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Kicking Off In Tottenham

FFS - Whenever the police kill someone in cold blood they always put out a bullshit story that makes them look good and the victim look bad. The 'he fired first - but bullet lodged in coppers radio' sounds exactly like bullshit and I thought that the moment I heard the first report.
The cops do exactly the same whenever their is a riot as well. Expect some more bullshit about how it all started - police moved into the crowd to rescue a kitten or something.
From whats coming out it sounds like there was an angry demo and the police respsonded to it with aggro, thereby kicking everything off.
Some of those small "local" retailers wont have full insurance , those living above the shops too ....Even if they weren't touched , there is going to be a drop off in trade ...go even further down hill ....
Bad reputations for areas stick like glue - and there is no convincing people of the niceness of a place -they just mention there was a riot many years ago.

This is the co-op building
Moonie Nile Gardiner thinks the cuts haven't gone deep enough.

And what’s the evidence that these riots are anything at all to do with the policies of the current government? Absolutely zilch. They are merely an excuse for robbery and destruction. And if anything the Coalition has not gone far enough in reining in the deficit, and has not been forceful enough on issues like crime.


The comments are, predictably, full of the usual racist garbage.

19 minutes ago
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4 people
You see these chippy small-time blacks every day in inner London - with their swagger, their hoodies, their ridiculous urban patois and their permanent scowl.

They should all be put in work camps for re-education.

This j_striker is a real charmer.
59 minutes ago
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7 people
What really gets me is the role of Black politicians in all this.

"Man Dems" like David Lammy setting themselves up as leaders of "the community". Playing racial identity politics so they can build themselves a power base which they use to get into Parliament with.

Then as soon as something like this happens they start their protestations and pleas for calm when they KNOW full well that it is their fostering of the greivance culture among their ethnic power/voting bloc they call "the community" which they have encouraged which is really to blame.
Just catching up with this now - looks from the BBC website like the police took out one scumbag and the other scumbags used it as an excuse to come out and trash and loot the area, which is all nice and neat for anyone who isn't immediately reminded of those initial reports of the executed Arab-looking terrorist jumping over the Tube barriers wearing his bomb vest only for him later to turn into a central American electrician on the way to work.

Awful for the community either way with all the damage that's been done. :(
FFS - Whenever the police kill someone in cold blood they always put out a bullshit story that makes them look good and the victim look bad. The 'he fired first - but bullet lodged in coppers radio' sounds exactly like bullshit and I thought that the moment I heard the first report.
The cops do exactly the same whenever their is a riot as well. Expect some more bullshit about how it all started - police moved into the crowd to rescue a kitten or something.
From whats coming out it sounds like there was an angry demo and the police respsonded to it with aggro, thereby kicking everything off.

This, I dont know how anyone can take the Met's word on anything given their long and ongoing history of bullshit.
You don't have a clue do you? The old Co-Op building is stunning, it was renovated to provide affordable housing, gorgeous flats with floor to ceiling windows. All gone, just charred remains left. The poor people who lived there. :(

Bloke on Sky News earlier said they had to leave with just the clothes they had on, they have lost their home and everything in it.
FFS - Whenever the police kill someone in cold blood they always put out a bullshit story that makes them look good and the victim look bad. The 'he fired first - but bullet lodged in coppers radio' sounds exactly like bullshit and I thought that the moment I heard the first report.
The cops do exactly the same whenever their is a riot as well. Expect some more bullshit about how it all started - police moved into the crowd to rescue a kitten or something.
From whats coming out it sounds like there was an angry demo and the police respsonded to it with aggro, thereby kicking everything off.

Oh stop being such a pathetic liberal apologist.
They said Ian Tomlinson died of natural causes. They said Jean Charles had a bomb. They said Smiley C had a knife. They said Harry Stanley had a gun.

So lets go and fuck innocent local people up to make a point ? Yeah great idea...
All you thick liberal idiots who want to carry on defending and justifying a bunch of teenage thugs fucking up their local community go ahead. Out yourselves here...
Bad reputations for areas stick like glue - and there is no convincing people of the niceness of a place -they just mention there was a riot many years ago.

Not necessarily true. Brixton's still got the reputation but has been flooded by the middle classes. Fair enough, they wouldn't come 25 years ago or even 15 years ago
They said Ian Tomlinson died of natural causes. They said Jean Charles had a bomb. They said Smiley C had a knife. They said Harry Stanley had a gun.

not to nitpick, but IIRC noone ever said that they had found a bomb with Jean Charles, or that they had found a gun with Harry Stanley.
Not necessarily true. Brixton's still got the reputation but has been flooded by the middle classes. Fair enough, they wouldn't come 25 years ago or even 15 years ago
There are still loads of people that are funny about Brixton. I know work colleagues who thinks it's novel to have past through here accidentally on a night out.
Just been speaking to my ex who was at a rave on Fontaine Road and she says there was definitely an air of racial tension. The rioters were pretty much all black and she was advised by a white guy who's mate had been beaten up to leave the area. Now - this guy who was beaten up did have a pro video camera so I'm more inclined to think that's the reason but I wasn't there myself.
There are still loads of people that are funny about Brixton. I know work colleagues who thinks it's novel to have past through here accidentally on a night out.

Yes I realise that, but it has changed hugely in the last 10 years compared to 25 years ago. 25 years ago, everyone's jaw dropped if you said you lived in Brixton, now it's more a smallish percentage (most often for me, from people who don't know London)
All you thick liberal idiots who want to carry on defending and justifying a bunch of teenage thugs fucking up their local community go ahead. Out yourselves here...
have another think about it when you've calmed down. you're reacting emotionally, much like the rioters
I wonder how many of the 42 people arrested thus far (BBC News 24) actually live in the area.

Wouldn't surprise me if most of them don't. I remember with the last mini Brixton riots, a lot of them had come in from Tooting and Peckham and other nearby areas.

Tottenham's on the Victoria Line so easily got to from Brixton for those so inclined
Just been speaking to my ex who was at a rave on Fontaine Road and she says there was definitely an air of racial tension. The rioters were pretty much all black and she was advised by a white guy who's mate had been beaten up to leave the area. Now - this guy who was beaten up did have a pro video camera so I'm more inclined to think that's the reason but I wasn't there myself.

I saw plenty of white people masked up and looting on the news.
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