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Kicking Off In Tottenham

Well that and tying that 'fact' to genetic de-evolution yes.

Nothing genetic about it. It is entirely nurture versus nature.

People on here have suggested that looting is somehow justified because of the capitalist society we live in. I am merely saying that if we have an underclass of people who are sustained with benefits/crimes then what the frick do we expect?

Either I am right, the people who bemoan the capitalist system are right or neither of us are right.

What is undeniable is that there are people in Tottenham who are currently homeless through NO fault of their own.
Nothing genetic about it. It is entirely nurture versus nature.

People on here have suggested that looting is somehow justified because of the capitalist society we live in. I am merely saying that if we have an underclass of people who are sustained with benefits/crimes then what the frick do we expect?

Either I am right, the people who bemoan the capitalist system are right or neither of us are right.

What is undeniable is that there are people in Tottenham who are currently homeless through NO fault of their own.
You've suggested that people are poor because they're black. If you're arguing that there's a culture which causes this then there's no need to bring colour into it at all. Yet you did. Why? I know why and so do you. If you've not got the bottle to openly state and then stand by your views then why are you here?

Banal second para that says nothing at all.

A third that makes me cry with emotion.
First of all I should make it clear I think the EDL/BNP/Assorted other bigoted cretins are a bunch of evil cunts.
My internet is somewhere between a bit shit and totally crap so I only have half the story about these riots but I did a quick google to see what images I could get hold of. (Some of the photos were absolute stunners)
I did notice a hell of a lot of black and Asian faces in the middle of things along with a few white faces but not all that many compared with other races.
That means either the photographers were a tad biased or the majority were black/asian.
Either way, that leaves a problem with the racist parties. I haven't read "Silly cunt BNP racist newsletter" but I can take a wild guess what the daft bastards will be saying.
Sad day for anyone with a brain.
Can i see the research that you've done to establish that the rioters are unemployed and part of a benefits culture or whatever it is as well please Billie Piper. That would be very helpful.
First of all I should make it clear I think the EDL/BNP/Assorted other bigoted cretins are a bunch of evil cunts.
My internet is somewhere between a bit shit and totally crap so I only have half the story about these riots but I did a quick google to see what images I could get hold of. (Some of the photos were absolute stunners)
I did notice a hell of a lot of black and Asian faces in the middle of things along with a few white faces but not all that many compared with other races.
That means either the photographers were a tad biased or the majority were black/asian.
Either way, that leaves a problem with the racist parties. I haven't read "Silly cunt BNP racist newsletter" but I can take a wild guess what the daft bastards will be saying.
Sad day for anyone with a brain.
It means fuck all.
There's also people who were already homeless, jobless and unsupported in any way before any of this happened through little or NO fault of their own. The people who've been told that employments an unlikely possibility, that they'll be living with their parents until their thirties, that a lack of social housing and stupidly high rents means they're stuck where they are, that they're going to have to stay at home and look after their children because their surestart closed down - further limiting their job opportunities. That they've got to pay off their overdraft now, or face increasing charges which they also can't pay. That the majority of aspirational adverts they see on TV and the stores they walk past in their local community are so far out of their reach that it's practically invisible. And most importantly, they're being told that they're all in it together with people on hugely expensive holidays who've never struggled in their lives, the same people who fucked off and left them in the hands of a police force with a track record of shooting the wrong people, putting out lies to discredit the victim, and taking money from newspapers to harrass victims and their families.

They'd be some of the angry ones then.
Can i see thew research that you've done to establish that the rioters are unemployed and part of a benefits culture or whatever it is as well please Billie Piper. That would be very helpful.
And maybe Giles can help out with some smart bullets that only kill people without jobs, or job prospects.
Can i see the research that you've done to establish that the rioters are unemployed and part of a benefits culture or whatever it is as well please Billie Piper. That would be very helpful.

Equally, please tell me the research you have done that shows they are employed and not soley reliant on benefits?

I am taking a wild stab in the dark based on my knowledge of the area and people in it from my work as a nurse in a North London hospital. I could be totally wrong and if I were to proved wrong I'd hold my hands up. But I don't think I am.

Also, at no point did I say people were poor because they were black so please do not put words in my mouth.
Equally, please tell me the research you have done that shows they are employed and not soley reliant on benefits?

I am taking a wild stab in the dark based on my knowledge of the area and people in it from my work as a nurse in a North London hospital. I could be totally wrong and if I were to proved wrong I'd hold my hands up. But I don't think I am.

Also, at no point did I say people were poor because they were black so please do not put words in my mouth.

I'm not making that claim though Billie. Sorry, that's just not how it works.

So, in essence, you've made a sweeping generalisation based on social prejudice rather than facts and then constructed an elaborate theory of de-evolution based on that generalisation and that prejudice. You do no work - intellectual or empirical - to support this theory.

Yes you did. You just don't know that you let it all hang out so. If you're not prepared to openly state your case then why are you here?
the government is noteable by it's total absence again - i hear the PM, DPM, Home Sec & Mayor of London are all out of the country on holiday.

fairly sure their presence here wouldn't provide anything of any worth, but a pattern is emerging with re. to their handling of crises imo. something about rudderless ships.
So you are therefore taking the position of what exactly? You are suggesting my viewpoint is incorrect so what do you believe is the correct one?
Not requited to show that your position is not backed up by any facts.

Why did you bring colour into it nurse?

(Has this clown been doing this for the last 500 pages i missed last night?)
Jesus,rejigging the software seems to have bought a number of Daily Mail type Urbanites to the fore,people who it seems to me didn't give a shit about peoples living conditions until some of them made their anger obvious,now it's all "what about the honest small business's " (pretty much left alone as far as I can see).
When they smash, loot and burn shops that I regularly use, that is really disruptive to my life. When they keep me up all night with my windows locked, that too is really disturbing.

I've read posts on here contextualising all this in a political sense - but how can we support actions that simply result in making us anxious and causes us practical problems.

Plus it never just works out that big chain stores are hit anyway. It's the whole local area. There's no magic line that stops some twat from redirecting his brick at your window, having being pushed off the high street by the police.
I've read posts on here contextualising all this in a political sense - but how can we support actions that simply result in making us anxious and causes us practical problems.
did you support the six counties being part of the uk?
and what about the various anti-terror measures? have you never had problems travelling due to a suspect device?
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