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Labour leadership

you know, often when I look at the make up of the modern PLP thats my first thought. They need more fucking manegerial sorts. lol

How does anyone think this is not already the case? One of the first things that struck me about the posh HR woman at my work that came and 'nicely' laid off people (told them there was nothing to worry about before talking about redundancies) last week was how similar her appearance, cadence and vocabulary was to politicians generally. I struggle to see a huge amount of difference between political parties and consultancies these days.
These new rules for Labour leadership elections are weird. Anyone can sign up as a "registered supporter" and get a vote. I just did. So can any Tory, mischief maker or loonspud - or anyone wih the IT skills and Experian data to manufacture and register fake IDs in bulk.

It really should be tied to membership, set at at least £20, to discourage that sort of thing.
russel told the grateful proleteriat to vote labour or green. We've been over this. However in your desperation to think your postal vote for the malthusians counts for shit you have to pretend other peoples abstentionism is somehow childish and trendy. Its sad really, a grown man reduced to trashing at non-voters using a flawed taunt and wanking along to whalesong tapes
russel told the grateful proleteriat to vote labour or green. We've been over this. However in your desperation to think your postal vote for the malthusians counts for shit you have to pretend other peoples abstentionism is somehow childish and trendy. Its sad really, a grown man reduced to trashing at non-voters using a flawed taunt and wanking along to whalesong tapes
From the other side of the world.
Lammy is my MP, I thought he had his sight firmly set on the Mayorality

I've observed before that Lammy seems to me... intellectually challenged. And his civil servants (back in the day) swore that every time they let him in front of an audience he go off piste and make policy up...
These new rules for Labour leadership elections are weird. Anyone can sign up as a "registered supporter" and get a vote. I just did. So can any Tory, mischief maker or loonspud - or anyone wih the IT skills and Experian data to manufacture and register fake IDs in bulk.

It really should be tied to membership, set at at least £20, to discourage that sort of thing.

I got a call today from Unite about this (I'm a member so no paranoia as I'd have given them my number at some point!). I was under the impression it was tied to being a union member - anyone know?
I thought the 'registered supporter' had a nominal charge attached - a quid or three quid, something like that. Wolmar (who's running a grass roots campaign for the Labour nomination) was pushing it recently. It's an attempt to get people on board cheaply, but more importantly harvest contact details for future spam.

Tories were trying a similar thing in some seats, having open primaries, because the bonus of doing this is it makes people aware of the candidate, a bit of mass publicity in advance of the election. I'd vote for the most charmless or freakish looking candidate just to hamper their chances.
I thought the 'registered supporter' had a nominal charge attached - a quid or three quid, something like that. Wolmar (who's running a grass roots campaign for the Labour nomination) was pushing it recently. It's an attempt to get people on board cheaply, but more importantly harvest contact details for future spam.

Interesting - the guy I spoke to today said there wasn't a cost (I did ask).
Shiny , charismatic,centrist but too smooth , public school + "lite" ? Remember reading that hes repeatedly shown himself to be not sturdy/resilient enough re: detail ?

He's undoubtedly very smart and when he's on the media I enjoy watching him. However, I've never found him particularly likeable on the media. I'm sure he's perfectly charming away from the TV and radio.
russel told the grateful proleteriat to vote labour or green.

But you had already been brain washed, he only told you at the last minute. Quite an arrogant little fuck aren't you?

We've been over this.

No, he said last minute. You were with the grateful proleteriat drawing cocks on your ballot.

However in your desperation to think your postal vote for the malthusians counts for shit you have to pretend other peoples abstentionism is somehow childish and trendy. Its sad really, a grown man reduced to trashing at non-voters using a flawed taunt and wanking along to whalesong tapes

You didn't vote. Apart from burning your bra you have no influence in anything that happens.

There will be no revolution, no bourgeoisie uprising, just sad people like you wanking over an internet forum that has nothing to give, even mums net has more influence.
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