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Kicking Off In Tottenham

<snip> There is clearly an attempt to make London more like Paris, where the affluent centre is sheltered from rage of the banlieue ('suburb'). I think this could be a seen as a moment of conflict that may determine if this process proceeds unhindered.<snip>
That's an interesting observation ...
Just got off the phone to my neighbour (we usually live on our narrowboat in a small marina on Tottenham Marsh), she says last night a huge gang of masked teenagers arrived with baseball bats and smashed up the adjacent canoe centre. The canoe centre is run by an ex copper who works with young offenders. We've known him for years through our boating/volunteering activities. There 's nothing to nick there, they're just going round looking for stuff to smash. She said it was terrifying.
We do often get trouble from these kids in the school holidays. They show up en masse in a big gang. This kind of thing has gone on in Tottenham at a low level for years but was largely ignored. It's getting harder to ignore it as it gets worse.
The Torygraph's Damian Thompson takes the opportunity to tie in UKUncut with the riots

I suppose I’ll be accused of exploiting the Tottenham riots and London-wide looting for political ends, but what a disaster they were for UK Uncut and other “peaceful” street protests against the “cuts”. The Left-wing Twitterati were quick to realise this and spent Saturday and Sunday nights anxiously deploring the wrong sort of direct action. Sunny Hundal was particularly vociferous, though he couldn’t resist the following tweet:

Frankly, who gives a fuck what Sunny Hundal thinks or says?
Well its started off some interesting sounding facebook groups anyway

"I'M SO 'ARD IMMA GO to the RIOT in Tottenham AND. steal some carpet."
Well burning out peoples homes isn't conducive to the pastime of "kicking off with the police" either.
you want it to be looters who burnt those buildings. fair enough. but fucking produce a shred of evidence to back up your assertion - its absence makes you look a bit daft.
'There is clearly an attempt to make London more like Paris, where the affluent centre is sheltered from rage of the banlieue ('suburb'). I think this could be a seen as a moment of conflict that may determine if this process proceeds unhindered.'

Exactly, the Tories will use these riots as an excuse to proceed with social cleansing.
god i am so glad i'm not involved in left politics anymore, i wonder how people like Norman managed to conceal their views in real life, then again, their parties are miniscule

I'm glad you're not involved in "left politics" anymore too, your constant whining would make it impossible to get anything done. And miniscule or otherwise, these groups are still far more effective than a broken record droning on about "the left".
We do often get trouble from these kids in the school holidays. They show up en masse in a big gang. This kind of thing has gone on in Tottenham at a low level for years but was largely ignored. It's getting harder to ignore it as it gets worse.


Bean bag rounds, ftw.
Yes, yes, the whole world's against you & you're misunderstood. If only more people thought like you did, etc.

Such bitterness. Shouldn't you be out fighting the good fight?
that doesn't really answer the point i made in my post, namely that you are a thick fuck with excrement for brains.
well, who else was it, only on urban will you get people defending violent looters*..

*here i mean the organised criminal gangs.

People on here may take certain lessons and pleasures from the looting, but the people in power, the R/W media and many of the population will take other (unpalatable to urbanites) extrapolations from them and will act accordingly, expect new measures on crime, welfare, immigration, etc...
Are we defending them? Or simply understanding why they end up like this? I had the misfortune to know one of these kids well. So violent he beat up the only person who ever showed him any kindness with a baseball bat. He was dangerous and unpredictable. But what a shit upbringing he had if you could call it that. And there are dozens and dozens of 'couldn't give a fuck' kids like this in Tottenham.
that doesn't really answer the point i made in my post, namely that you are a thick fuck with excrement for brains.

You made no point except a ridiculous accusation that I'm in league with tories and unionists. Get a grip, or better still, think before you post.

I've never seen anything resembling a contribution or solution or an opinion from you on the politics board, rather an endless stream of angst and invective, quite often targetted at posters who don't meet your "standards".

Now, go stalk someone who gives a shit.
Yep. The "willful ignorance" tactic has worked for the OB before, when the govt wanted to cut their funding.
i'm not so sure. i think they've gone too far and put too much on the line for that to be an option now, although i think it may be in the future. the police cuts have already greatly harmed police morale, but i don't think that a reversing of the cuts would solve this. the government would look weak to the police, who may try to secure an increase in funding above what was there before the cuts started. however, the leadership of the met's in disarray, and the leadership of acpo may well be too if orde applies for the commissioner post. but if the government reverses the police cuts i think that may have the effect of encouraging more militancy elsewhere as people seek to get their cuts reversed too.
You made no point except a ridiculous accusation that I'm in league with tories and unionists. Get a grip, or better still, think before you post.

I've never seen anything resembling a contribution or solution or an opinion from you on the politics board, rather an endless stream of angst and invective, quite often targetted at posters who don't meet your "standards".

Now, go stalk someone who gives a shit.
as you are clearly simple i will use short words. i never said that you are in league with tories. all posts are contributions, even yours. get off to a remedial reading class: you need it.
Bean bag rounds, ftw.

The cops came round sharpish according to our friend. But I wonder how the rest of the school holidays are gonna play out if it's like this already, we usually don't get the steaming gangs until the end of the month. *sigh*
All I see is people wanting an excuse to go and nick a load of stuff that they probably already own in the first place.

It's all you see because it's all you're interested in seeing, weasel.

If anything the targets of these riots strike me as proof that the notion of materialism as a defining factor in how people view themselves is the only thing being expressed in this latest outbreak of violence.

Wow, there's nothing like a bit of post facto analysis for chucking something new in the mix, is there? :facepalm:

In fact the whole thing seems to have a rather dreary feel to it all with no real 'anger' as such being expressed but just almost an outburst of kids thinking that they are able to actually live the video games they enjoy playing just for a couple of hours.

Of course it'll seem like that if you have already made up your mind that "that's how things are", you pusillanimous pissant.

The ones I feel sorry for are those poor people burned out of their homes on Saturday night. People have been left with just the clothes (or in one case I heard of a dressing gown) they stood up in. And for what ? A branch of Carpet Right ? Who did they offend ? Ok their carpet fitters can be stroppy buggers and so on but is that really 'popular vengence' ?

Be honest, weasel. The only person you ever feel sorry for is your poor hard-done-by self. Your expressions of pity convince no-one. We're mostly too well-acquainted with how your thought processes operate.
Thanks - the rest of it needed working on, but the postie just woke up the baby and i wanted to get something down.

Is it me or is this thread moving too quickly to have a decent discussion?
Paris centre was rebuilt after the commune to make it easy for the military to get cannons and horses onto the main roads. Interesting parallels with the diffused enterprise post 70s crisis.
as you are clearly simple i will use short words. i never said that you are in league with tories. all posts are contributions, even yours. get off to a remedial reading class: you need it.

I made my contribution, to which you replied (in your customary pre-school fashion) "tory! tory! you're a big tory". When I rubbished your claims you came back with "thicky! thicky! you're a big thicky".

Your schtick gets tedious, I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this. I don't support the violence & looting on the streets we're seeing - in much the same way I don't support police shooting people dead.

The fact that this view seems to make you foam at the mouth and spittle fleck this thread with your indignation, well, that's your problem, not mine.
It's just a bunch of stupid useless scumbags grabbing some free brand-name trainers. They've got nothing to protest about. They are just out on a "gibs me dat" grab whatever they can mission.


Go on, euthanasia boy, have the courage of your convictions, and put some faces to the pidgin argot.

You two-bob cunt.
Paris centre was rebuilt after the commune to make it easy for the military to get cannons and horses onto the main roads. Interesting parallels with the diffused enterprise post 70s crisis.

And Broadwater Farm had all it's walkways removed as they were used as elevated points from which to chuck stuff at the police.
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