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Kicking Off In Tottenham

First of all I should make it clear I think the EDL/BNP/Assorted other bigoted cretins are a bunch of evil cunts.
My internet is somewhere between a bit shit and totally crap so I only have half the story about these riots but I did a quick google to see what images I could get hold of. (Some of the photos were absolute stunners)
I did notice a hell of a lot of black and Asian faces in the middle of things along with a few white faces but not all that many compared with other races.
That means either the photographers were a tad biased or the majority were black/asian.
Either way, that leaves a problem with the racist parties. I haven't read "Silly cunt BNP racist newsletter" but I can take a wild guess what the daft bastards will be saying.
Sad day for anyone with a brain.
and what did you make of the composition of the police?
Can i see the research that you've done to establish that the rioters are unemployed and part of a benefits culture or whatever it is as well please Billie Piper. That would be very helpful.
no one rioted before the welfare state, butchers, u know that :mad: it just didn't happen
no one rioted before the welfare state, butchers, u know that :mad: it just didn't happen

Anyway, some of my people up north now think London is burning....we need to not have a news blackout on stuff like this, as it just leaves whatever shite people say in twitter as the only source, and not everyone is as adept at knowing the difference between a truth, a likely truth, and outright inflammatory shit that was never backed up.
Anyway, some of my people up north now think London is burning....we need to not have a news blackout on stuff like this, as it just leaves whatever shite people say in twitter as the only source, and not everyone is as adept at knowing the difference between a truth, a likely truth, and outright inflammatory shit that was never backed up.
yes they are. if it's on twitter it's odds on that it's outright inflammatory shit that was cooked up.
It means fuck all.

Sadly it may.

I've just wandered onto "Stormfront" and I right. The nasty bastards are giving it some.
I then googled "london riots nigger"

It's not going the hurt the BNP/EDL at all.

As I said, sad day.

However. The daily fail seems to be pretty straight on reporting the thing and have some really classy photos.


It's a plus if the mainstream media isn't slanting it.
As I said, my connection is really poor so I only have half the story. That in mind I open to enlightenment as to how it's being seen over there. :)
It's not going the hurt the BNP/EDL at all.
i heard a fat old white bloke telling racist jokes about the riots in a pub last night, and as usual i only thought of a witty rejoinder after leaving the pub

q: what's the best thing about fat old white men telling racist jokes?
a: they'll be dead soon

but it matters not a jot about the bnp because they're fucked and going down. the edl are, ostensibly, not racist and given that the rioters were not muslim youth - in significant measure - i don't think they'll use this as a body although i have no doubt their members and supporters will put their own slant on it.
It means fuck all.
I doubt it. It has fuck all to do with shit the EDL and BNP and assorted wankers say though. If it turns out a majority of rioters are Black or Asian might that not tell us about some of the inequalities of wealth in society? Could it not tell up something about who is hit the hardest by cuts? And about the hurt and anger that result?
Does anyone have the Mets orignal statement about the shooting on thursday? If it was on their site it's now long gone.

What's the score with making such a statement public? I haven't seen one on the MET site.
Are they legally bound to publish it, & is there a time frame?
I doubt it. It has fuck all to do with shit the EDL and BNP and assorted wankers say though. If it turns out a majority of rioters are Black or Asian might that not tell us about some of the inequalities of wealth in society? Could it not tell up something about who is hit the hardest by cuts? And about the hurt and anger that result?
Aye, the working class.
yes they are. if it's on twitter it's odds on that it's outright inflammatory shit that was cooked up.
You'd have thought so, but some have gone as far to say things like 'London is in flames', and one even 'there won't be another Jamaican Independence celebration after this' :facepalm:

I do despair of some people, but if people I know that aren't that well informed think these things, you can bet your life that the rot has set in much deeper in the ever growing rw camp.

For instance this happened yesterday.... http://www.sikhsangat.org/2011/08/s...5-kids-in-chigwell-attacked-by-racist-idiots/

<insert obligatory rant about the Tories>

I doubt it. It has fuck all to do with shit the EDL and BNP and assorted wankers say though. If it turns out a majority of rioters are Black or Asian might that not tell us about some of the inequalities of wealth in society? Could it not tell up something about who is hit the hardest by cuts? And about the hurt and anger that result?
might it not tell us something about the population of tottenham? when in 1981 there was a riot in harrogate i would have expected it to be predominantly white. wouldn't you?
What's the score with making such a statement public? I haven't seen one on the MET site.
Are they legally bound to publish it, & is there a time frame?
Not sure of the legal requirements Mr Bishie - i do know they pay a lot of money for this PR shit though. 45 people employed in Met's PR wing.
wether its incompetence or canny 'don't ask me sarge durr' deliberate ineptitude they will have secured a halt to the cuts in police funding imo

There's also that old standby 'police morale' too, a factor that could have wide-ranging impacts in this context, from the investigations into corrupt dealings with the gutter press to Simon Harwood's trial for killing Ian Tomlinson.
There's also that old standby 'police morale' too, a factor that could have wide-ranging impacts in this context, from the investigations into corrupt dealings with the gutter press to Simon Harwood's trial for killing Ian Tomlinson.
more important than those i'd say are the cuts the government's making to the police. unlike 1981 (or 1985 or 1990) the police aren't getting the rewards they think they're due from the government.
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