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Kicking Off In Tottenham

To be fair, a lot of people still believe the police version of events, as reported by media demonstrably colluding with those cops in an assortment of unethical and morally repugnant practices, and after seeing the cops repeatedly use their mates in the media to publish cynical self-serving lies placing the blame on various people they've killed in dodgy circumstances.

It's a bit like supporting your team even though you know they're shit I expect ...
I keep seeing 'Community leaders' being interviewed about the riots - how does one become a 'community leader' ? I don't know who my local 'Community leaders' are.
there's a quick test:

q: do you condemn the riot?
a: yes

if that's what you'd say then you too can be a community leader.
I keep seeing 'Community leaders' being interviewed about the riots - how does one become a 'community leader' ? I don't know who my local 'Community leaders' are.

You're an Irishman aren't you Marty? In that case its your local Priest.

I'm a Welsh living in Lambeth, in which case my community leader is probably the editor.
You're being deliberately obtuse now. You didn't base it on "facts that were made available" - you based it on statements made by known liars with an obvious motive for obscuring the truth. Now go away and kick a puppy or whatever it is you do for fun.

I did base it on facts made available.... ok the IPCC 'facts' released to the press but still they weren't untrue they'd just left a few details out - which does in itself stink tbh...

I'm basing the execution thesis on far, far more reliable evidence than your gangster who had it coming thesis. Eye witness reports from people who have no incentive to lie tend to be more reliable than carefully worded statements by professional liars.

Ah your opinion is a 'thesis' now whereas mine was a 'cunts trick' - get off your high horse - you're basing an opinion on rumours and its no more valid than the one I got shown up for posting.
To be fair, a lot of people still believe the police version of events, as reported by media demonstrably colluding with those cops in an assortment of unethical and morally repugnant practices, and after seeing the cops repeatedly use their mates in the media to publish cynical self-serving lies placing the blame on various people they've killed in dodgy circumstances.

But how many of those people have had it spelled out to them, as anyone viewing this thread did? Ignorance is one thing - willful ignorance is another. When confronted with the old bill's previous for this kind of stuff he just stuck his fingers in his ears and went "lalala!". And now he's whining because he's been called on it.
I'd be fucked off, no doubt about that.
Thing is, I'd be asking why the whole thing happened, and I'd be apportioning blame where it was deserved: at the actors and actions that caused the eruption, not just at those who reacted to it.

Would you really? Or as is far more likely you would be distraught at the fact that your home that you had worked for and your possessions that you had managed to collect had been destroyed on a whim by a mob, and for what?

What will all of this achieve? Will Cameron and Clegg have an epiphany? Will they change their policy tomorrow? You know they wont! It will be the same old way tomorrow and next year, all that will happen is some people will have lost their homes and businesses and will be the poorer because of it.

Oh, and of course some people will have a free telly and some trainers!
you still don't understand - none of this was done to achieve anything. it was an angry reaction, not a demonstration with clear aims.
I did base it on facts made available.... ok the IPCC 'facts' released to the press but still they weren't untrue they'd just left a few details out - which does in itself stink tbh...

Ah your opinion is a 'thesis' now whereas mine was a 'cunts trick' - get off your high horse - you're basing an opinion on rumours and its no more valid than the one I got shown up for posting.

Bollocks. We know the bullet that was conveniently found in the radio came from a police gun. We have eye witness accounts that match what I suspected right from the start. I think it's reasonable to assume from this that, on the balance of probability, he was executed. I'm sure there'll be another "poor me, look, I'm being oppressed" post in reply to this but I'll not take the time to respond - you're clearly willing to ruin this thread before admitting you've been a pillock.
You're an Irishman aren't you Marty? In that case its your local Priest.

I'm a Welsh living in Lambeth, in which case my community leader is probably the editor.
I haven't been to a catholic church for a normal Sunday service since 1984! no idea who the local Catholic priest is.
Go on then - what stake did the bystanders who said he was shot in the face while he was pinned down have in all this?

:D What, you mean apart from dicking over the OB?

I don't know about you but I know who I believe if it's their word against that of the met.

Do you know who these bystanders are? There's no reliable information from either side at the moment, but it's way to early to be believing tales of "executions", particularly ones supposedly carried out in front of hordes of "bystanders".
But how many of those people have had it spelled out to them, as anyone viewing this thread did? Ignorance is one thing - willful ignorance is another. When confronted with the old bill's previous for this kind of stuff he just stuck his fingers in his ears and went "lalala!". And now he's whining because he's been called on it.

Well, I still believe that Ian Rush was a better player than Ronaldo ... *shrug*
:D What, you mean apart from dicking over the OB?

Do you know who these bystanders are? There's no reliable information from either side at the moment, but it's way to early to be believing tales of "executions", particularly ones supposedly carried out in front of hordes of "bystanders".
you still don't understand - none of this was done to achieve anything. it was an angry reaction, not a demonstration with clear aims.
Ok, lets go with that for a minute. How do you explain tonight's violence in Enfield Woodgreen and westfield? I still think it's opportunistic criminality with Mark Duggans death as an excuse.
Bollocks. We know the bullet that was conveniently found in the radio came from a police gun. We have eye witness accounts that match what I suspected right from the start. I think it's reasonable to assume from this that, on the balance of probability, he was executed. I'm sure there'll be another "poor me, look, I'm being oppressed" post in reply to this but I'll not take the time to respond - you're clearly willing to ruin this thread before admitting you've been a pillock.

We know that now, yes.... we didn't actually know that previously. It wasn't immediately obvious that was the case at all! I've already admitted I was wrong about an assumption a few times actually and yes I do object to abusive postings made towards me so I will reply to them. I'm not trying to disrupt the thread but if you quote a post by me then call me a cunt as done previously its not really surprising that I'd reply to it. I don't think its reasonable at this point to assume he was executed - we simply don't know at the moment.
Ok, lets go with that for a minute. How do you explain tonight's violence in Enfield Woodgreen and westfield? I still think it's opportunistic criminality with Mark Duggans death as an excuse.
like i said earlier, many youths feel like they've got nothing left to lose. 'opportunistic criminality' is the only way for them to achieve the things they aspire to.
:D What, you mean apart from dicking over the OB?

Do you know who these bystanders are? There's no reliable information from either side at the moment, but it's way to early to be believing tales of "executions", particularly ones supposedly carried out in front of hordes of "bystanders".

I'll bet you £10 to the server fund that 1) the OB weren't fired on and 2) he was at the very least no direct threat to the lives of any police when he was shot. I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is on this. And I'm fucking positive that the version I believe is a damn site more plausible than the magic radio stopping a bullet killing a copper without him even feeling it - despite the radio shaped bruise and probable broken bones.
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