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Kicking Off In Tottenham

Guardian site has it now
yes, but they're quoting exactly the same source as everyone else, one telegraph reporter on twitter, andrew hough, and his photos show a lot of police, and no rioters. Walked down the high street not long about (maybe 30mins now) and seemed fine. Maybe problematic elsewhere, but does seem over the top. Anyone nearer (I'm on the hill)?
I have been to the shop. I am now back from the shop.

The last riot I nipped to the shop to find out what was happening as a lot of people had suddenly appeared on acre lane. By the time I was leaving the shop a few mins later there were riot vans outside too and it was kicking off.

Normally takes a while go get up the Hill, wouldn't worry about it.

I walked all the way down Acre Lane during the 1985 riots looking for some food and cigarettes as petrol station on the Hill had been smashed up and shops in Elm Park were shut :D They stopped setting skips on fire just short of Elm Park and there was a skip outside my flat. It was a comfort to know that there were some fire brigade wagons parked in Jebb Avenue :D
there are no excuses, just reasons. and there are many reasons. anger at the police, despair at being let down yet again by a government that only cares for their rich mates, the feeling by youths that they have nothing left to lose....

And I can understand and sympathise to a certain extent with those reasons, but how does burning out young families and ruining small businessmen trying to scratch a living help their cause?
That's better!

Why does it not seem reasonable to suppose that the rioters were in common cause? The video posted here and on other sites seems to show that the target of the rioters attacks were the police, they had that in common didn't they? When they looted and burned shops they seemed to have a common endeavour didn't they? As they queued to ransack JJB sports and Comet they seemed of one mind!

Tonight in Enfield, what is the excuse?
are you thick or something? your post shows that you see 'the rioters' as one homogenous body when all the evidence points the other way. now fuck off.
Is this basically gangs going off to rival territories to smash up their fast food places and nick loads of goods out of the shops?
And I can understand and sympathise to a certain extent with those reasons, but how does burning out young families and ruining small businessmen trying to scratch a living help their cause?
it doesn't. don't you understand? a riot isn't a demonstration to further a cause. it is a spontaneous reaction to injustices.
So if I was in the pub with you and a bloke came along and told us he had some invisible, intangible gold for sale and you took your wallet out to buy some, prompting me to call you a fucking idiot, would that be me throwing "abuse at people I don't agree with" too? Only that's on pretty much the same level as what you did.

I mean, this is essentially the story you fell for: "there was an armed, dangerous gangster in a taxi - he tried to shoot a brave, armed copper but fortunately the bullet lodged in his radio without him noticing, despite the fucking massive bruise he would inevitably have received as a consequence, which saved his life. So they were forced to shoot him in the face, twice, while he was on the ground".

You've basically claimed a man who has been executed without trial deserved it, despite the fact he didn't actually fire a single bullet. Where I come from that's considered a bit of a cunt's trick. That's not me abusing you because we disagree - that's me calling you a cunt because you're a cunt.

nice one for actually spelling it out, this one's such a MASSIVE plum
I see I was correct in my earlier assumption, you disappoint me!
i don't give a fuck. you've shown you're full of shit, that you're prepared to lie (badly) when it suits you, and that you hold yourself to lower standards than you do other people. which makes you something of a cunt, in my book.
I mean, this is essentially the story you fell for: "there was an armed, dangerous gangster in a taxi - he tried to shoot a brave, armed copper but fortunately the bullet lodged in his radio without him noticing, despite the fucking massive bruise he would inevitably have received as a consequence, which saved his life. So they were forced to shoot him in the face, twice, while he was on the ground".

Well you've managed to add some extra details so no that isn't the story I fell for - I did believe, from the reports, that an exchange of fire had taken place. A decent enough portion of the media did too as did plenty of other people who'd heard the story. Some of the news reports even stated that there *was* and exchange of fired. I did state that I was concluding there was due to the gun recovered from scene, bullet lodged in police radio - that still doesn't really seem that illogical a conclusion to make on the face of it.

You've basically claimed a man who has been executed without trial deserved it, despite the fact he didn't actually fire a single bullet. Where I come from that's considered a bit of a cunt's trick. That's not me abusing you because we disagree - that's me calling you a cunt because you're a cunt.

Nah that's you abusing me tbh... I'm not trying to 'trick' anyone - I shared an opinion on a news story based on facts that were made available - you didn't like it and rather than simply disagree you felt the need to resort to petty name calling and abuse. FWIW Calling it an 'execution' is making the same mistake I made earlier - it might well turn out to have been but given that the full account hasn't yet been released you're now making an assumption too.
it doesn't. don't you understand? a riot isn't a demonstration to further a cause. it is a spontaneous reaction to injustices.

By heaping further injustice on the already disadvantaged? How does that work? Do you really think that Cameron will lose a wink of sleep over this? It does not affect him or his class! all that happens is that poor people have their neighbourhood blighted their homes destroyed, and a few criminals have got a free telly! :facepalm:
That's brave talk! What if it was your home or business that was destroyed? Your family terrorised?

I'd be fucked off, no doubt about that.
Thing is, I'd be asking why the whole thing happened, and I'd be apportioning blame where it was deserved: at the actors and actions that caused the eruption, not just at those who reacted to it.
By heaping further injustice on the already disadvantaged? How does that work? Do you really think that Cameron will lose a wink of sleep over this? It does not affect him or his class! all that happens is that poor people have their neighbourhood blighted their homes destroyed, and a few criminals have got a free telly! :facepalm:
by 'heaping further injustice on the already disadvantaged' do you mean 'shooting them down like dogs and lying about it'?
Well you've managed to add some extra details so no that isn't the story I fell for - I did believe, from the reports that an exchange of fire had taken place. A decent enough portion of the media did too as did plenty of other people who'd heard the story.

Nah that's you abusing me tbh... I'm not trying to 'trick' anyone - I shared an opinion on a news story based on facts that were made available - you didn't like it and rather than simply disagree you felt the need to resort to petty name calling and abuse. FWIW Calling it an 'execution' is making the same mistake I made earlier - it might well turn out to have been but given that the full account hasn't yet been released you're now making an assumption too.

You're being deliberately obtuse now. You didn't base it on "facts that were made available" - you based it on statements made by known liars with an obvious motive for obscuring the truth. Now go away and kick a puppy or whatever it is you do for fun.

I'm basing the execution thesis on far, far more reliable evidence than your gangster who had it coming thesis. Eye witness reports from people who have no incentive to lie tend to be more reliable than carefully worded statements by professional liars.

Now please go away, you're ruining an important thread and I suspect that by responding to your tedious whining I'm helping you ruin it.
Is this basically gangs going off to rival territories to smash up their fast food places and nick loads of goods out of the shops?
It's a load of kids who don't give a stuff about anything or anybody, going out for what they can get. They've seen it on Youtube, it looks too easy. they're probably the same kids that come up here every summer in the school holidays, hanging about outside our marina fence, studying it carefully, noting which bikes aren't chained up, who has a laptop. Then one day, they come over the fence in a mob and help themselves. They're opportunists.
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