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Labour leadership

So the score seems to be three election victories to the Blairites, one inconclusive result for Brownites, one defeat for the new left. Seems fairly conclusive to me.
Do you remember that Thatcher woman? Now seems an apposite time to point out that she wouldn't have got away with half the shit she did, had the left not been more interested in fighting among itself
By the left, you of course mean a bunch of right-wing back stabbers rather than the left.
Anyway, the point is that the finest legal minds available have determined that, based on the precedent of a challenge against Kinnock, Corbyn needs PLP votes to stand against a challenge to him. So this thread has a good chance of getting very bitter, quite soon, while the hardcore left and anarchists snicker in glee at being proved right, and the small moderate contingent refrain manfully from too much gloating.
You really are talking a load of shite. The SWSS crack rather sums up the conceited attitude of Labour's right-wing to ordinary members. The party would return to its former hollowed out state in a heartbeat.

what, you mean its previous state of being in government rather than in opposition? yes, i agree with you entirely.

enjoy your 25%...
Some poor fuck in a government office with the job of monitoring Butchersapron will have noticed that tagline change and be cross-referencing all kinds of databases now. With a bit of luck, internment is on the cards.
Until reading Maurice's latest splenetic contributions I hadn't realised just how dangerous promoting democratic participation, progressive taxation, infrastructure investment and anti-militarism were; why weren't we told earlier that the best we should hope for is a charismatic leader to stop pressing the marketisation accelerator pedal so firmly and slightly smooth some of the harshest edges of neo-liberalism...if only for a little bit. So thanks Maurice and it's as you were everybody back on your heads.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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Until reading Maurice's latest splenetic contributions I hadn't realised just how dangerous promoting democratic participation, progressive taxation, infrastructure investment and anti-militarism were; why weren't we told earlier that the best we should hope for is a charismatic leader to stop pressing the marketisation accelerator pedal so firmly and slightly smooth some of the harshest edges of neo-liberalism...if only for a little bit. so it's as you were everybody back on their heads.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

Anti-militarism. Circumstances/Design have reduced UK military to a point that it doesn't really have the capacity to fight a war on its own. Ignore the UN resolution and the call to arms from our allies, and the military spend would have to rise significantly, if our allies can't rely on us, folly to think we can depend on them.
Allegra Stratton talking on Newsnight about the Times report on the emerging Blairite coup. Apparently the rightist rebels taken legal advice about the specific mechanics of whether, as incumbent, Corbyn would have the right to contest any leadership challenge. I presume this relates to an anticipated failure to secure enough support from the PLP to reach the threshold for candidature.

Apparently they've been told that Corbyn would have no such right to stand 'as of right' in a kind of roll-over. So emboldened the Blairites are getting prepared for a challenge following Oldham.

Blind cunts.
Like people are going to blithely follow back-stabbers. The party will shed members at high speed.
Mind you, that would be all to the good for the right-wing shitcunts - none of that pesky internal democracy interfering with their undemocratic tendencies and the emerging dynasticism.
You actually mean it don't you. You are one sick fuck, probably the nastiest poster on U75.
don't be ridiculous. he's an increasingly unhinged arsehole, but that's a 'joke' after a fashion. Not much different from the lime pits type dismissal we often wish on his ilk.
Some poor fuck in a government office with the job of monitoring Butchersapron will have noticed that tagline change and be cross-referencing all kinds of databases now. With a bit of luck, internment is on the cards.
I have never really ever read your posts before.
Well he dropped out the race last time for 'personal' reasons, so unlikely I reckon. Kendall was trounced so badly that I'd be surprised if she still isn't hiding behind the sofa in embarrassment. I can see Burnham running again though.

Burnham's ambition is even bigger than his ego, so yes.
Chuka may prefer to play the eminence gris this time round.
Burnham's ambition is even bigger than his ego, so yes.
Chuka may prefer to play the eminence gris this time round.
I think Chuka saw the way the wind was blowing tbh. Hence, he's not damaged goods, in electoral terms, like Burnham et al.
Getting a bit of a joke now. No coherent policy on trident or Syrian invasion and half a Shadow Cabinet who don't agree with the leader. Labour are in a mess.
Until Killer put me right, I had been under the impression that Chuka had been suspiciously (quite) loyal, or at least well behaved, towards Corbyn...thus being able to present himself as a loyal party man when the party 'needed' him to come in and sort out the chaos.

Chuka's loyalty has been of the studiedly arch type, saying stuff, but couching it in such a way that it can be taken one way by his supporters, and another by everyone else.
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