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Kicking Off In Tottenham

... and it's always that 'hero cop vs evil baddie' narrative that their partners-in-corruption in the press come out with. I suppose they just think that if they get their self-serving lies about people they've killed into the initial headline, then a significant number of people will always think that e.g. JC De Menezes was "wearing a bulky jacket and acting suspiciously" thereby justifying the police shooting that innocent man repeatedly in the face.

"Liverpool fans pissed on brave police trying to help Hillsbourough victims before robbing the corpses"

"Brave police were pelted with a hail of bottles while giving first aid to riot victim Tomlinson"

"Suspected gangster Mark Duggan, 29, fired a handgun at an armed cop, whose life was saved when the bullet hit his radio.
The officer returned fire with his Heckler & Koch MP5 sub-machine gun - blasting dad-of-five Duggan twice in the face before slumping to the ground."

The press really do come out with some ill informed bollocks, personally I will wait for the forensics report.
Hollow point is a standard kind of round, states hollow point on the box. Designed not to do a through and through but stay in the body.
A criminal is just as likely to have hollow point ammo as the plod is, because it is more readily available.

Just to reiterate, hollowpoint bullets are not the same as dum dum bullets, like roctrevezel says.
Couldn't find a better link in a hurry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollow-point_bullet

Hollowpoint ammunition is mostly law enforcement only, these days, civilians aren't allowed to purchase except under specific circumstances (certain types of hunting).
Blimey, Tottenham, who would have thought it ! Is this nothing that will blow over in a couple of days, or is like 1981 or 1985 all over again. Or is it the beginnings of something bigger still!
Is this the modern equivalent of illegal rave parties ? ..... sort of like .....loot parties ....chancers just driving round waiting for news where the latest action is to be had ? .......but without the bad dancing
Is this the modern equivalent of illegal rave parties ? ..... sort of like .....loot parties ....chancers just driving round waiting for news where the latest action is to be had ? .......but without the bad dancing

In your head?
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