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Kicking Off In Tottenham

'I don’t know what this evening (MONDAY) will hold, I hope that it is all over, I hope that we do not see anymore injured officers, no more wounded members of the public, no more lives destroyed by the idiocy of people who cannot control their own greed. Because that’s what happened in Enfield, Brixton and other areas last night, greed, they saw people looting the Tottenham Hale retail park and they wanted some of that, they robbed, assaulted and stole. My only message to them is this. We will find you, we will bring you to justice, when you are sat in your homes watching your brand new 42″ flat screen TV fear every single knock at your door, we are coming.'

Sounds more like Agri than say Pickmans Model's stereotypes, but it is only a blog..
what blog does that come from, as a matter of interest?
You utter, fucking moron. You really don't have a clue, do you? These are neighbourhoods of sink schools, ghetto estates, unemployment, crack dens, massive deprivation...a world away from what I can only conclude is your nice, polite middle-class neighbourhood. EVERYTHING in tottenham is a desperate struggle just to get by.
They deal drugs cos there AREN'T any good legal jobs!:facepalm:

If it is the dump you describe .... then this is because the people who live in it make it so.


oh awesome. i criticise people for engaging in knife crime and now i'm killing patients.

i may think a small % the people i have to treat are scum, that my time is wasted patching up people who are intent on killing themselves but no matter who they are or what they do, they get the same standard of care. to do anything else would be a disgrace to my profession.
You really are mentally deficient, aren't you?

Not in the slightest. If the assumption that nice areas are nice because the people that live there make it so then surely it has to logically follow that bad areas are bad because the people that live there make it so, and either way, people have the power to turn round their areas if they put their mind to it.

Surely you must agree that the last 30 years of improvement and reputation building that has gone on in Brixton following the riots of the 1980's has been screwed by last night's completely pointless and unwarranted violence and looting - which can't have anything to do with what went on on Tottenham.
neither. try further north and more to the west although i did a rotation last year at homerton where i became quite versed in the art of knife crime.
either way, do you come out with this sort of spiteful, hateful shit in front of your colleagues, or the patients.
I'll bet you don't
Are you saying then, that living on a run down council estate, being brought up by dysfunctional parents and having failed educationally are not reasons for the disaffection and alienation that some of the youths taking part in the rioting have behaved as they have? It would seem that many people excusing this behaviour see that these reasons are responsible?

I'm saying that your generalising is a bag of bollocks, Chris.
oh awesome. i criticise people for engaging in knife crime and now i'm killing patients.

Welcome to urban. :D

i may think a small % the people i have to treat are scum, that my time is wasted patching up people who are intent on killing themselves but no matter who they are or what they do, they get the same standard of care. to do anything else would be a disgrace to my profession.

You don't have to justify yourself to comments like that. It will only be used against you.
Not in the slightest. If the assumption that nice areas are nice because the people that live there make it so then surely it has to logically follow that bad areas are bad because the people that live there make it so, and either way, people have the power to turn round their areas if they put their mind to it.

Surely you must agree that the last 30 years of improvement and reputation building that has gone on in Brixton following the riots of the 1980's has been screwed by last night's completely pointless and unwarranted violence and looting - which can't have anything to do with what went on on Tottenham.
It only takes a small number of people to make it shitty for the other 95%
... then why does it not appear to follow that if good people make areas good, bad people make areas bad?
there are a number of influences on tottenham, which i will then contrast with the influences on kensington and chelsea. the people who live in tottenham generally have very little power, wealth, authority or influence. the people in kensington and chelsea, by comparison, generally do have power, wealth, authority or influence. this is due to the relative educational opportunities, the backgrounds and the employment opportunities of the residents of these two areas. in addition, the policies of the local authority play a part. but the facts on the ground, due in part to bomb damage, to past housing policies, town planning and so on, also impact on each area. it's by no means as simple as tidy children live in kensington and chelsea, or areas like that, or untidy children live in tottenham or areas like that. even tidy children in tottenham face a huge ramp to climb compared with untidy children in kensington, due in part to the educational and other factors i've mentioned, to their cultural capital, and so on.

an area's population plays a part in determining if an area's 'good' or 'bad', but there are other actors and factors at play too.
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