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Keystone XL flowing ahead

They are going to be absolutely plundering America in general for the next four years, Trumps appointees are the biggest middle finger directed at ordinary people ever, they are laughing their knackers off at the stupidity of the American WC.

Sad, but true.

I had a Trump supporter lecture me on the importance of giving President Trump the respect he deserved. I told him that I would give him the same level of respect that the Republicans have accorded to President Obama. Trump deserves nothing less, IMHO.
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The resource extraction industries are in heaven. When Trump talks about a trillion in infrastructure spending, I expect some of this will go for roads into wilderness areas for pipeline building, logging, oil drilling and mining.
I am not sure if this is connected to the above but in any event it is straight out of the 'we can do what the fuck we like' playbook.

e2a I think it must be

I got this reportage via editor's post about the coalmining guy on Trump.
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I am not sure if this is connected to the above but in any event it is straight out of the 'we can do what the fuck we like' playbook.

When a pipeline company comes in they get a blanket power to take property by eminent domain. For the XL Pipeline, they went through the western part of Nebraska and used it to bully everyone. People would literally wake up to find surveyors or bulldozers on land they thought was theirs. That's why the Cowboy and Indian Alliance popped up with such unlikely allies as farmers, natives, and environmentalists.

Got this from a water protector this morning:

There's a lot of activity on the oil corporation side of the Dakota Access Pipeline... they're cutting away the barrier, razor wire, and concrete slabs, that they blocked the road with... there's a lot of vehicle movement on their side, and an entire police/worker camp on the DAPL side, they've also added a second helicopter and so there's two helicopters and an airplane constantly circling the camp right now. Something is about to go down! Pray for us.
That didn't take long. No one should think the fight is over. It's only changing venues to the courts (and streets) instead of the executive branch.

I should point out that we only need to delay for long enough for corporate shareholders to get nervous and decide that these are stranded assets. At that point the future of the pipeline won't be the only thing in question, the future of the company will be as well.
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To introduce rule of law within the camp, we will be asking the Trump administration for much-needed law enforcement support and public safety resources, requests that were ignored by the last administration.

And you can bet they'll get it. I've had a sinking feeling for months that this was going to end up a bloodbath.

In a way I blame Obama (or his administration). He had a chance to use his power to create national monuments to resolve the issue permanently. He did not.
Another thing that is boiling my piss is that they are already framing the go ahead in terms of 'bringing jobs and income to the areas affected.'

Divide and rule right there as Trump supporters and some local unemployed people will be even less likely to understand/support the protests and the needs/right of first nations people. :mad: It will be all 'hey, he created jobs'... The details of who is being fucked other to have those jobs will be another inconvenient truth.
Another thing that is boiling my piss is that they are already framing the go ahead in terms of 'bringing jobs and income to the areas affected.'

Divide and rule right there as Trump supporters and some local unemployed people will be even less likely to understand/support the protests and the needs/right of first nations people. :mad: It will be all 'hey, he created jobs'... The details of who is being fucked other to have those jobs will be another inconvenient truth.

And its a false promise. The jobs that are created are temporary and only related to building it. Building oil pipelines is a specialized skill. It won't provide local jobs. After construction is completed, it'll only provide 50 jobs spread over the length of the pipeline. In fact, more jobs will be lost because they're taking farmland out of production than will be created by the construction. Those farm jobs that will be lost, will all be local jobs.
And its a false promise. The jobs that are created are temporary and only related to building it. Building oil pipelines is a specialized skill. It won't provide local jobs. After construction is completed, it'll only provide 50 jobs spread over the length of the pipeline. In fact, more jobs will be lost because they're taking farmland out of production than will be created by the construction. Those farm jobs that will be lost, will all be local jobs.
But, the Donald is requiring the pipe be made in America.....more jobs, better quality and cheaper......it'll be fantastic.
My dad was from the Pine Ridge reservation, and it seems to me we are looking at another Wounded Knee massacre! As much as I believe in what my kin are doing, I wish they would just get out of the way!!!
U.S. military veterans group announced new efforts to support the Standing Rock Native American tribe and protesters who oppose completion of the Dakota Access pipeline, just days after President Donald Trump took action to move the project forward.

Those efforts include developing the capability to deploy thousands of veteran volunteers to Standing Rock, potentially putting the White House in a politically difficult position. They come as tensions have escalated between protesters and law officers in recent weeks.

Military veterans throw support behind Standing Rock Sioux after Trump signs Dakota Access memo
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