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Kellogg, Brown and Root wins concentration camp contract


the truth don't care
Another coup for Dick Cheney's Halliburton; £385 million. Oh, I'm so looking forward to being rounded up, I wonder when they will start building the British ones.

Under the enemy combatant designation anyone at the behest of the US government, even if they are a US citizen, can be kidnapped and placed in an internment facility forever without trial.

Halliburton Detention Camps For Political Subversives

The most ominous sentence in the official line on the camps use:

"or to support the rapid development of new programs"

such as the imposition of martial law in the US following another major terrorist incident (ie z funded like 911) or the collapse of the US economy under trillions of debt.

Should be an interesting year
I wonder when US citizens will start requesting political assylum in Canada and Mexico.
With that amount of money probably only room for one in their camp kbr is corrupt and incomptent .Even their employees in iraq thought they were useless .They will either subcontract the job of guarding the prisoners to the prisoners .Or just lose the lot .
Consider the source. Alex Jones is the guy who thinks all the rich people in the US are Moloch worshippers who hold mock human sacrifice rituals in the form of burning a giant owl. Its all fun to listen to at 3 am on the Art Bell Show, but it tends to fizzle when seen by the light of day.
Under the enemy combatant designation anyone at the behest of the US government, even if they are a US citizen, can be kidnapped and placed in an internment facility forever without trial. Jose Padilla, an American citizen, has spent over four years in a Navy brig and is only just now getting a trial.

They used to be called traiters and shot at dawn

As for the other chap. I'm sure Jose Padilla is a model citizen. Let's have a look.

Also known as Abdullah al-Muhajir, Jose Padilla had a number of run-ins with the authorities before achieving fame - or infamy - as the dirty bomb suspect.

He was arrested in Florida in 1991 over a road-rage shooting incident and spent a year in a Florida jail.

He completed his probation for aggravated assault and firing a weapon in August 1993.

Prior to that, Mr Padilla, a US citizen of Puerto Rican origin, had a number of gang-related encounters with police in Chicago - where his family had moved from New York City when he was four years old.

oops, maybe not.
big footed fred said:
oops, maybe not.

Surely there has to be due process of the law, or what ever it is called, that has to apply to all of the country. No one should be allowed to operate outside the legal system, especially the government. That's what separates us from the police states, isn't it?

Anyone how what portion of the $390 million that Bush just asked for will be spend on these fine institutions of reform?
Just pointing out that these people bleat on about rights with no mention of the sort of scum that are locked up.
They know that if people knew who we were talking about they would get little or no support.
True - it would be better if the trial was quick but we don't know what else is going on.
A git like this may well have made a deal to save his own skin and be shopping all his mates. Maybe a trial is the last thing he wants.

As for the camps. In case of a war you can't leave those who may well help the enemy. Harsh it is but the other side is that you leave enemy agents free to do what they like.

Remember this is a report from left wing nutters and not something you can trust. They use words like kidnap when arrest is what they mean.
Let's face it - they may well be the first in and they are just pissed off. :D
big footed fred said:
Also known as Abdullah al-Muhajir, Jose Padilla had a number of run-ins with the authorities before achieving fame - or infamy - as the dirty bomb suspect.

Yes, the old dirty bomb story. For which no charges were ever brought again Padilla.

big footed fred said:
He was arrested in Florida in 1991 over a road-rage shooting incident and spent a year in a Florida jail.
He completed his probation for aggravated assault and firing a weapon in August 1993.
Prior to that, Mr Padilla, a US citizen of Puerto Rican origin, had a number of gang-related encounters with police in Chicago - where his family had moved from New York City when he was four years old.

My god, Padilla has form! It's therefore obvious he should be locked up for years without charge or proper access to lawyers :rolleyes:
The question is not "Is so-and-so a nice guy" it is "Has so-and-so comitted a crime".
Yuwipi Woman said:
Consider the source. Alex Jones is the guy who thinks all the rich people in the US are Moloch worshippers who hold mock human sacrifice rituals in the form of burning a giant owl. Its all fun to listen to at 3 am on the Art Bell Show, but it tends to fizzle when seen by the light of day.

i see no reason why the rich and powerful can't go to bohemian grove summer camp every year, burn effegees of children, have male and female prostitutes bussed in, exclude women from attending except to cook and clean, and perform satanic rituals to a pagan god (moloch). seems perfectly normal to me.

and alex jones predicting the wtc attack 2 months before on his tv show and asking the audience to ring the whitehouse and tell them not to do it was just a lucky hit.
big footed fred said:
They used to be called traiters and shot at dawn

Traitors were first found to be so by a court of law. Some, if not many, were found not to be guilty, and were therefore neither shot at dawn nor remanded for eternity in prison. Old fashioned idea, perhaps?
DOA said:
i see no reason why the rich and powerful can't go to bohemian grove summer camp every year, burn effegees of children, have male and female prostitutes bussed in, exclude women from attending except to cook and clean, and perform satanic rituals to a pagan god (moloch). seems perfectly normal to me.

and alex jones predicting the wtc attack 2 months before on his tv show and asking the audience to ring the whitehouse and tell them not to do it was just a lucky hit.

Silly me. I would have known that if I'd have shelled out for a video:


axon said:
Yes, the old dirty bomb story. For which no charges were ever brought again Padilla.

My god, Padilla has form! It's therefore obvious he should be locked up for years without charge or proper access to lawyers
The question is not "Is so-and-so a nice guy" it is "Has so-and-so comitted a crime".
You are completely wrong. Padilla has lawyers. Charges have been brought. There have been numerous court rulings concerning Padilla. Due process takes time out here in the real world.
rogue yam said:
You are completely wrong. Padilla has lawyers. Charges have been brought. There have been numerous court rulings concerning Padilla. Due process takes time out here in the real world.

Due process only "takes time" when it involves corporate malfeasance.
BERKELEY, Calif.--A Halliburton subsidiary has just received a $385 million contract from the Department of Homeland Security to provide "temporary detention and processing capabilities."

kbrThe contract -- announced Jan. 24 by the engineering and construction firm KBR -- calls for preparing for "an emergency influx of immigrants, or to support the rapid development of new programs" in the event of other emergencies, such as "a natural disaster." The release offered no details about where Halliburton was to build these facilities, or when.

To date, some newspapers have worried that open-ended provisions in the contract could lead to cost overruns, such as have occurred with KBR in Iraq. A Homeland Security spokesperson has responded that this is a "contingency contract" and that conceivably no centers might be built. But almost no paper so far has discussed the possibility that detention centers could be used to detain American citizens if the Bush administration were to declare martial law.

Yuwipi Woman said:
Silly me. I would have known that if I'd have shelled out for a video:

Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" Include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan. The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male "Club" Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the "Great Owl of Bohemia."

DOA, you are basically recaping what I said in my first post. I know the story. I listen to Art Bell. He's a real larf with his "Antichrist hotline" where he interviews 15 or so antichrists during the program. While I find it entertaining, I don't believe a bit of it.

So please stop your patronizing posts.
Yuwipi Woman said:
DOA, you are basically recaping what I said in my first post. I know the story. I listen to Art Bell. He's a real larf with his "Antichrist hotline" where he interviews 15 or so antichrists during the program. While I find it entertaining, I don't believe a bit of it.

So please stop your patronizing posts.

no he's not, you said

Alex Jones is the guy who thinks all the rich people in the US are...................
my bold

wheras he doesn't "think" because it's true, and if you don't believe a bit of it, that just shows how blinkered you are.

the links are there, why don't you read them.

it's you that is being patronising.
I wasn't being patronizing. This is patronizing:

Why don't you get a couple of brain cells to rub together and then pull your head out from the ass of a paranoid, anti-semetic, conspiracy nut and get a life.
Yuwipi Woman said:
I wasn't being patronizing. This is patronizing:

Why don't you get a couple of brain cells to rub together and then pull your head out from the ass of a paranoid, anti-semetic, conspiracy nut and get a life.

That's not patronizing, it seems to be a debating standard round here.
Yuwipi Woman said:
DOA, you are basically recaping what I said in my first post. I know the story. I listen to Art Bell. He's a real larf with his "Antichrist hotline" where he interviews 15 or so antichrists during the program. While I find it entertaining, I don't believe a bit of it.

So please stop your patronizing posts.
Which bit of it don't you believe - did you not have a look at the wikipedia link I provided for you? One can't deny that Bohemian Grove exists, that world leaders (minus women) attend, and that they perform (at least one) very curious ritual involving the staged burning of a human being, dressed in silly robes, in front of a giant owl. Extraordinary though that may be.
Yuwipi Woman said:
I wasn't being patronizing. This is patronizing:

Why don't you get a couple of brain cells to rub together and then pull your head out from the ass of a paranoid, anti-semetic, conspiracy nut and get a life.

can you point me to a post I've made where

I've been paranoid or

I've been a conspiraloon or and I want a fucking apology for this one

an anti semenite

and I wouldn't like you on a jury if I was being tried if, presented with a fact, you still don't believe a bit of it
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