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Kicking Off In Tottenham

be sure to keep cheering them on if something of yours or your loved ones is smashed or burned for no reason, retard! I'd support these people if they were railing against the government or had any kind of message, but they aren't. They're robbing JJB and burning down foot locker. It's not exactly the arab spring.
Jesus wept. No-one is 'making excuses', we're trying to undersand why this happened, so as to forestall a repitition. They are NOT 'scumbags' you clueless fucking muppet, but alienated, bitter youth. Ever wonderd why this riot happened in tottenham and not Kensington, hmm?

In fairness there have been some posts that appear to be cheering it on, I'd imagine thats what his outburst was directed at

The same operation that Pickman had issues with:

given that the council no longer run housing in hackney - most council housing now being with the almo hackney homes - and given that the council have made savage cuts, it's interesting they can find the funds to chuck wads of money at the police over 18 months. i wonder how many of the cuts might never have happened if the council had put this money towards benefitting all hackney residents, and the police had used their huge budget for this operation.
sounds liek you're gloating at the burning down of peoples homes and livelihoods as well as at the possibility of more carnage...

is this like your tory wet dream... ooooo arrrggghhhhhh yeah baby beat up the protesters, hit em, hit em again oooo baby... get that shit with the stick go on.....
This is only going to stop when its stops being fun getting smacked in the face by a baton tends to persuade people to go home now.
They are not protesting this isn't Egypt. Protestors don't loot tracksuits and computers and burn ordinary peoples homes down.
If it was a protest they might be actually be thinking about targets. unless JD sports is the secret ruler of the UK I think not.:mad:

Who are you calling "twat"? Teepee for agreeing with me, or me?

If it's me, then have the guts to attack my post.

I'm assuming you're on the wrong forum. I don't even need an excuse tonight having tried to placate some poor terrified girl for an hour. Oh and by the way - she was black. If you're here to troll then you better be aware that I for one will remember it. I'll bet you are nowhere near South London anyway. Explain or Fuck Off, preferably the latter.
No it doesn't. But it does make you understand where she's coming from. If you haven't done it, you have no hope of getting it.
sorry, don't buy that. by your argument, no-one has the right to comment on anyone else, unless they have done the same job as them.
There you go again! I'm projecting but when Streathamite says "That is PART of the truth - but only part. Yes a lot of the rioters are simply mindless hooligans" he's telling the truth? You only have to look at the live footage from the BBC helicopter over Hackney to see what is happening. Ordinary people are being attacked, cars buses and shops are just being destroyed and for what? Nothing that you can say about the disaffection of these idiots justifys these acts of wanton destruction.

I don't think the police get it right all of the time, the Ian Tomlinson episode was a complete disgrace and there is no doubt that some officers are to heavy handed on some occasions, but surely you must agree that these lawless acts cannot be allowed to continue? Whatever issues these youths think they have does not give them carte-blanch to destroy this city!
jesus christ. It REALLY isn't as simple as that. to quote MLK; 'riot is the voice of the unheard'.
e2a; I take it you've never had dealings with Tottenham OB then? Just about every person I know in Tottenham has had legit grounds for a harassment complaint
e2aa: as you acknowledge, i've admitted that some of the rioters - many, even - are simply opportunistic scumbags. It's just there are other causal factors at play, ones you simply don't seem to get
Who are you calling "twat"? Teepee for agreeing with me, or me?

If it's me, then have the guts to attack my post.

I'm assuming you're on the wrong forum. I don't even need an excuse tonight having tried to placate some poor terrified girl for an hour. Oh and by the way - she was black. If you're here to troll then you better be aware that I for one will remember it. I'll bet you are nowhere near South London anyway. Explain or Fuck Off, preferably the latter.

'Yeah, but how do you know they're all black? '

I don't, but because the last time there was major unrest, people who became significant figures emerged, they were black, maybe if this becomes more political, kurdish, turkish, etc, similar figures will emerge, at present there just isn't that level of engagement and its mostly criminality.
Bernie grant and Darcus Howe had ALREADY been 'significant figures' for some considerable time, by the time of the Broadwater farm riots

Yeah, great idea, lets clog up what could be an important info thread with old rows you were too late to partake in. Slow handclap for Past Caring. In the meantime others might stop wanking over riot porn from the comfort of their fucking TV and actually help the working class people affected by this shit. If this is your "revolution" I hope you're first against the wall, idiot.
It's kicking off in Kensington now, Waterstones has been raided and there heading down to Urban Outfitters :(
just got off the phone to my friend who lived above the carpet shop. i have to be slightly careful because some of this will hopefully be looked at more closely and legally.

she was awoken by a young man (who she thinks was one of the rioters) who knocked on her door and told her to get out. for some reason, her flat's fire alarm hadn't sounded, despite raging fire in the carpet shop below (which allegedly had been filled with looted tyres from an adjacent garage, with the police nowhere to be seen).

she took her baby and on getting to street level, encountered a white bloke with blond hair carrying a rug over his shoulder, who smiled and said something like "great eh?" she has nothing left at all, nothing other than what she stands up in. luckily, she has family and friends who can step in for now. there are other factors which add pathos to this, as if any was needed. i had tears streaming down my face by the time we hung up.
just got off the phone to my friend who lived above the carpet shop. i have to be slightly careful because some of this will hopefully be looked at more closely and legally.

she was awoken by a young man (who she thinks was one of the rioters) who knocked on her door and told her to get out. for some reason, her flat's fire alarm hadn't sounded, despite raging fire in the carpet shop below (which allegedly had been filled with looted tyres from an adjacent garage, with the police nowhere to be seen).

she took her baby and on getting to street level, encountered a white bloke with blond hair carrying a rug over his shoulder, who smiled and said something like "great eh?" she has nothing left at all, nothing other than what she stands up in. luckily, she has family and friends who can step in for now. there are other factors which add pathos to this, as if any was needed. i had tears streaming down my face by the time we hung up.

Tell her not to worry, Paulie.

Tell her that "riot is the voice of the unheard".
'18.46 Reports of a manon a bus in Hackney which was attacked with sticks and bottles, suffered an epileptic fit. Attended to by riot officers.'

anyone want to 'understand' 'contextualise' this?

ffs! No-one has said there aren't scumbags rioting, it's just that doesn't tell the whole story, or anything like it.
You really are talking ill-informed bollix here, TL
fires in croyden ....multiple buildings .... BBC now

police should be issued with 12 bores and bean bag rounds ....croyden looks like a war zone
Yeah, great idea, lets clog up what could be an important info thread with old rows you were too late to partake in.

Eh? You on the funny cigarettes again chief or is it just early-onset Alzheimer's? I've been posting the Walter Mitty pic as least as far back as the SHAC UK thread.

Slow handclap for Past Caring. In the meantime others might stop wanking over riot porn from the comfort of their fucking TV and actually help the working class people affected by this shit. If this is your "revolution" I hope you're first against the wall, idiot.

Nobody's wanked over riot porn you tool. There's been a few bring back the birch types getting a failed semi at the thought of the army going in though.

Seems to me it won't be long before army are authorised to go in with rubber bullets.


Bring in the military, someone needs to stop this bullshit and the cops are too scared or too keen to let it all happen.

I predict that the proposed cuts to police services won't happen now.

Can't you get the nurse to finger your arse instead of inflicting this shit on the rest of us?
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