind of thing written in my name. Regardless of what the person who it was aimed at might have said or done. And it would likely make me steer well clear of ever engaging with you whether or not I supported your cause. Many people reading that comments section will simply be put off getting involved with supporting Cressingham gardens, people who might have something useful to offer.

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Like I said, selective outrage, David Warner was a Cllr after all who likes to attack council residents.

Please leave your responsibility politics at home.
I/we haven't got the resources to send people to cover many meetings so the account was sent in and reproduced in good faith, and to at least keep the topic in the news. You - like anyone else - are of course welcome to send in your own articles.

I can't say I've been happy with the tone of the comments in the Buzz piece, but I don't think it's my place to start censoring people or to take sides.

I'm not sure where you're getting the 'going soft' stuff. I don't think we've published a single article about Corbyn and the last time we posted anything about the Green Party was in December last year - and I'm quite happy to stand by the content in that piece
Green Party slams Lambeth Council transport plan for lack of ambition

Oh and I was sent the video but it was of such poor quality, I decided not to include it (although I'm happy to add a link).
Hi.....which video? The short video of Cllr Thackray attempt to sabotage our TRA is on YouTube in HQ, just Google her name &/or 'in bed with the opposition'

If you mean the entire event then I'm chasing all three people who filmed it, so far as its almost 2 1/2 hours long they are having some difficulty downloading.

Yes I appreciate how bogged down you must be. On a personal level I'm bored with nit picking and criticism by many on this thread.

As far as Cllrs are concerned we're fucked, Rachel Heywood got booted out, all 58 Labour Cllrs are to the right of most Tories, the Greens interestingly bollocked Thackray after our event especially about her closeness to Dickson. But of course put on a united front in public as Cllr Elliott did at our event.

As for working with Tim Briggs, all the key Housing Activists friends from Cressingham and Central Hill, no fools as you know, like him and so do I. Our relationship with him is strictly around Regen and he has been absolutely great. I was suprised too when I first met him 3 years ago.

But this is surely more of a reflection on the dire state of politics in Lambeth that a lone Tory is to the left socially of our entire 58 strong Lambeth Labour cabinet & MPs?

I'm chasing video evidence and happy to send directly to you. It should be HQ too.
I beg to differ.

The people posting up made clear they are leading lights in SUTL.

A lot of people like me who can't make meeitings due to work depend on internet.

That is the norm now.

When I engage with SUTL on the article I get load of shit. Like my mate, a commited community activist. Apparently the wrong kind.

Once he gets criticised they get there mates in to have a go.

Using mental health is hate speech. IMO

We live our lives on the internet more now. Its not to be dismissed as just pissy.
Nonsense, this not about you or your awful friend, it's about both of your actions.

Yes defend your friends by all means but NOT WHEN THEY MANIPULATE & LIE.
Nonsense, this not about you or your awful friend, it's about both of your actions.

Yes defend your friends by all means but NOT WHEN THEY MANIPULATE & LIE.

You aren't doing yourself any favours here.

I'm one who has followed the Cressingham Gardens issue. Including turning up to the demo a while back and buying the T shirt.

I'm against the Council plans for Cressingham Gardens. I have , as I have posted before , been up against it with Council officers. I also knew Rachel well and campaigned to get her re elected as an Independent. I could go on.

The way you've been going on here and on the comments section of the Brixton Buzz piece isnt helping your cause.

I still oppose the Council plans for Cressingham, despite what you say about me personally, but I have reservations about you. The way you are going on is potentially alienating people who are sympathetic.
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You aren't doing yourself any favours here.

I'm one who has followed the Cressingham Gardens issue. Including turning up to the demo a while back and buying the T shirt.

I'm against the Council plans for Cressingham Gardens. I have , as I have posted before , been up against it with Council officers. I also knew Rachel well and campaigned to get her re elected as an Independent. I could go on.

The way you've been going on here and on the comments section of the Brixton Buzz piece isnt helping your cause.

I still oppose the Council plans for Cressingham, despite what you say about me personally, but I have reservations about you. The way you are going on is potentially alienating people who are sympathetic.
Your irrelevant, frankly our cause doesn't need blinkered self pitting, overly sensitive, swollen egos such as yours especially when you defend the indefensible. What use could you possibly be? You're a direct threat to our wellbeing.

Who gives a fuck that you think Thackray is nice when video evidence proves she is equal to the worst Progress Labour parasites. She is a malevolent monster and you should be challenging her too not defending her ffs.

Whilst Tories in government are a disaster it's LABOUR who run Lambeth and 2/3 of London boroughs, 22 London boroughs in total out of 33 are under Labour control. It is LABOUR who are Socially Cleaning the poor out of London way more than Tories. As on our posters 195 council estates either demolished or about to be demolished under Labour vrs 37 under Tories and 5 under Lib Dem. Yet you winge on about Cllr Briggs being invited defend Cllr Thackray & ignore the 58 Progress Labour Lambeth pricks and cunts (Cllrs) entirely. What world are you living in, it's certainly not the same one that I inhabit!!!

Your Selective Outrage regarding 'Dodgy Dave' Warner, a man with no balls who only opens his big gob (from the safety of his keyboard & a nice house he owns) to lie & slander those at the mercy of Lambeth council as their landlord, renders you no better than him.

Lastly, and I shouldn't have to spell this out, but it's obvious I need to, every person I know fighting Regen in Lambeth including myself, battle at various times with high stress, deep depression, exhaustion and despair. I count myself luckier than many because as far as I know my estate is not yet on the Regen list, but who knows that could change at any time. However most of us prefer to keep our personal wows private and not flaunt them in public, it's very undignified.

Frankly at this rate I'll be checking myself into the bleeding Maudsley for a long stay & if I do I'll be dragging your mate along with me.
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Your irrelevant, frankly our cause doesn't need blinkered self pitting, overly sensitive, swollen egos such as yours especially when you defend the indefensible. What use could you possibly be? You're a direct threat to our wellbeing.

Who gives a fuck that you think Thackray is nice when video evidence proves she is equal to the worst Progress Labour parasites. She is a malevolent monster and you should be challenging her too not defending her ffs.

Whilst Tories in government are a disaster it's LABOUR who run Lambeth and 2/3 of London boroughs, 22 London boroughs in total out of 33 are under Labour control. It is LABOUR who are Socially Cleaning the poor out of London way more than Tories. As on our posters 195 council estates either demolished or about to be demolished under Labour vrs 37 under Tories and 5 under Lib Dem. Yet you winge on about Cllr Briggs being invited defend Cllr Thackray & ignore the 58 Progress Labour Lambeth pricks and cunts (Cllrs) entirely. What world are you living in, it's certainly not the same one that I inhabit!!!

Your Selective Outrage regarding 'Dodgy Dave' Warner, a man with no balls who only opens his big gob (from the safety of his keyboard & a nice house he owns) to lie & slander those at the mercy of Lambeth council as their landlord, renders you no better than him.

Lastly, and I shouldn't have to spell this out, but it's obvious I need to, every person I know fighting Regen in Lambeth including myself, battle at various times with high stress, deep depression, exhaustion and despair. I count myself luckier than many because as far as I know my estate is not yet on the Regen list, but who knows that could change at any time. However most of us prefer to keep our personal wows private and not flaunt them in public, it's very undignified.

Frankly at this rate I'll be checking myself into the bleeding Maudsley for a long stay & if I do I'll be dragging your mate along with me.
Daniel, I think you're going after the wrong guys here. Or at least you're going too hard + too soon on folks that I think are sympathetic to what you're trying to achieve and who would be supporters.

(And I'm pretty sure you'll think I'm wrong... I don't want an argument, I just think really strongly that we need to build a broad base of support to fight against the council. And FWIW - and as I think you know - I totally object to Cllr Thackray re the TRA and her excuses about it)
Daniel, I think you're going after the wrong guys here. Or at least you're going too hard + too soon on folks that I think are sympathetic to what you're trying to achieve and who would be supporters.

(And I'm pretty sure you'll think I'm wrong... I don't want an argument, I just think really strongly that we need to build a broad base of support to fight against the council. And FWIW - and as I think you know - I totally object to Cllr Thackray re the TRA and her excuses about it)
I appreciate your latter comments however Gransci & partner in crime Dodgy Dave Warner are traitors and no more than Lambeth Council Brown Shirts doing their dirty work for them. They deserve bollocking.
I appreciate your latter comments however Gransci & partner in crime Dodgy Dave Warner are traitors and no more than Lambeth Council Brown Shirts doing their dirty work for them. They deserve bollocking.

I have said that I don't support Lambeth Council on its plans to "regenerate" its Council estates.

Your just being grossly abusive.
Your irrelevant, frankly our cause doesn't need blinkered self pitting, overly sensitive, swollen egos such as yours especially when you defend the indefensible. What use could you possibly be? You're a direct threat to our wellbeing.

Who gives a fuck that you think Thackray is nice when video evidence proves she is equal to the worst Progress Labour parasites. She is a malevolent monster and you should be challenging her too not defending her ffs.

Whilst Tories in government are a disaster it's LABOUR who run Lambeth and 2/3 of London boroughs, 22 London boroughs in total out of 33 are under Labour control. It is LABOUR who are Socially Cleaning the poor out of London way more than Tories. As on our posters 195 council estates either demolished or about to be demolished under Labour vrs 37 under Tories and 5 under Lib Dem. Yet you winge on about Cllr Briggs being invited defend Cllr Thackray & ignore the 58 Progress Labour Lambeth pricks and cunts (Cllrs) entirely. What world are you living in, it's certainly not the same one that I inhabit!!!

Your Selective Outrage regarding 'Dodgy Dave' Warner, a man with no balls who only opens his big gob (from the safety of his keyboard & a nice house he owns) to lie & slander those at the mercy of Lambeth council as their landlord, renders you no better than him.

Lastly, and I shouldn't have to spell this out, but it's obvious I need to, every person I know fighting Regen in Lambeth including myself, battle at various times with high stress, deep depression, exhaustion and despair. I count myself luckier than many because as far as I know my estate is not yet on the Regen list, but who knows that could change at any time. However most of us prefer to keep our personal wows private and not flaunt them in public, it's very undignified.

Frankly at this rate I'll be checking myself into the bleeding Maudsley for a long stay & if I do I'll be dragging your mate along with me.

I don't follow your argument.

I have never said I think Thackery is nice.

You also say I ignore the Progress Cllrs.

I don't understand this. I've already said I think New Labour were not sympathetic to Council Housing.

I also actively supported ex Cllr Rachel when she tried to get re elected. Going out leafleting for her. Because I felt the Progress led Labour Group was pushing out a hard-working recent Labour Cllr who stood up for residents. So how you can say I ignore the 58 Progress Cllrs is beyond me.
I appreciate your latter comments however Gransci & partner in crime Dodgy Dave Warner are traitors and no more than Lambeth Council Brown Shirts doing their dirty work for them. They deserve bollocking.
Brown shirts? As in fascists? You are REALLY out of line here. If you've anything to do with the campaign to save council housing I hope you get nowhere near a journalist. This is a terrible, totally unaccceptable libel

The SA — Sturmabteilung, meaning ‘assault division’ — also known as the Brownshirts or Storm Troopers, was a violent paramilitary group attached to the Nazi Party in pre-World War Two Germany.
I've followed this thread in solidarity more than in hope over the past years but this, regardless of the source seems positive

Kate Hoey


Just heard this great news. Well done all who have campaigned
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Tom Keene

· Jul 11
BIG NEWS. The first stage of Cressingham's Right to Transfer application has been approved by the secretary of state!! Next steps involve a Ballot to confirm resident approval, development of a business plan, and more! The gov decision is here: (link: Right to transfer determination: Cressingham Gardens Estate) gov.uk/government/pub…
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Is this as good as it seems?
In theory this is a very good outcome for the residents - the big issue now is raising the finance (or finding suitable partners) to be able to buy the estate from the Council.

The big issue is the feasibility study.

Because we had talks with various financial institutions when we proposed our People's Plan for the estate, we know there's money out there at affordable interest, and that what we'd need to borrow is affordable given the estate's rental and service charge income.
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