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Kicking Off In Tottenham

So actual journalistic sources are posting (on Twitter) actual attributable assertions of stuff happening in Brixton now. Anyone confirm?
something kicking off in walthamstow market ..about 10 police vans plus dogs ...smashing glass ..and a lot of shouting
We're a fragmented society and have been for centuries, so while all this may be horrifying and sad, it's just humanity doing its thing. The most destructive species on Earth.
My fucking word but that's badly-written shite. The police use JHPs: Jacketed Hollow-Point bullets, designed so as to minimise fragmentation.

The original "Dum-Dum" bullets, using poorly-made steel molds for the cast bullets, had hollows in the nose of the lead that caused them to fragment.
hence the poor man's dum dum made by filing the point
Accidental discharges, as I said in a previous answer to Dowie, answering his "logical deductions", are a lot more common than people would be inclined to believe, even by law enforcement professionals.

Would a ricochet while shooting someone who was lying down in the road (as some eye-witnesses appear to have claimed) be at all plausible?
something kicking off in walthamstow market ..about 10 police vans plus dogs ...smashing glass ..and a lot of shouting
Yeah, thats what I posted on the last page...in touch with a mate that lives above the shops in the market. She is scared and packing a bag to leave.
We know the cops and the gutter press collude on a range of corrupt stuff, why should it be a surprise when their mates come out with cynical lies that the cops can't put in a press statement ...

e badly-written shite. The Old Bill don't use the auto-fire only variant of the MP5 (which can be accurately called a "sub-machine gun), they use the MP5K, the carbine variant with selective fire that can be set by an armourer for semi-auto only (I'm fairly sure that the armed coppers will have been using semi-auto only). It's bloody difficult to fire a two round burst from an MP5 set for full auto.
What's the area round there like geographically - side streets or just big main roads? Easy to get to on foot? Residential bits or pretty much all commercial?
which area you talking about. tottenham has big main road with lots of side streets and broadwater farm, amongst other social housing. enfield is a more traditional town centre if you like, cross roads and main street, estates on the outskirts. similar levels of poverty and deprivation.
it does not seem reasonable to suppose that the same people were setting fires and looting. looting is obviously an activity which does not thrive in flames. nor does it seem reasonable to assume that they were in common cause. as has been pointed out the duggan family have said they didn't want the violence: do you suppose everyone out last night was up for either fighting the police or looting? pls in future engage brain before posting.

it's a pity that despite having followed these boards for many months you can't put together an argument worth replying to in detail.

That's better!

Why does it not seem reasonable to suppose that the rioters were in common cause? The video posted here and on other sites seems to show that the target of the rioters attacks were the police, they had that in common didn't they? When they looted and burned shops they seemed to have a common endeavour didn't they? As they queued to ransack JJB sports and Comet they seemed of one mind!

Tonight in Enfield, what is the excuse?

e badly-written shite. The Old Bill don't use the auto-fire only variant of the MP5 (which can be accurately called a "sub-machine gun), they use the MP5K, the carbine variant with selective fire that can be set by an armourer for semi-auto only (I'm fairly sure that the armed coppers will have been using semi-auto only). It's bloody difficult to fire a two round burst from an MP5 set for full auto.
i think the met only have semi-auto so they don't kill all their mates in one lovely burst
Metropolitan police commander Adrian Hanstock said they had "not anticipated" the extreme level of violence. "Last night's peaceful demonstration was hijacked by a small number of criminal elements, who used that for their own gain

He leads the Met, so he should know.
Would a ricochet while shooting someone who was lying down in the road (as some eye-witnesses appear to have claimed) be at all plausible?

9mm at close range? I've seen it happen off of the treble-course brick wall at my old range, so I certainly wouldn't rule it out.
Metropolitan police commander Adrian Hanstock said they had "not anticipated" the extreme level of violence. "Last night's peaceful demonstration was hijacked by a small number of criminal elements, who used that for their own gain

He leads the Met, so he should know.

the met have been shit at this public order business since broadhurst took over; i understand he's been sent off to do something with the olympics, which he'll no doubt make as big a fuck up of
So fuck me, the bullet in the radio was from a cop gun. Fancy that - the cops putting out missleading information having just killed somebody.

Why do so many people fail to take everything the cops say in these situations with a massive dose of salt. They are entirely consistant in their bullshit.

With regards to the rioting - its eerily similar to what happened in the early 80s - a lot of pissed off youth, high unemployment, widespread distrust and hostility to the cops then one incident kicks it all off. We've even had simialar bullshit about this all being 'pre-planned' - just like in 81.
A spell of hot weather and this could grow and spread over the next few weeks.

Take care anyone who's out there caught up in it.
That's better!

Why does it not seem reasonable to suppose that the rioters were in common cause? The video posted here and on other sites seems to show that the target of the rioters attacks were the police, they had that in common didn't they? When they looted and burned shops they seemed to have a common endeavour didn't they? As they queued to ransack JJB sports and Comet they seemed of one mind!

Tonight in Enfield, what is the excuse?
there are no excuses, just reasons. and there are many reasons. anger at the police, despair at being let down yet again by a government that only cares for their rich mates, the feeling by youths that they have nothing left to lose....
So why can't you go to the shop?

I have been to the shop. I am now back from the shop.

The last riot I nipped to the shop to find out what was happening as a lot of people had suddenly appeared on acre lane. By the time I was leaving the shop a few mins later there were riot vans outside too and it was kicking off.
I 'acted the cunt' for posting an opinion?

Yes I was wrong, I'm surprised that it was a police bullet but I'm happy to admit that I was wrong.

The whole posting abuse at people you don't agree with thing... not really called for tbh..

So if I was in the pub with you and a bloke came along and told us he had some invisible, intangible gold for sale and you took your wallet out to buy some, prompting me to call you a fucking idiot, would that be me throwing "abuse at people I don't agree with" too? Only that's on pretty much the same level as what you did.

I mean, this is essentially the story you fell for: "there was an armed, dangerous gangster in a taxi - he tried to shoot a brave, armed copper but fortunately the bullet lodged in his radio without him noticing, despite the fucking massive bruise he would inevitably have received as a consequence, which saved his life. So they were forced to shoot him in the face, twice, while he was on the ground".

You've basically claimed a man who has been executed without trial deserved it, despite the fact he didn't actually fire a single bullet. Where I come from that's considered a bit of a cunt's trick. That's not me abusing you because we disagree - that's me calling you a cunt because you're a cunt.
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