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Lambeth Council elections 2022


Well-Known Member
Got my polling card today. Election on 5th May.

With the change in ward boundaries it might not be such a walk over for the Labour One party state of Lambeth.

Thought I'd start a thread for all things election related.
I've heard that the membership of Coldharbour ward has collapsed since Starmer made his intentions clear. Which are at variance to what he promised to those members who voted for him.

Remaining members aren't turning out to Ward meetings which are now back to pre Corbyn days of struggling to hold quorate meetings.

I've heard from a few local members that people are refusing to go and canvass for New Labour/ Progress Cllrs.

In Streatham it's been a struggle to enthuse members help with canvassing.

Can't say I blame them.
One of the more laughable Lambeth Labour tweets to encourage people to vote Labour.

The Somerleyton road site has been a disaster. Not one house built.

Theatre got their own funding and took them time to get Lambeth let them build.

How they think they can use Somerleyton road in election propaganda is beyond a joke.

And this. "Rooted in communities" and "diverse".

You only get to be a candidate if you worship the good old days of Tony Blair. Even better if you join Progress. Hate "Trots" ( ie anyone to the left of Peter Mandelson)

Definitely not rooted in communities. That's one way to get expelled from Labour group like Rachel was. Any sign of siding with the community and your brought in for a chat with Chief Whip or Leader.

And this. "Rooted in communities" and "diverse".

You only get to be a candidate if you worship the good old days of Tony Blair. Even better if you join Progress. Hate "Trots" ( ie anyone to the left of Peter Mandelson)

Definitely not rooted in communities. That's one way to get expelled from Labour group like Rachel was. Any sign of siding with the community and your brought in for a chat with Chief Whip or Leader.

There is an interesting complaint in the Twitter thread above - saying that Lambeth Labour used a Swedish stock photo of a happy black resident - because they couldn't find a happy black resident here (due to LTNs of course)

Nice to know someone out there has the same kind of tangential thinking logic as myself.
Take a tip from me mate - you won't be leader of the Labour group thinking like that!
And this. "Rooted in communities" and "diverse".

You only get to be a candidate if you worship the good old days of Tony Blair. Even better if you join Progress. Hate "Trots" ( ie anyone to the left of Peter Mandelson)
Hmm I was involved in the local selection from my ward and there was a diverse mix of candidates we could choose from and several certainly not progress-linked and from the left of the party. If they weren't chosen that's down to the members in the ward who turned up to vote.
Hmm I was involved in the local selection from my ward and there was a diverse mix of candidates we could choose from and several certainly not progress-linked and from the left of the party. If they weren't chosen that's down to the members in the ward who turned up to vote.

Had they gone through the Local Campaign Forum first?
They must have done if they were allowing the full local membership to vote on them. I'm not saying the LCF didn't weed some out before letting us vote (I have no idea, I'm not well connected) but that the list we voted for was definitely not all progress

Green party candidates. Not standing in all wards

The new boundaries mean LJ/ Herne Hill and central Brixton boundaries have changed

Central Brixton is now Windrush Ward. Covering Moorlands, Barrier Block , market area and Rec, part of the terraced streets around Railton. Plus CHL up to Shakespeare road.

Clkr Becca Thackeray and Tom Wood standing in this new two Cllr ward.

Against Cllr Donatus and Cllr Scarlett O'Hara.

Not sure where Cllr Emma Nye is going.

Cllr Becca Thackeray is Cllr in Herne hill. Don't know why she is not on the Herne hill / LJ ward list.

Tom Wood is long time local living in the new Ward. Has done a lot behind the scenes for Lambeth Greens. Deserves a go at being a Cllr.

Scarlett O'Hara is very nice but learnt not to rock the boat.

Cllr Donatus really ought to be voted out. On right of Labour party for ever. Assumes has job for life. Puts loyalty to Lambeth Labour first. Loathed Corbyn. Talks a lot but never says or does anything that would upset the leadership.

It would be so good to have Cllr from another party for this ward. It's pointless having Labour Cllrs for Ward like this.

Officers and Council policies/ action need to be questioned in a Ward like this. It simply doesn't happen with Labour Cllrs.
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Hopefully LJ/ Herne Hill will have more than one Cllr after election.

Though I've noticed that Cllr Jim Dickson has been falling over himself to be helpful to residents last few years. Due in part to almost losing seat last time around.

The library issue was alive at last election.

Green party candidates. Not standing in all wards

The new boundaries mean LJ/ Herne Hill and central Brixton boundaries have changed

Central Brixton is now Windrush Ward. Covering Moorlands, Barrier Block , market area and Rec, part of the terraced streets around Railton. Plus CHL up to Shakespeare road.

Clkr Becca Thackeray and Tom Wood standing in this new two Cllr ward.

Against Cllr Donatus and Cllr Scarlett O'Hara.

Not sure where Cllr Emma Nye is going.

Cllr Becca Thackeray is Cllr in Herne hill. Don't know why she is not on the Herne hill / LJ ward list.

Tom Wood is long time local living in the new Ward. Has done a lot behind the scenes for Lambeth Greens. Deserves a go at being a Cllr.

Scarlett O'Hara is very nice but learnt not to rock the boat.

Cllr Donatus really ought to be voted out. On right of Labour party for ever. Assumes has job for life. Puts loyalty to Lambeth Labour first. Loathed Corbyn. Talks a lot but never says or does anything that would upset the leadership.

It would be so good to have Cllr from another party for this ward. It's pointless having Labour Cllrs for Ward like this.

Officers and Council policies/ action need to be questioned in a Ward like this. It simply doesn't happen with Labour Cllrs.
I think Cllr Becca Thackeray is agent for the Green candidates in most wards - which is a legal responsibility. If the election expenses run over, or don't add up that could be a fine for example (not that anyone has been fined in Lambeth in my memory - but getting the paperwork, right is a major issue).

I was going to post something caustic about Donatus - I've never forgiven him sending me up when I complained about the pavement in my part of Coldharbour Lane never being maintained.
"The Liberals have spent all the money in Streatham" he quipped. Very clever way of shutting down a moaning resident from an opposing party.
Smart guy - but I will always remember his handing out awards wearing "Black and White Minstrel" white gloves when he was Mayor. An odd custom it seemed - and I don't remember other Mayors doing this.
Operation Black Vote said Donatus was 46 in 2006 - so he is apparently 62 now. Maybe that's too early to retire.
Shame isn't it?
I think Cllr Becca Thackeray is agent for the Green candidates in most wards - which is a legal responsibility. If the election expenses run over, or don't add up that could be a fine for example (not that anyone has been fined in Lambeth in my memory - but getting the paperwork, right is a major issue).

I was going to post something caustic about Donatus - I've never forgiven him sending me up when I complained about the pavement in my part of Coldharbour Lane never being maintained.
"The Liberals have spent all the money in Streatham" he quipped. Very clever way of shutting down a moaning resident from an opposing party.
Smart guy - but I will always remember his handing out awards wearing "Black and White Minstrel" white gloves when he was Mayor. An odd custom it seemed - and I don't remember other Mayors doing this.
Operation Black Vote said Donatus was 46 in 2006 - so he is apparently 62 now. Maybe that's too early to retire.
Shame isn't it?
Oh yes Donatus is clever. He's had years living off senior Cllrs fat allowances.

He's what my Polish friends would call the Red Bourgeoisie. The later years of communist Poland had people who wormed their way up the communist hierarchy to get nice living. Not that they believed in it.

Some people will see where power and influence ls and work within the system.

He's one of them.
Green party pledges for the coming election.

They will replace Cabinet run Council with return to Committee system.

Stop the Labour deeply unpopular Estate "regeneration" programme and replace it with Retrofit of Council housing. Infilling were appropriate to increase housing.

Looks to me like the alternative for Labour voters in Lambeth is the Green party.
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A change of culture in how the Council is run would be welcome. The top down , not listening management style of the Labour group will continue if they get re elected.
Haven't seen much of the election around my way (ex Tulse Hill/Acre Lane way) - just a leaflet from the outgoing TH Labour councillors who are standing in the new ward, a month or two back. From social media I see they are out canvassing elsewhere.
We have a rather interesting Tory candidate in our ward, Lee Rotherham, who’s Twitter handle is @DrBrexit, has written a book called “Land of the Superwoke” and is apparently the chairman of the Museum of Brexit!

The Tories under Johnson really have lost it!

We have a rather interesting Tory candidate in our ward, Lee Rotherham, who’s Twitter handle is @DrBrexit, has written a book called “Land of the Superwoke” and is apparently the chairman of the Museum of Brexit!

The Tories under Johnson really have lost it!

View attachment 319413View attachment 319414
He looks like a dentists who enjoys doing root canals
Lee Rotherham, Author at BrexitCentral
The lack of right wing parties - UKIP, Reform, Brexit etc - really shows how the Tories have just happily absorbed these nutters.
The Tories have always absorbed nutters - look at this
The speech by Mrs Linda Whetsone of East Grinstead branch (a noted financial adviser then and now - IEA and all that) gets so bad Mrs T had to order them to strike up the band and sing the national anthem to shut her up!

* edit to correct Laura to Linda
The lack of right wing parties - UKIP, Reform, Brexit etc - really shows how the Tories have just happily absorbed these nutters.

I think for some on the Conservative side of Leave this was always a big part of the plan - unite the right/absorb the voters of the Leave coalition. People like Nick Timothy and his working class patriotism comments.
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