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Labour leadership

Posted on November 29, 2015 by rothpol


The Blairites have a new leader: David Cameron. It is clear that these parasites would sooner see Labour lose the next election rather than have it win under Corbyn. The attacks on him in the Tory press and media by these cretins is reaching epidemic proportions. They would clearly take any steps to discredit the democratically elected leader and return the party safe for the Tories and their friends in the City. He won the leadership under a voting procedure that the Blairites brought in themselves under the Collins review. That is a measure of the contempt they have for democracy!
The division is clear: it’s either the Parliamentary MP’s – many of them parachuted in to safe Labour seats, and the majority of them never done a day’s work in their life – who run the Party, or it’s grass roots members. It is them or us. Come and join the campaign to defend Corbyn.

All members and supporters of the Labour Party welcome.

Dave Platts
Personal capacity

Oh dear, this is not going to go well

just noticed the local SWP are to attend both here and in Sheff, not good.
The Swappies! They're everywhere, I tell ya! EVERYWHERE!

I know someone who's involved in Sheffield Momentum and she's an ex-Labourite who's rejoined because of Corbyn.
Barmy quote from a Labour MP on the lunchtime news; in the context of 75% of party members being opposed to bombing, the honourable member said they'd be voting in favour and 'wouldn't be bullied by anyone'.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

p.s. the MP is Angela Smith who has a record of solid yes voting for the renewal of trident and supported both the imposition of 'no fly' in Libya and air strikes in Iraq.
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Barmy quote from a Labour MP on the lunchtime news; in the context of 75% of party members being opposed to bombing, the honourable member said they'd be voting in favour and 'wouldn't be bullied by anyone'.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

p.s. the MP is Angela Smith who has a record of solid yes voting for the renewal of trident and supported both the imposition of 'no fly' in Libya and air strikes in Iraq.

Voting with her peace loving conscience no doubt!
It seems to me - no fan of the bombers myself - that Corbyn is hamstrung by the fact that he apparently lacks sufficient allies in the parliamentary LP, and the ones he does have like Abbot and McDonnell (sp?) seem a bit weak, to say the least. As a tactician, unless he is going to spring a surprise and I can't see it, he seems a bit poor. Even the lack of reply to all the abuse he has received. Him and his crew don't appear to be savvy operators at all.

I'd venture the opinion that "him and his crew" are doing something that doesn't even occur to the assorted Blairites, Progressites and soi-disant "moderates" - thinking long-term, and thinking about the party as a vehicle for social change, rather than a vehicle for their own advancement.
If those stupid fucks put half as much energy into opposing this cunting gvt as they are trying to knife their leader this country would be in a far better place.

They can't, though. Most of those stupid fucks agree with this cunting government. We've already seen Umunna saying he'll vote with the Tories. It's likely a lot of his fellow Tory mini-mes will do the same.
I'd venture the opinion that "him and his crew" are doing something that doesn't even occur to the assorted Blairites, Progressites and soi-disant "moderates" - thinking long-term, and thinking about the party as a vehicle for social change, rather than a vehicle for their own advancement.
they do think long term, and as the party of a vehicle of social change. just change in the opposite direction we'd like.
Looks like there will be a free vote over Syria, probably a good idea tactically as I doubt that the leadership would be able to successfully whip sufficient numbers who would otherwise back airstrikes or abstain.
Looks like there will be a free vote over Syria, probably a good idea tactically as I doubt that the leadership would be able to successfully whip sufficient numbers who would otherwise back airstrikes or abstain.

TBH there is a very strong moral case for declarations of war always being a free vote, Corbyn really should have articulated that right from the start. If there is a good tactical idea behind this its that it puts the maquisards in the position where they will inherit the blame when this goes wrong (or "be shamelessly bullied with threats of deselection" as they are spinning it), far more than Cameron will.
Amusing how easily the RW commentariat vacillate from "Corbyn the disastrous leader" to "Corbyn the too-clever-by-half/cunning plotter leader" memes.
All unattributed sources saying Corbyn said this or did that need to be digested in knowledge that he will be being targetted by at least CIA and MI5.
My bad. The CIA stopped targetting prominent politicians who go against US interests in er..when was it now...I'm sure someone can enlighten me.

Corbyn opposes Trident and is sketchy about NATO. There's been open talk of a generals coup against him if he should get to No. 10.
Amusing how easily the RW commentariat vacillate from "Corbyn the disastrous leader" to "Corbyn the too-clever-by-half/cunning plotter leader" memes.

he certainly isn't "too clever-by half "
it was also about digging himself out of a hole.

you'll remember all the way back to the weekend where the sainted one was telling all and sundry that it was the leaders decision on whipping? well, some devious soul did the Machiavellian thing and read the LP rules on whipping - which make it very clear that its the Shadow Cabinet that decide on whipping, not the leader... that, possibly, might just have got a bit embarrassing.


obviously, Jeremy can be forgiven for not knowing much about the Labour party whip...

:hmm:unless MI6 hacked the Labour rulebook over the weekend:eek:
Do you think they decide by majority vote in there or something? If Corbyn had chosen to enforce the whip, that would have been the decision of cabinet (albeit a cabinet rapidly vacated by a number of members).
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