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Labour leadership

Mandelson today going on about reaching out to the aspirant classes.

Did he mock Andrew Marr for not having made it to the House of Lords and for just being a journalist on a pathetic BBC income? Did he then call him "stroke boy" and mime cardiac collapse before pointing at Marr and snickering?
Did he mock Andrew Marr for not having made it to the House of Lords and for just being a journalist on a pathetic BBC income? Did he then call him "stroke boy" and mime cardiac collapse before pointing at Marr and snickering?

I like the insinuation the Andrew Marr is on some sort of an intellectual par with DotCommunist.
Mandelson today going on about reaching out to the aspirant classes.

reaching out to the aspirant - achieved? - classes does not require one to speak in a vile and disgusting way to those less fortunate than oneself.
I'd be very surprised if Chukka or THunt have a snowballs chance of getting elected unless the supporter category really is used effectively by the pluralist slime - they're just the biggest opportunists (getting in there early) I would even be surprised if both of them get enough nominations.

I would guess the three current frontrunners haven't even declared yet properly even if one of them has registered a website:D

TBF, the membership base is small enough that whoever is chosen, it's not going to look representative of anything except the rump Labour Party's desire for power. It certainly won't look like democracy in action, even allowing "associate members" a vote.
Father, coal miner, mother, school technician, I'm more working class that you could ever dream. I worked hard and got my qualifications, you could too. But I doubt you can.

Didn't even finish one year of uni, well go on, burn your bra!

You don't inherit your class status. What sort of pissant has to call on the class status of his parents to lend credibility to his claimed class?
You plum.
I hear what you are saying- thats not the squeezed middle I read about. I've read articles on people moaning that only one kid gets to go to the 20k a year school etc...

people like that were never considered squeezed, certainly not by the 99.999999999999% of the 'middle' who don't write for the Torygraph. i do hear that kind of guff, as do friends and workmates, but they get the same derisive laugh as the kind of idiot (real life example coming up..) who fucks themselves on an interest only mortgate, pays off no capital, buys two new German cars every 3 years, spends £3k on a fucking dog, has two US holidays a year, has new - expensive - clothes every time i see them, happily spends several grand to play fucking golf in portugal for a weekend, and then complains endlessly about being skint.

no union i'm afraid - i've done better than many/most PS on the pay and pension front, but its not going to be what i was told it was going to be. do not, however, think that i'm crying like a princess with no sweets. i'm fucking lucky and i know it.
From The Guardian: '.....there were calls for a brutal far-reaching debate about the direction of the party, including for Labour to reconnect with the aspiring middle class'.

'Kinell. It's like Miliband and co had threatened to send them to the gulags!

That "re-connection with the...middle class" was also touted on the radio this morning by Liz Kendall, who's supposedly a "front runner" in the ruck to replace Miliband.
They really don't have a fucking clue, and are going to see their core vote bleed even more to any party that promises to actually do something for labour.
Anyway, next you'll be telling me John Major didn't tuck his shirt into his undercrackers.

Alastair Campbell - the author of that particular gem - is probably the figure from the Blair years that the party misses most. He could have invented some brilliant stuff about the Bullingdon mob. I don't even know who was supposed to be chief of spin for Ed.
Alastair Campbell - the author of that particular gem - is probably the figure from the Blair years that the party misses most. He could have invented some brilliant stuff about the Bullingdon mob. I don't even know who was supposed to be chief of spin for Ed.
Yes, I loathe the project he undertook and I loathe the tools he used, but I almost admire him. Having said that, seeing him on the various chat/political progs of late, he seems to have lost his edge slightly. Not quite as vicious and not quite as on the money.
That "re-connection with the...middle class" was also touted on the radio this morning by Liz Kendall, who's supposedly a "front runner" in the ruck to replace Miliband.
They really don't have a fucking clue, and are going to see their core vote bleed even more to any party that promises to actually do something for labour.

its not mutually exclusive - in fact i'd say that Labours loss of the 'middle' is as much to do with its lack of ambition for society than anything else.

Labours 'offer' to the middle was 'we won't do anything that will really change the problems of our economy, we'll just skim a bit more off to make life a bit less intolerable for those with the misfortune to be at the shitty end of the stick'. its a shit offer, throw in a couple of episodes of Benefit Street and its nothing at all.

a Labour party that had a passion, a real plan for a vastly better society - and this chimes with John Manns' criticism that Miliband had no interest in where societys' money came from, just as long as he could spend it - might have achieved a very different result: where was the clarion call for an HS2 network that went to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Swansea and Penzance by 2030? where was Labours' clarion call for building 750,000 social sector homes by 2025? where was Labours call to reestablish the UK shipbuilding industry by providing the RN with the 35 escorts that Labour said were required (instead of the pitiful 19 that we'll get because Labour were too busy buying off voters to pay for them)?

i've vote for that, happily, even though it would cost me a hefty tax rise - but it i'd vote for it because it would help fix problems instead of just putting an expensive sticking plaster over them.
If my dog was ill and his insurance wouldn't cover treatment, I'd spend £3k on him without thinking about it for a moment. Surely any dog owner would?

buying it, not keeping it well. nasty little shit of thing is is too - they can't have it in the house with their kids. laugh? i nearly shat a kidney.
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