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Kicking Off In Tottenham

what do we rate the chances of Mays head rolling on this one?

Not a chance in hell.

You could see the pattern of the response from the political establishment in an interview with Malthouse on C4 News. Apparently IF it turns out that there were problems in the way the police communicated with the Duggan family he apologises. However anyone involved in "disorder" will be made to see that "their actions have consequences". Which is what it all boils down to. If you are a politician or a police officer then you do NOT face the consequences of your actions. That only happens to black and working class people.

I've gone from fucking livid to killing angry.
How about some 30mm cannons?

yes what a situation like tottenham needs is more armed people involved than are already itching their tirgger fingers... oh yes that'll resolve things...

giles other thane being billy bullshitter your entire posting career what exaclty do you bring to this place...

here's hoping you're the first to get a volly of fire from both sides... equal opportunities wanker hating...
This type of thing going on will only ever lead to that kind of talk (and action, if it continues) from modern politicians. God forbid someone should die in these outb eaks and they will be talking about worse things.
What's the word on the locker room? Everyone pumped up?
think thats bollocks although possibly if its a riot insurance companies don't have to pay out.
expect da yoof in jail are going to have the chance to get a free OU degree expect very heavy sentences.
if it continues expect the water cannon and or baton rounds to come out to play.
although nothing beats using a helicopter eye in the sky to let you outflank the rioters.
nothing beats the look on the face of some stone thrower whose been happily lobbing rocks at a shield wall and legging it safe in the knowledge he can outrun the squaddies when he discovers he's been outflanked.
from angry cypriot anarchist to meek teenager in about 5 seconds flat.:D

The Guardian have some more on the Duggan shooting:​

Expedited forensic tests are being carried out on the handgun found at the scene of Duggan's fatal shooting and bullets fired by the police. It is understood that ballistics experts have established that the firearm being carried in the minicab was a lethal weapon. It was a handgun which once in its life had not been capable of firing – a replica, a starting pistol or a collector's weapon. But the firearm had been converted – as many illegal firearms purchased on the street are – in order to carry live ammunition.
The IPCC has said that they hope to have a fuller ballistics picture within 24 hours. But it is understood to be a complex picture, involving a number of tests to establish trajectory of bullets and how many were fired.
According to Sky the C019 firearms officer has said that he never claimed Duggan had shot at him.
The firearms officer is understood to have told investigators that he opened fire because he believed he was in danger from a lethal weapon. Two shots were fired, it is understood; one hit Duggan and one missed lodging in another officer's radio.
Forensic tests will establish finally whether Duggan fired his weapon at all during the attempted arrest on Thursday evening.
Rachel Cerfontyne, the IPCC commissioner in charge of the independent investigation into Duggan's fatal shooting said: "IPCC investigators are currently liaising with scientists at the Forensic Science Service regarding analysis on ballistics. We would anticipate being in a position to share verified results within the next 24 hours."
The Guardian reported on Monday that initial ballistics tests on a bullet found lodged in a firearms officer's police radio was a police issue bullet – indicating that Duggan had not opened fire at the officer.
Establishing precisely what happened when Trident officers, supported by members of the Met's specialist firearms unit stopped the minicab carrying Duggan on Thursday evening relies heavily on the ballistics results and the trajectory on the bullets fired.
Tests are also carried out to establish the range at which the shots were fired at Duggan. The Met police joined the IPCC to say that any suggestion he was killed in an execution style shooting by shots to the head was "inflammatory" and inaccurate.
The family of Mark Duggan is being kept up to date with developments, the IPCC said yesterday.
Cerfontyne said the family's concerns were not about contact with the IPCC but the lack of contact from the police in delivering news of his death to Duggan's parents.
"In the course of our contact (with the family) I know that the family – and indeed the community still have many unanswered questions," Cerfontyne said.
And these fuckers wonder why no one will employ them.

many's the day when these yoots have turned up for an interview and stolen everything in the place as well as burning the job interview down... oh wait that's never happened ever... another rigth wing apologist prick you are then...

where are these twats coming from... New boards and suddenly we've got all these rancid fucking middle class wankers here bitching...

It's great how only 4 years ago these same middle class wankers were parading round telling everyone how working class they were and why it was so, so hard to be so tragically hip. Soon as a bit of actually class friction comes along it's won't someone think of the property prices and we've all had to work hard for our stuff why don't those oiks...

that'd be the oiks you and your flannel shirted Nathans have been imitating for the last few years...
Just spent an hour calming down a girl who lives in a rented Hackney flat, randomly met her in a pub on the way home watching the BBC footage on the big telly. She lives in a converted flat, a former shop, next to a bookies in Hackney. Her boyfriend called to tell her to stay away, he's trying to sort out a place for them to sleep. Their insurance quoted £1000 to board the windows up. Insurance company unable to say if they are covered, meaning they aren't.
She's called neighbours who have packed suitcases and fled.

She's worried about elderly neighbours without mobile phones who are living above shops and not answering the landlines. Her Blackberry battery was dying. Some kind soul swapped his fully charged battery for hers.

Seems to me it won't be long before army are authorised to go in with rubber bullets.

Aside from the armchair cheering of these fuckwit looters (they aren't protesters) it seems the real victims are the working class. I don't see looters as working class, it's a mass burglary. They aren't robbing from banks, their robbing from their own.

Bring in the military, someone needs to stop this bullshit and the cops are too scared or too keen to let it all happen.

I predict that the proposed cuts to police services won't happen now.
Just spent an hour calming down a girl who lives in a rented Hackney flat, randomly met her in a pub on the way home watching the BBC footage on the big telly. She lives in a converted flat, a former shop, next to a bookies in Hackney. Her boyfriend called to tell her to stay away, he's trying to sort out a place for them to sleep. Their insurance quoted £1000 to board the windows up. Insurance company unable to say if they are covered, meaning they aren't.
She's called neighbours who have packed suitcases and fled.

She's worried about elderly neighbours without mobile phones who are living above shops and not answering the landlines. Her Blackberry battery was dying. Some kind soul swapped his fully charged battery for hers.

Seems to me it won't be long before army are authorised to go in with rubber bullets.

Aside from the armchair cheering of these fuckwit looters (they aren't protesters) it seems the real victims are the working class. I don't see looters as working class, it's a mass burglary. They aren't robbing from banks, their robbing from their own.

Bring in the military, someone needs to stop this bullshit and the cops are too scared or too keen to let it all happen.

I predict that the proposed cuts to police services won't happen now.

The tragic reality of whats going on, shows how ridiculous cheering this on is
think thats bollocks although possibly if its a riot insurance companies don't have to pay out.
expect da yoof in jail are going to have the chance to get a free OU degree expect very heavy sentences.
if it continues expect the water cannon and or baton rounds to come out to play.
although nothing beats using a helicopter eye in the sky to let you outflank the rioters.
nothing beats the look on the face of some stone thrower whose been happily lobbing rocks at a shield wall and legging it safe in the knowledge he can outrun the squaddies when he discovers he's been outflanked.
from angry cypriot anarchist to meek teenager in about 5 seconds flat.:D
sounds liek you're gloating at the burning down of peoples homes and livelihoods as well as at the possibility of more carnage...

is this like your tory wet dream... ooooo arrrggghhhhhh yeah baby beat up the protesters, hit em, hit em again oooo baby... get that shit with the stick go on.....
Troops on the streets ? Yep, THAT'LL go well !

It'd be a way to turn these current things into a surefire revolution once and for all... how long after troops shoot youths would the entire contry decide fuck this shit it happened in egypt... why not heard lets get these fuckers who've been robbing us blind in over taxation for years only to pay it out to big business...

high or low in this country it'd only take the military on the streets for people to say fuck this and really riot... we'd be in civil war... I doubt very much the govt would ever risk it...
Just spent an hour calming down a girl who lives in a rented Hackney flat, randomly met her in a pub on the way home watching the BBC footage on the big telly. She lives in a converted flat, a former shop, next to a bookies in Hackney. Her boyfriend called to tell her to stay away, he's trying to sort out a place for them to sleep. Their insurance quoted £1000 to board the windows up. Insurance company unable to say if they are covered, meaning they aren't.
She's called neighbours who have packed suitcases and fled.

She's worried about elderly neighbours without mobile phones who are living above shops and not answering the landlines. Her Blackberry battery was dying. Some kind soul swapped his fully charged battery for hers.

Seems to me it won't be long before army are authorised to go in with rubber bullets.

Aside from the armchair cheering of these fuckwit looters (they aren't protesters) it seems the real victims are the working class. I don't see looters as working class, it's a mass burglary. They aren't robbing from banks, their robbing from their own.

Bring in the military, someone needs to stop this bullshit and the cops are too scared or too keen to let it all happen.

I predict that the proposed cuts to police services won't happen now.

nail, head
the Household Calvary can have a squadron out within the hour.
1908 Cavalry sabre finished the debate about slashing or stabbing henceforth the army was just going to stab really really hard.
Oh, right. My local pub closed down as well, and guess what ..... I didn't go out and smash up the local KFC / trainer shop / etc/
Congratulations, Giles. You have won this years U75 post-that-misses-the-point-by-a-mile award! :facepalm:
the kids here have (often) dysfunctional upbringings on sink estates, crap education at crap schools, fuck-all oportunities, police harassment and all arround them see a world that only ever shits on them. Now, one of the few safe, supervised places where they can go to spend their time has gone, and they're back on the streets, with the dealers,the knives, the rest, in the sort of ugly, bleak environment that produces psychologically ugly, bleak people
Stop making excuses for subhuman scumbags trashing neighbourhoods where people have to live!
Jesus wept. No-one is 'making excuses', we're trying to undersand why this happened, so as to forestall a repitition. They are NOT 'scumbags' you clueless fucking muppet, but alienated, bitter youth. Ever wonderd why this riot happened in tottenham and not Kensington, hmm?
I'd LOVE to live in your simple, black-and-white world where bad things onl;y ever happen cos people are bad, and reality is never more complex or messy than that.
the only problem is that I strongly suspect that world is reserved for ignorant simpletons like you, who know zip about life at the tough end
Can they fuck.What, anywhere? Bring out your horses anyway.
The frankly bonkers officer I met although most cavlary officers are a bit strange. claimed they could be saddled up and giving the rabble a well deserved sabering within the hour :)
frankly that seemed a safer Idea that letting this lunatic lose with a 40 ton main battle tank.
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