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Keir Starmer's time is up

Labour are stuck with Keith aren't they? Even if Labour's poll ratings get worse and they show no signs of gettting the red wall back, there's no way they can hold a 'self indulgent' leadership contest over the next 18 months given the fall out from Covid. After that you are getting too close to 2024. Don't think there will be enough pressure in the party to call a contest anyway. Only parallel would be something like duncan smith resigning as tory leader because he knew he was shit and heading for a no confidence vote. In his heart of hearts, Keith may realise the former, but won't be facing the latter.
I dunno, never underestimate the capacity of Labour's right wing to stab their erstwhile allies in the back whilst shooting themselves in the foot
Labour are stuck with Keith aren't they? Even if Labour's poll ratings get worse and they show no signs of gettting the red wall back, there's no way they can hold a 'self indulgent' leadership contest over the next 18 months given the fall out from Covid. After that you are getting too close to 2024. Don't think there will be enough pressure in the party to call a contest anyway. Only parallel would be something like duncan smith resigning as tory leader because he knew he was shit and heading for a no confidence vote. In his heart of hearts, Keith may realise the former, but won't be facing the latter.

In my mind the Forde inquiry is huge. The fact they're trying to suppress it suggests there must be serious dirt in there. Of course we're used to everything being whitewashed but it would take some serious effort to neutralise that. I'm not sure it's possible. From whispers it sounds like it went beyond its remit as there was so much testimony. Not worth speculating more than that really. Would it sink Starmer? Almost certainly not, but it could wound and open up warfare within the ranks.
In my mind the Forde inquiry is huge. The fact they're trying to suppress it suggests there must be serious dirt in there. Of course we're used to everything being whitewashed but it would take some serious effort to neutralise that. I'm not sure it's possible. From whispers it sounds like it went beyond its remit as there was so much testimony. Not worth speculating more than that really. Would it sink Starmer? Almost certainly not, but it could wound and open up warfare within the ranks.
What do you think the reasoning is behind the current suppression? As clearly it's impossible to keep reports like this hidden away for ever - so if the authors can't be lent on to amend it it surely just comes down to when it is best time-wise for the leadership to get it out of the way. Waiting for some other big story to break and "a good day to bury bad news"? Because surely it would be better tactically for Starmer to get it out of the way now rather than just after bad local election results.
What do you think the reasoning is behind the current suppression? As clearly it's impossible to keep reports like this hidden away for ever - so if the authors can't be lent on to amend it it surely just comes down to when it is best time-wise for the leadership to get it out of the way. Waiting for some other big story to break and "a good day to bury bad news"? Because surely it would be better tactically for Starmer to get it out of the way now rather than just after bad local election results.
no idea
its not a good moment right now because he's officially having a bad time at the moment according to the press
I'm not sure he"ll still be leader come the next GE.

I think they'll take a pounding at the next Locals. Let's see what happens then.
I think they'll take a pounding at the next Locals. Let's see what happens then.
someone posted something about that saying the previous local elections went particularly badly for reasons i cant remember and there should be some positive correction for Labour - despite Starmers best efforts. I cant remember any more than that.
All will become clear :thumbs:

The focus group results must have come back.

Policy predictions:
  • Law and order, unless you're a policeman in which case the law will state that nobody can politely ask you to please stop breaking the law.
  • Fairness for all, except for poor people who are only cluttering up the place anyway.
  • Equality for all, except for people who daily mail readers don't like.
  • Education for all, except kids who used to be taught by the teachers who died of covid because we didn't want to be seen caving in to the unions.
  • Healthcare for all, as long as that doesn't involve de-privatising anything.
  • Housing for all, if that's OK with the property developers and landlords who are coining it by ensuring that the need for housing continues to exceed supply.

Can't fucking wait to vote for that.
Yeah, it’s 2016 seats that are being fought rather than the 2017 ones you might have expected, so labour were doing shite. In Sheff we still hated the libscum so much it did them no good, might well be different this time around
someone posted something about that saying the previous local elections went particularly badly for reasons i cant remember and there should be some positive correction for Labour - despite Starmers best efforts. I cant remember any more than that.

Do you see them making gains?

I don't.

Surely more votes will drift to the Greens, Refuk and others - and especially to just not bothering.

I can't see anyone becoming/returning to a Labour voter right now.
Yeah, it’s 2016 seats that are being fought rather than the 2017 ones you might have expected, so labour were doing shite. In Sheff we still hated the libscum so much it did them no good, might well be different this time around
It's both isn't it?

The headlines will surely be in Scotland/Wales where I'm confident Labour will do appallingly.
Our Labour Party branch hasn’t had a selection for another candidate so am presuming it’s only 2016.
They may want to hurry up then because I'm positive it's the elections held over from last year combined with the ones due for this year as well
Fun and games at the Bristol West AGM last night

  • Had supposed to have been in November but postponed by SW Regional Office
  • In the intervening period, various left members of the CLP suspended on spurious grounds
  • Regional Office decided to run the new AGM themselves
  • Outgoing committee pointed out flaws in RO's planning such as not allowing pre-registration, members not receiving link to the meeting even by yesterday etc. RO ignored all advice
  • Left slate candidate for chair told yesterday that she was not eligible as in arrears since November. She wasn't aware of this and is on UC. Members in arrears are still considered to be members until they reach six months without payment
  • Meeting opened at 5:30pm. Over 500 people in attendance. Ballots not received by many for several hours (appears to be non-partisan as even Thangam Debbonaire was saying in a group chat that she hadn't had hers). Voting deadline extended several times and finally concluded around midnight. Six and a half hours after the meeting started.
  • When voting eventually opened, many people report that both candidates for one position were on the same line and shared one voting box. Reports that some people were able to vote twice.
At the end of it all, the right ('Unity' arf) slate swept all positions. Vote figures appear to show that around 150 people were in the meeting but did not vote - many people had to leave early due to the excessive length of the meeting.

Bristol Momentum and left members deeply unhappy at what appears to have been a stitch up of one of the biggest and most troublesome (to the leadership) CLPs in the country. Obvious what was going to happen there for months but they're going down fighting. Expect them to increase their activity in ACORN, the Bristol Uni rent strike and food projects now I guess. Also expect the Greens to do very well in central/west districts of Bristol in May as I posted before

Honestly those fuckers really deserve to be wiped off the electoral map after their disgraceful conduct over the last few years.

Mind once they start losing Welsh seats to Plaid, English seats to the Greens and possibly have the Northern Independence Party eating into their vote, they will STILL insist they lost because they didn't wrap themselves in the flag and imitate the Tories enough, or they will blame treacherous left wingers amongst electorate for not loyally voting Labour. :facepalm:

Deliberately alienating the youthful and passionate part of their party in favour of trying desperately to win over a handful of elderly Tories is going to mark the end of the Labour Party. It's just a matter of time.
aah, this was to be Sheffield’s ‘fallow’ year so there weren’t meant to be any at all. Will be the same in many other places too I guess
Honestly those fuckers really deserve to be wiped off the electoral map after their disgraceful conduct over the last few years.

Mind once they start losing Welsh seats to Plaid, English seats to the Greens and possibly have the Northern Independence Party eating into their vote, they will STILL insist they lost because they didn't wrap themselves in the flag and imitate the Tories enough, or they will blame treacherous left wingers amongst electorate for not loyally voting Labour. :facepalm:

Deliberately alienating the youthful and passionate part of their party in favour of trying desperately to win over a handful of elderly Tories is going to mark the end of the Labour Party. It's just a matter of time.
The people they're desperately seeking to keep out of power in Bristol are the same ones who, for example, have led on setting up National Food Service efforts in Bristol to deliver 50,000 meals across the city during the first lockdown. They're the best, most dynamic people that they have but they're also left wing and a threat so have to be kept down and preferably ejected from the party.

I think Bristol NW, Kingswood and Bath CLPs all have their own AGMs under the auspices of RO to look forward to. Should be fun, especially Kingswood who were prevented from donating funds to ACORN and local foodbanks by the same regional office
aah, this was to be Sheffield’s ‘fallow’ year so there weren’t meant to be any at all. Will be the same in many other places too I guess
Makes sense. Bristol used to be on that system until we moved to all out elections every four years in 2016. Everyone got an extra year in office over the last 12 months, which has left some councillors flagging a bit (the ones who wanted to step down and then couldn't)
Fun and games at the Bristol West AGM last night

  • Had supposed to have been in November but postponed by SW Regional Office
  • In the intervening period, various left members of the CLP suspended on spurious grounds
  • Regional Office decided to run the new AGM themselves
  • Outgoing committee pointed out flaws in RO's planning such as not allowing pre-registration, members not receiving link to the meeting even by yesterday etc. RO ignored all advice
  • Left slate candidate for chair told yesterday that she was not eligible as in arrears since November. She wasn't aware of this and is on UC. Members in arrears are still considered to be members until they reach six months without payment
  • Meeting opened at 5:30pm. Over 500 people in attendance. Ballots not received by many for several hours (appears to be non-partisan as even Thangam Debbonaire was saying in a group chat that she hadn't had hers). Voting deadline extended several times and finally concluded around midnight. Six and a half hours after the meeting started.
  • When voting eventually opened, many people report that both candidates for one position were on the same line and shared one voting box. Reports that some people were able to vote twice.
At the end of it all, the right ('Unity' arf) slate swept all positions. Vote figures appear to show that around 150 people were in the meeting but did not vote - many people had to leave early due to the excessive length of the meeting.

Bristol Momentum and left members deeply unhappy at what appears to have been a stitch up of one of the biggest and most troublesome (to the leadership) CLPs in the country. Obvious what was going to happen there for months but they're going down fighting. Expect them to increase their activity in ACORN, the Bristol Uni rent strike and food projects now I guess. Also expect the Greens to do very well in central/west districts of Bristol in May as I posted before
This is just all kinds of awful.
Regarding the voting software which couldn't cope with the large numbers of people attending Bristol West's meeting:

Completely bent
Do you see them making gains?
I can't see anyone becoming/returning to a Labour voter right now.
I can see them making some gains, Starmer has probably attracted back a few liberals who could not bring themselves to vote the LP under Corbyn. And 2017 was a bad year for Labour in the LEs (27% in popular vote).

However, overall I think things will stay pretty much as they are.
I can see them making some gains, Starmer has probably attracted back a few liberals who could not bring themselves to vote the LP under Corbyn. And 2017 was a bad year for Labour in the LEs (27% in popular vote).

However, overall I think things will stay pretty much as they are.

Will that he enough to gain them actual seats though?

That's a pretty small market segment there.
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