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Labour leadership

details, details. as long as there's pictures in existence of him in fatigues in a godforsaken desert somewhere, we're good to roll.

Well, I'm not saying that about half the PLP won't be lining up behind him to give him a reach-around, but do you think they'd be doing that if he'd been a mere one-striper? :)
I suspect a lot of this is about Corbyn not having a clue that he might win till the campaign started, by which time it was too late. He's got a vaguely social democratic reply to austerity and vaguely hits the right notes around that. However there's no real sense of strategy for the game of power. He's running a party that he doesn't really control and even more so, a shadow cabinet he doesn't control. If anything the Blairites have been even more traitorous and willing to put themselves before any chance of winning the next election. Same time, with his mixture of free votes and devolved policy making, he's not really got a mechanism for destroying the fuckers.

I'm aware (I kind) of end up analysing this in the same terms of commentariat, in suggesting he isn't running a very effective 'project'. The bigger problem is that he isn't really building an alternative to westminster projects.

I strongly suspect that Corbyn is awaiting re-shuffle time with a smile on his lips, but that most of the soi disant "moderates" are too gormless or too blinded by their own self-regard to realise that they're marking their own cards.
Get some of them out of the way for reasons of disloyalty - not something the rest of the PLP can make a fuss about as it's S.O.P. - and he has a freer hand to put together both a cohesive cabinet and cohesive policy.

At least, that's how I would roll if I were a social democrat in his position.
details, details. as long as there's pictures in existence of him in fatigues in a godforsaken desert somewhere, we're good to roll.

Bringing democracy to you soon:

Tbf Dan jarvis didnt run and appears to have a personality rather than a smooth shiny suit thats come out of one of madelsons pods:rolleyes:.
A lot of people Trident people still belive we need it nobody else with nukes are making anymoves to disarm.
Uk gave up its chemical weapon arsernal in the 50's nobody else followed suit in fact the soviets had an extensive chemcial warfare capability. So unilaterialism doesnt work.
That said detterence only works if your detterimg someone buying it just because is a rather expensive boondoggle.
Syria 3 military interventions have ended badly round four isnt going to help
A lot of people Trident people still belive we need it nobody else with nukes are making anymoves to disarm.
Uk gave up its chemical weapon arsernal in the 50's nobody else followed suit in fact the soviets had an extensive chemcial warfare capability. So unilaterialism doesnt work.
Absolutely, Britain has been repeatedly decimated by chemical attacks since we gave up our chemical weapons arsenal. So shortsighted.
But UK hasn't been involved in a General war either. We kept nuclear weapons though.
But the soviets and the yanks kept their chemical arsenals.
Absolutely, Britain has been repeatedly decimated by chemical attacks since we gave up our chemical weapons arsenal. So shortsighted.

Costa Rica, a country with no army, is overrun regularly by brigands since they can't defend themselves :(
in a nuclear holocaust situ we be a target with or without an independant deterant because of uncle sams airbases and our own hefty amount of army things here, gchq 'assets' bases etc etc

I'd sell the scrapping of trident to someone who fears that having no UK personal nuclear capability would leave us at the mercy of Sauron on that basis. Uncle Sam would be bombing the enemy that had hit us anyway, its all a big military team. Which isn't what I'd like to be going on anyway BUT but in terms of pure cost alone the US have loads and we don't need one
Independent headline:

Jeremy Corbyn should resign over 'unacceptable' behaviour towards Syria air strikes vote, say senior Labour MPs

If they are senior MPs who are the junior MPs? Why do we never hear about junior MPs? We aren't talking about shadow cabinet as opposed to backbenchers because they are backbenchers. If you google "junior mp" you get Ian Paisley Jr. Maybe he is the only junior MP. So basically three MPs who aren't Ian Paisley Jr. Thank you for informing us of these MPs non junior status Independent newspaper! What would we do without you?
You call yourself Leftwinger. Which do you prefer, party democracy or party dictatorship?

It seems to me - no fan of the bombers myself - that Corbyn is hamstrung by the fact that he apparently lacks sufficient allies in the parliamentary LP, and the ones he does have like Abbot and McDonnell (sp?) seem a bit weak, to say the least. As a tactician, unless he is going to spring a surprise and I can't see it, he seems a bit poor. Even the lack of reply to all the abuse he has received. Him and his crew don't appear to be savvy operators at all.
It seems to me - no fan of the bombers myself - that Corbyn is hamstrung by the fact that he apparently lacks sufficient allies in the parliamentary LP, and the ones he does have like Abbot and McDonnell (sp?) seem a bit weak, to say the least. As a tactician, unless he is going to spring a surprise and I can't see it, he seems a bit poor. Even the lack of reply to all the abuse he has received. Him and his crew don't appear to be savvy operators at all.
He failed to have positions that were appropriate for maximum tactical political support within the Labour Party before being elected as leader? That's a bit of a tall order for someone who was apparently pretty surprised to be nominated in the first place.

I think Abbott's done pretty well so far btw.
I'm not saying I don't prefer him to the Blairites. Just he's not really making me think, `smart fuck, yeah, great thought`, all seems a bit well, Labour-lefty not very neo.
Anyway, the point is that the finest legal minds available have determined that, based on the precedent of a challenge against Kinnock, Corbyn needs PLP votes to stand against a challenge to him.
"The finest legal minds available"... just let that phrase sink in for a moment.

Some people think Alan Dershowitz is a "fine legal mind" but in reality, he's a fraud.
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