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Kicking Off In Tottenham

http://lockerz.com/s/127482259 Ffffffff! in Enfield...
hard to say, seems confirmed that shops in enfield have closed early and high police presence, no clear signs of any action yet
on what basis, racial profiling?

I imagine, given the history of it kicking off there before, plus the fact the police are thin on the ground today, they have identified this as a possible flashpoint...my neighbour has been told to standby as he may be called into work at any moment.
is that the same as the guy here in the third picture? At first look I thought he'd lost an arm...
Looks like it. There's at least one more foto of him on the web that I've seen today.
Is that a tourniquet around his arm? What happened to him in the time between those two pictures?
Guardian reporting this quote from Paul Deller from the Metropolitan Police Federation:

'Morale among the police officers dealing with this incident, and within the Police Service as a whole, is at its lowest level ever due to the constant attacks on them by the home secretary and the government in the form of the Winsor and Hutton reviews into police pay and conditions. Despite the officers feeling let down by their political leaders, they still acted with extreme bravery and professionalism in the face of horrific violence shown towards them while trying to protect the community and the buildings in the local area.'

So the police are certainly taking the opportunity to stick it to the politicians. :hmm:
Guardian reporting this quote from Paul Deller from the Metropolitan Police Federation:

'Morale among the police officers dealing with this incident, and within the Police Service as a whole, is at its lowest level ever due to the constant attacks on them by the home secretary and the government in the form of the Winsor and Hutton reviews into police pay and conditions. Despite the officers feeling let down by their political leaders, they still acted with extreme bravery and professionalism in the face of horrific violence shown towards them while trying to protect the community and the buildings in the local area.'

So the police are certainly taking the opportunity to stick it to the politicians. :hmm:

Fairly logical assumptions all the same tbh ...<snip>

Police have too much form for telling cynical self-serving lies about people they've killed to treat the 'facts', as they've briefed them to their partners-in-corruption in the media, as being in any way reliable ...

The 'facts' may well turn out to be totally different when/if they're subjected to proper rules of evidence.
Interview here with a representative of the protestors casts a little light on yesterdays events and the actual shooting.

He reckons the gun was in a sock when they found it.
Does anyone else think the thing about the gun and the bullet in the radio sounds dodgy as fuck? Reminds me of the old myths about bibles and zippos stopping bullets in the trenches in WW1.

The way it's been reported it sounds like the copper didn't even know the bullet had hit his radio - now I'm no ballistics expert but I can state with a fair amount of confidence that if someone tried to shoot me and a radio (presumably either on my chest or my belt) stopped the bullet I'd have known about it immediately. And the pool of piss I'd be standing in and the brown patch on the seat of my trousers would soon alert everyone else present lol

Maybe I'm letting my inner conspiracy theorist out of the bag here, but I wouldn't be surprised if the bullet was put in the radio after the fact in order to justify the execution of a man who hadn't even stood trial.
Fairly logical assumptions all the same tbh... Its highly unlikely that the round came from another police officer. Especially as they were carrying H&K carbines - I doubt the round would have been stopped by a plastic police radio if it had.

Oh for fuck's sake! :facepalm: Why does everyone who's seen a "Die Hard" film think they know anything about firearms?

1) H & K MP5 carbine uses the same standard 9mm round as any 9mm pistol (including the pistols used by police). It makes good logistic sense.

2) Have you ever hefted a radio pack? they're heavy and solid. It is dense enough to stop a bullet.

3) We don't know, as yet, whether the bullet that lodged in the radio pack was a deflection, an aimed round or what.

In order to 'accidentally' discharge a round into a police officer you'd have to have at least pulled the gun out and pointed it in their direction.

You're razor-sharp, aren't you?

Whether firing it was an 'accident' or not then becomes irrelevant as having someone point a gun and shoot it at one of your colleagues is reason enough for the police to shoot back. Given that he was shot in the head twice it isn't exactly hard to deduce who shot first either.

More assumptions masquerading (thinly) as "logical deduction".

1) We don't know whether the bullet was "aimed" at all.

2) It's as likely that the police would have "returned fire" had the gun been discharged per se, as had it been discharged at them.

With reference to your deductions, do yourself a favour, don't bother.
I'm all for sticking things to the politicians.

Looks like enfield is battening the hatches a bit but nothing actually kicking off despite claims that shops are being looted and

Photo: Enfield McDonalds on fire?! http://tumblr.com/xwp3y97822


Maybe I'm letting my inner conspiracy theorist out of the bag here, but I wouldn't be surprised if the bullet was put in the radio after the fact in order to justify the execution of a man who hadn't even stood trial.

If it were placed against a hard surface and then shot, that would certainly explain why it didn't pass through the radio...
Guardian reporting this quote from Paul Deller from the Metropolitan Police Federation:

'Morale among the police officers dealing with this incident, and within the Police Service as a whole, is at its lowest level ever due to the constant attacks on them by the home secretary and the government in the form of the Winsor and Hutton reviews into police pay and conditions. Despite the officers feeling let down by their political leaders, they still acted with extreme bravery and professionalism in the face of horrific violence shown towards them while trying to protect the community and the buildings in the local area.'

So the police are certainly taking the opportunity to stick it to the politicians. :hmm:
well, having seen at first hand the way that the police seemed content to hold control of 200 metres of the high road (which includes the cop shop, a scene of repeated demonstrations and disorders going back years) and made no real effort at all to stop the "small minority of criminals" (as the met police spokesmen called them) from first burning the cop car just as 2 tv camera crews arrived, nor intervening in tottenham techno park and wood green, despite having a containment strategy in place as well apparently, one can't help be suspicious that, subsequent to the earlier rioting kicking off, they decided to make a point in relation to proposed budgetary cuts by simply standing back and showing the media and politicians what the result would be?
one can't help be suspicious that, subsequent to the earlier rioting kicking off, they decided to make a point in relation to proposed budgetary cuts by simply standing back and showing the media and politicians what the result would be?

Quite. Exactly the point I was trying to make with my earlier conspiracy-theorist post. Glad it's not just me who thinks that.
well, having seen at first hand the way that the police seemed content to hold control of 200 metres of the high road (which includes the cop shop, a scene of repeated demonstrations and disorders going back years) and made no real effort at all to stop the "small minority of criminals" (as the met police spokesmen called them) from first burning the cop car just as 2 tv camera crews arrived, nor intervening in tottenham techno park and wood green, despite having a containment strategy in place as well apparently, one can't help be suspicious that, subsequent to the earlier rioting kicking off, they decided to make a point in relation to proposed budgetary cuts by simply standing back and showing the media and politicians what the result would be?
i also noticed on one of the videos on the bbc website there was a fit team there. what they'll be doing is going through cctv and their own footage and making arrests in the future. but, if he was called in and i imagine he was, this is *another* bob broadhurst car-crash of a police response.
Blimey, just been up Fore Street and some went up that far. A couple of shops with their windows smashed it but nothing worth looting in Lower Edmonton! :D
The Met Police said:
A major investigation team has been launched by the Met following the disorder in Tottenham last night - the investigation is codenamed Operation Withern.

The team is being led by Detective Superintendent John Sweeney, and is made up of detectives from the Homicide and Serious Crime Command, specialist investigators from the Public Order Branch and police support staff.

The team is currently dealing with the 48 people who were arrested during the course of the disorder.

Officers are in the process of reviewing hours of CCTV and taking witness statements. There is a primary crime scene that runs from Monument Way to Lansdowne Road. Detectives are on the scene scoping out the number of buildings and businesses broken into and damaged. This will take some time, and we cannot currently estimate how long.

Forensic examiners will slowly and painstakingly work their way through this crime scene seeking to retrieve as much evidence as possible. We thank the local community for their continued patience and apologise for the inconvience caused, but processing this crime scene properly is of the utmost importance to our investigation.

We are aware of various reports on social media networks of further disorder being planned and any intelligence will be assessed and actioned. A policing operation is in place across London and local officers are on the streets in Tottenham.

FOR CLARIFICATION: Total number of arrests is 48. There have been no new arrests, but the rise from 42 to 48 is because the Investigation Team has now collated the exact details from the numerous custody suites in London.

So expect to get hassled by police in the tottenham/edmonton area
The remnants of the former Co-op/Carpetrite building look like they'll have to be demolished. A great shame for the people who lived in the flats there.
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