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Kicking Off In Tottenham

tell us more? The Shopping City, has it been done over?
Didn't go that far but mobile phone shops seemed to have got the best of it, someone said the Job Centre has been smashed up too, no shocked residents strangely and saw a few guys who clearly had just come back from AandE enjoying Energy drinks in the sunshine :D
"This is just a glimpse into the abyss," former Metropolitan Police Commander John O'Connor told Sky News television Sunday. "Someone's pulled the clock back and you can look and see what's beneath the surface. And what with the Olympic Games coming up, this doesn't bode very well for London."

This is quite an interesting quote from the met commander
This is quite an interesting quote from the met commander

<conspiracy theorist alert>
I was wondering whether the Met decided to under-estimate the potential for things to kick off last night, as yet another demonstration to the gov't of why exactly they need to have the police onside in the coming months/years ...
Thatcher never made the mistake of pissing the police off, did she.(Did she????)
</conspiracy theorist>
How does someone loot a carpet, do ya think?

Dunno, years ago a mate found one that looked dumped in the street, when they got it home and unrolled it someone had stashed a load of shots in it. Anyway, he was on foot, any reasonably strength man can loot a largish carpet or rug.
From the Telegraph:
On almost every street corner down the blocked off High Street there are loud discussions among residents about what happened and who is to blame. The list is a long one and the government, the police, David Cameron and local MP David Lammy are all on it.
Most seem to agree that the riot was a long time coming and not just a reaction to the Mark Duggan shooting. "You had a tinder box that was waiting and that was just the match," says one woman.
This this you mean?
Yep that one - was posted by some teenager obv. in jest. She clearly wasn't at the scene. All the local girls were posting jokey tweets ordering hair from the hairshops round there, this was no different. Who has time to cook during a riot anyway?
s'funny, i was there for two hours last night and saw nothing of the sort.
What time were you there? This happened about 11:30/midnight ish when it had just kicked off. Some other mates got accused of being undercover and were threatened but by about 2 it was an equal opportunities riot
Nope, can't stand her. Just replying to LC's anarchist handbook responses...
Perhaps you should ask yourself why someone might wish to destroy shops etc in their own community.

I can think of many incidences, recent and in the dim past where that sort of thing happened not just because people wanted to "fuck shit up", but because in some cases they felt exploited by those businesses, as customers and employees.
You know I suspect the mob didn't set up a meeting and rationalise the whole thing. It is the result of years and years of frustration and discontent. Fuck all changed here during the 'boom' years, so you can imagine how young people feel now they're effectivley told they've got no future.
You can just imagine it:

"I say, chaps, perhaps we shouldn't smash stuff up and rob businesses because wiberals will see footage of it, and be shocked!". :D
"A friend of Mr Duggan, who gave her name as Niki, 53, said marchers had wanted "justice for the family" and "something had to be done".
She said some of them lay in the road to make their point. "They're making their presence known because people are not happy," she added.
"This guy was not violent. Yes, he was involved in things but he was not an aggressive person. He had never hurt anyone."

He was carrying a fucking hand gun. :rolleyes:

An offence for which there is a stiff sentence which doesn't involve summary justice administered by adrenalin-hyped coppers with 9mms.
Perhaps you should ask yourself why someone might wish to destroy shops etc in their own community.

I can think of many incidences, recent and in the dim past where that sort of thing happened not just because people wanted to "fuck shit up", but because in some cases they felt exploited by those businesses, as customers and employees.

I bet you those ones smashing up Carpet Right had all ordered carpets that hadn't been delivered
excuse for large scale looting , ones doing it , few would be local..... at a bet .... police should have water canon and rubber bullets issued

Scum like you would be the first to whine if you or yours took a hit from a deflected baton round, so stick your posturing up your doubtless well-lubricated shit-pipe.

BTW, "water canon"? You want to send priests in? Cunt.
Do police not carry batons as a matter of course then?

I wouldn't mind if they carried "traditional" batons, such as tonfas or staves, but ASPs, which the majority of police are now issued with, are a lot more likely to cause injury, what with being sprung and tip-weighted.
What time were you there? This happened about 11:30/midnight ish when it had just kicked off. Some other mates got accused of being undercover and were threatened but by about 2 it was an equal opportunities riot
between 12 and 2, roughly. and i travelled about a bit on my bike to see what was what. lots of youth up all the backstreets as well as on the high road, as well as a roughly equal number of onlookers, fairly reflective of the demographics of the area, yes, but no hint of people being intimidated, threatened or attacked for racial reasons.

i spoke to a somali bloke who'd seen it kicking off on his tv and come to have a look, he'd been hit in the ankle by a lump of rubble that was being hurled at the police vans as they arrived, but he said that was simply because he wasn't alive to what was happening and realised he needed to move where he was standing. there were loads of the local hassidic jewish community there as well. it was a very highly charged atmosphere all round of course. but i didn't see anything kicking off, other than towards the cops.

that's not to suggest that nothing like that may not have happened, but just from what i saw from riding about and from talking to people.
Perhaps you should ask yourself why someone might wish to destroy shops etc in their own community.

I can think of many incidences, recent and in the dim past where that sort of thing happened not just because people wanted to "fuck shit up", but because in some cases they felt exploited by those businesses, as customers and employees.

It comes from lack of self respect. If you spend your life being told you're nothing, you start to believe it. You don't value yourself therefore you don't value anything therefore smashing stuff up comes easy. Plenty of kids round here don't give a shit, coz no one ever gave a shit about them. They'll gang rape, they'll teach their dogs to attack peoples family pets on Bruce Castle Park. Same as a depressed person smashing up their own flat, but on a larger scale. Fuel feelings like that with mob mentality and then this happens. I dunno if people felt exploited but the retail park is quite new and rather bling - all those shiny expensive TVs and ipads almost seemed to be taunting the kids living on the estate opposite. As I've said before it's not the first time it's been looted. Doesn't excuse or condone their behaviour but you can see why it happens.

My mate who lives up Bruce Grove near Broadwater Farm said it was up to him and some other residents last night to stop some young Turkish kids from setting the bins on fire/breaking into the youth club. No cops around. These kids were just swept up in the adrenalin.
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