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Keystone XL flowing ahead

Activists said a Dakota Access pipeline protester could have her arm amputated after suffering an injury from a small explosion Sunday night, and protesters and law enforcement officials accused each other of being responsible.

Images shared by activists on Facebook showed a young woman sitting in a vehicle with a gory arm injury. A bone was visible.

The woman was one of 26 people that activists said Monday had been taken to the hospital for their injuries after a clash between protesters and police Sunday night. Police had doused protesters with a low-pressure water cannon as temperatures dipped below freezing.

One of the pipeline protest leaders, Dallas Goldtooth, said on Facebook on Monday that a young woman named Sophia Wilansky “was struck directly by a concussion grenade last night on the front lines” of a protest on a bridge near Cannon Ball, N.D.

Dakota Access pipeline protester may lose her arm after small explosion, activists say

One of my informal sources has said that she lost the arm.

Small explosion was a 'non lethal' concussion grenade and the victim's arm has since been amputated.

God it's going to be awful when Obama's gone and Trump is in charge isn't it? There'll be a bunch of corporatised militias running around with zero accountability attacking minority communities with serious military hardware and oh shit no that's already happening.
Small explosion was a 'non lethal' concussion grenade and the victim's arm has since been amputated.

God it's going to be awful when Obama's gone and Trump is in charge isn't it? There'll be a bunch of corporatised militias running around with zero accountability attacking minority communities with serious military hardware and oh shit no that's already happening.

That always happens when mere humans get in the way of profit.
God it's going to be awful when Obama's gone and Trump is in charge isn't it? There'll be a bunch of corporatised militias running around with zero accountability attacking minority communities with serious military hardware and oh shit no that's already happening.
True, things will probably get much worse with Trump. But AFAIK Obama has done nothing except make a wishy washy statement in an interview about 'both sides should avoid violence' when the protesters are totally peaceful. He's also temporarily stopped the project by having the Army COE do more study. He could at least have come out with a strong statement against the violence directed at the protesters, or better yet sent a Federal official there to drive the point home.
Here's the text of the letter that the Gov. of North Dakota sent:

"State of North Dakota
" Jack Dalrymple, Governor
" Executive Order 2016-08

" WHEREAS, Morton County is currently experiencing severe winter weather storm conditions, and it is anticipated harsh winter conditions will continue until next spring; and

" WHEREAS, winter conditions have the potential to endanger human life, especially when they are exposed to these conditions without proper shelter, dwellings, or sanitation for prolonged periods of time; and

" WHEREAS, large populations have chosen to stay in areas of Morton County managed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers south of the Cantapeta Creek and the Cannonball River (The areas include the confluence with Cantapeta Creek east, east of North Dakota Highway 1806, north of the Cannonball River, and west of the Missouri River) in tents, vehicles, temporary and semi-permanent structures which have not been inspected and approved by Morton County as proper dwellings suitable for winter habitation; and

" WHEREAS, the aforementioned areas of Morton County are not zoned for dwellings suitable for living in winter conditions, and also do not possess proper permanent sanitation infrastructure to sustain a living environment consistent with proper public health; and

" WHEREAS, the United States Army Corps of Engineers has ordered the aforementioned area of Morton County which they manage to be vacated due to public safety concerns related to the inability to effectively provide emergency, medical, fire response services, and law enforcement services; and

" WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the state to assist citizens and visitors to North Dakota in addressing the emergencies, disasters, and other hardships that may face the state, its citizens and visitors, to include issuance of orders in the best interest of public safety.

" NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jack Dalrymple, Governor of the State of North Dakota, order a mandatory evacuation of all persons located in areas under the proprietary jurisdiction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers located in Morton County, and defined as a prohibited area in Exhibit A of the United States Army Corps of Engineers memorandum provided to the Morton County Sheriff on November 25', 2016 and attached to this order. This definition of the evacuation area shall remain in effect even if the United States Army Corps of Engineers redefines or removes these prohibited areas. These persons are ordered to leave the evacuation area immediately, and are further ordered not to return to the evacuation area. "

This is going to get even uglier than it has been.
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No surprise but Keystone will come back.
President-elect Trump’s campaign manager and senior transition adviser Kellyanne Conway will tour the Canadian tar sands before the inauguration, according to a conservative Canadian super PAC called the Alberta Prosperity Fund...Conway will visit Fort McMurray, the town in the middle of the tar sands region, and then attend a Jan. 12 private fundraising dinner for the Alberta Prosperity Fund. The group called it “a call to action for Alberta industry whose competitiveness and market access have been restricted by excessive regulation and public protests.”
Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway to visit Canadian oil sands
Dakota Access is dead for now.
The US Army has decided not to allow an oil pipeline to cross under a reservoir on land it controls in North Dakota in a move praised by protesters...The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe hailed an "historic decision" and said it was "forever grateful" to President Obama...Instead, the US Army Corps of Engineers will look at alternative routes, a statement by the campaigners said.
Standing Rock: US Army refuses N Dakota pipeline access - BBC News
I wonder how much sway the arrival of hundreds of US veterans helped the Standing Rock cause?
Damage has already happened to the ancient burial sites of the Lakota people, as well as miles of land. The possibility of pollution caused by the subterranean pipeline under the lake was always the main concern, the worry is where or which direction are they now considering.
But for now this little victory should give the protesters a small respite from some of the most brutal policing seen in the land of the free.
Water is life.
The probable reversal of halting Dakota Access under Trump may be just the beginning of trouble for the tribes.
Trump Advisors Aim to Privatize Untapped Oil Reserves on Native American Reservations
Native American reservations cover just 2% of the United States, but they may contain about a fifth of the nation’s oil and gas, along with vast coal reserves...Now, a group of advisors to President-elect Donald Trump on Native American issues wants to free those resources from what they call a suffocating federal bureaucracy that holds title to 56 million acres of tribal lands, two chairmen of the coalition told Reuters in exclusive interviews...The group proposes to put those lands into private ownership – a politically explosive idea that could upend more than century of policy designed to preserve Indian tribes on U.S.-owned reservations, which are governed by tribal leaders as sovereign nations.
Trump Advisors Aim to Privatize Untapped Oil Reserves on Native American Reservations
a north dakota pipeline did exactly what the protestors are saying would happen. Big crack, contamination over a 60 mile radius
a north dakota pipeline did exactly what the protestors are saying would happen. Big crack, contamination over a 60 mile radius

It sure did and it wasn't the only one.

There's still a plan to prevent this from being built. Its a bit of a hail Mary, but its worth a try. The President may declare any site a National Historic monument with the antiquities act. That would put it on par with being a national park. If we can get Obama to declare it so, it would make it more difficult for Trump to push it through. If nothing else, it would tie it up in litigation for years.

Building Dakota access puts money into the pocket of our new energy secretary.
Donald Trump's pick to run the Energy Department also happens to be the favorite politician of the company attempting to build the Dakota Access Pipeline. For the past two years, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry has held a paid position on the board of directors of Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners...ETP CEO Kelcy Warren poured millions of dollars into Perry's political ambitions. Warren was involved in both Perry's official and unofficial campaign organizations. He served as the official campaign's finance chairman, and he chipped in $6 million to super-PACs backing Perry.
Rick Perry is on the board of the company building the Dakota Access Pipeline
President Obama moved to solidify his environmental legacy Tuesday by withdrawing hundreds of millions of acres of federally owned land in the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean from new offshore oil and gas drilling.

Obama used a little-known law called the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to protect large portions of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas in the Arctic and a string of canyons in the Atlantic stretching from Massachusetts to Virginia. In addition to a five-year moratorium already in place in the Atlantic, removing the canyons from drilling puts much of the eastern seaboard off limits to oil exploration even if companies develop plans to operate around them.

The announcement by the White House late in the afternoon was coordinated with similar steps being taken by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to shield large areas of that nation’s Arctic waters from drilling. Neither measure affects leases already held by oil and gas companies and drilling activity in state waters.

President Obama bans oil drilling in large areas of Atlantic and Arctic oceans

I needed some good news this week.
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