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Kellogg, Brown and Root wins concentration camp contract

Yuwipi Woman said:
I have some younger friends that have this little vampire cult going. They started out sacrificing cats and decided that wasn't any fun so they graduated to snake handling and drinking each other's blood. Completely unsanitary as far as I'm concerned, but there you go.
Are you well :confused:
Yuwipi Woman said:
They started out sacrificing cats and decided that wasn't any fun,....

..so they graduated to snake handling and drinking each other's blood. .

Glad to see they moved on from cruelty to animals to mainstream southern xianity. :p
Yuwipi Woman said:
Hey Dr. Jazzz, has it occurred to you they have a constitutional right to be Moloch worshipers if they want? I'm not saying they are, but they are free to be so.

I have some younger friends that have this little vampire cult going. They started out sacrificing cats and decided that wasn't any fun so they graduated to snake handling and drinking each other's blood. Completely unsanitary as far as I'm concerned, but there you go.

Freedom of religion, right? ;)

Besides all of this distracts from the real problem which is the corrupt business deals they make. To focus on this detracts from the real fight.

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." Henry Thoreau

The corrupt business deals are simply branches. The root is this covert, luciferian power structure.

And I'm guessing you wouldn't be too happy about your friends running the country either ;)
A luciferian power structure?

I'd say it's more like the scene in the first Godfather meeting where they have the meeting of the commission and one of the other dons says 'Don Corleone had all the congressmen in his pocket, and he wouldn't share'.

As Mark's Tortoise, the ruling class are a band of warring brothers.

And Lee Harvey Oswald not only acted alone, he was a good comrade who rid the world of an imperialist war criminal.
Jazzz said:
You might think so, they would rather no-one knew about Bohemian Grove, but if you must they would like you to think it was just a bit of fun.

However it's not, the owl is a symbol of Moloch and their worship of it is quite serious for the satanic/masonic sect running the planet here.


Of course, the owl is also the symbol of Athena, goddess of wisdom, but hey, don't let possible other interpretations distract you from REVEALING THE TRUTH. That'd be way too sensible.
newharper said:
Glad to see they moved on from cruelty to animals to mainstream southern xianity. :p

I used to collect "interesting" people. They are young yet and will probably grow up and find something more useful to do with their free time.

One problem with "interesting" people is that they don't really make very reliable friends. Boring people will hapiliy come jump your car if you get stuck.
ViolentPanda said:
Of course, the owl is also the symbol of Athena, goddess of wisdom, but hey, don't let possible other interpretations distract you from REVEALING THE TRUTH. That'd be way too sensible.
The truth is we are being run by a bunch of criminals. Really.

Do you really think a bunch of criminals got up and stayed up there by getting through all the checks and balances of a properly functioning democracy? Like fuck they did. But the funny thing is this - people want to feel superior. Nothing makes you feel more superior than having a go at the people at the top for being incompetent/stupid/wrong. However, admitting that you have been tricked makes you feel inferior. Hence, posts like yours, and the refusal to countenance the proposition that we are being well and truly fucked over. Hopefully there are humbler people than you VP around.
Jazzz said:
The truth is we are being run by a bunch of criminals. Really.

Do you really think a bunch of criminals got up and stayed up there by getting through all the checks and balances of a properly functioning democracy? Like fuck they did. But the funny thing is this - people want to feel superior. Nothing makes you feel more superior than having a go at the people at the top for being incompetent/stupid/wrong. However, admitting that you have been tricked makes you feel inferior. Hence, posts like yours, and the refusal to countenance the proposition that we are being well and truly fucked over. Hopefully there are humbler people than you VP around.

Way off base, as usal.

I'm a cynic. I know that the political process has been "captured" by partial and venal people, but unlike you I don't have to dress up my acknowledgement of those facts in pretty wisps of implausibility to make it palatable to me, in fat it is arguable that your inability to "countenance the proposition that we are being well and truly fucked over" by people just like us that makes you believe you're being fucked over by some outside force.

So your reference to "posts like yours", as with much of your output, is incorrect.

As for humble, fuck humble. I'm not a Jesus -wallah, so I don't find humility (or more usually the pretence of humility) or it's close relative "meekness" particularly attractive traits.
There are some excellent videos here, and some shite of course.

In particular - Orwell Rolls in his Grave.


Jazz is spot on by the way, but most of you know that deep down, huh. ;)

And Yuwipi woman and all the rest of you US myopics, you enjoy yourself in those concentration camps you're going to for posting on this site, ya hear.
ViolentPanda said:
Way off base, as usal.

I'm a cynic. I know that the political process has been "captured" by partial and venal people, but unlike you I don't have to dress up my acknowledgement of those facts in pretty wisps of implausibility to make it palatable to me, in fat it is arguable that your inability to "countenance the proposition that we are being well and truly fucked over" by people just like us that makes you believe you're being fucked over by some outside force.

So your reference to "posts like yours", as with much of your output, is incorrect.
I can certainly countenance that possibility - I used to believe it. The thing is I now reject it, because I've been open to the other one. If it wasn't for my health experiences (where I had to learn that vast hordes of otherwise very intelligent people could be completely hoodwinked, and I learnt that the hard way) I might be posting more like you.

As for humble, fuck humble. I'm not a Jesus -wallah, so I don't find humility (or more usually the pretence of humility) or it's close relative "meekness" particularly attractive traits.
Well fair enough - that's your call. But bear in mind that con artists absolutely adore this attitude. I say that includes the men running the planet.
Jazzz said:
I can certainly countenance that possibility - I used to believe it. The thing is I now reject it, because I've been open to the other one. If it wasn't for my health experiences (where I had to learn that vast hordes of otherwise very intelligent people could be completely hoodwinked, and I learnt that the hard way) I might be posting more like you.
oh dear, you really don't want to get into comparing health experiences with me, believe me! :)
Well fair enough - that's your call. But bear in mind that con artists absolutely adore this attitude. I say that includes the men running the planet.
And you've obviously not heard of double-bluff and disinformation.

You really don't realise how much your posts reek of a condescending attitude towards people who aren't as "open" as you are or don't accept what you're offering them, do you?
Yuwipi Woman said:
Consider the source. Alex Jones is the guy who thinks all the rich people in the US are Moloch worshippers who hold mock human sacrifice rituals in the form of burning a giant owl. Its all fun to listen to at 3 am on the Art Bell Show, but it tends to fizzle when seen by the light of day.


No he used to think it, then he snook into the compound and videotaped them worshipping the owl. Which BTW is a representation of an ideal not an actual God they think runs everything.

ITS SYMBOLIC. Like most occultism and the farse we call religion.

Of cold intellect and vigilance. They then sacrifice their conscience to this representational figure using mock human sacrifice as the psychological trigger.

You don`t have to buy from Alex Jones. Go on ebay you can get about 20 documentaries on a burnt DVD for about £4.

He`s a journalist doing the right thing, but he can`t live on water and fig rolls.

Forewarned is Forearmed. This police state crisis is VERY real.
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