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Keir Starmer's time is up

It's pretty silly, but who is that guy? He's just some no-mark dick on twitter with 93 followers and a bad opinion. Who gives a fuck?

everyone gives a fuck, this is v important stuff, that's why it was coupled with the burning issue of Trump , Joey Exotique and Dancing with the Stars
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Two prominent Jewish members suspended today.

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, the founder of Jewish Voice for Labour and renowned mathematician and socialist Moshi Machover.

All those that have being saying that Labour was not a safe place for Jews under Corbyn need to have a long hard look at themselves (if of course they are not bad faith actors).
Two prominent Jewish members suspended today.

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, the founder of Jewish Voice for Labour and renowned mathematician and socialist Moshi Machover.

All those that have being saying that Labour was not a safe place for Jews under Corbyn need to have a long hard look at themselves (if of course they are not bad faith actors).
Steve, are you a labour party member?
It's not impossible. The solution would be to tell the Board of Deputies, Hodge and any other bad faith trolls to fuck off, reinstate the whip to Corbyn and fully implement the recommendations from the EHRC report... then something radical... taking on the Tories.

And you wonder why the Labour party is perceived as having a problem with Jews?

That comment is borderline antisemitic.
Two prominent Jewish members suspended today.

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, the founder of Jewish Voice for Labour and renowned mathematician and socialist Moshi Machover.

All those that have being saying that Labour was not a safe place for Jews under Corbyn need to have a long hard look at themselves (if of course they are not bad faith actors).

Another borderline antisemitic comment.
That border seems to be getting pushed further and further every day, more and more territory being annexed and occupied.

It's almost like a metaphor.

Would you say the same if the comments had been made about black people?

I'm Jewish by blood.
Another borderline antisemitic comment.

I think you need to spell out what was borderline antisemitic about the post you quoted.

Jewish people are being suspended from the Labour party for antisemitism. This is far from a clear cut situation. People are confused by this.

Telling them you are Jewish by blood doesn't explain your point.
I think you need to spell out what was borderline antisemitic about the post you quoted.

Jewish people are being suspended from the Labour party for antisemitism. This is far from a clear cut situation. People are confused by this.

Telling them you are Jewish by blood doesn't explain your point.
Look at the highlighted text. The comment about Margaret Hodge is dreadful.

As for restoring the whip to Corbyn, no, not until there is an apology.
Sasaferrato I think if you're going to make accusations of racism, you really need to be explicit about why you think the two posts in question are racist.

FWIW: I think it's probably worth steveseagull considering why, of the many MPs & organisations calling for Corbyn to be booted out of the party, the two that came to mind are both jewish - there are plenty of non-jews calling for the same. But even that's pretty thin by itself... and beyond that, there's literally nothing there in either post that I can see that could possibly be considered antisemitic, borderline or otherwise.
Would you say the same if the comments had been made about black people?

I'm Jewish by blood.

If anti black racism had been exploited in the same way, and for the same purposes, as anti Semitism had, then yes I would have made the same comment.

But it hasn't.
'It’s difficult to imagine a more blatant, shameful and utterly contemptible piece of two-faced hypocrisy than the behaviour of Margaret Hodge that has been revealed this week. .................

.......Her behaviour drags the entire political system into disrepute, and she would now be well advised to withdraw from public life. Not that she will, if her previous behaviour is anything to go by. Because this is far from the first scandal that Mrs Hodge has been involved in.

Last April, she apologised for what she called her “shameful naivety” when, as leader of Islington Council, she dismissively brushed aside the victims of paedophiles who preyed on children in council care. One victim, Demetrious Panton, who was abused by the former head of an Islington children’s home in the late 1970s, was dismissed by Mrs Hodge in a letter to the BBC as “extremely disturbed”.

It was almost beyond parody when she was then appointed Children’s Minister by Tony Blair. Mrs Hodge is not the first and will not be last politician to say one thing and do another. But the sheer grubbiness of her brand of hypocrisy leaves a stench that makes others look almost admirable.'

And you wonder why the Labour party is perceived as having a problem with Jews?

That comment is borderline antisemitic.

Thanks for goysplaining what is and what is not antisemitic and whether or not I should or should not want the BoDs to fuck off.

I really appreciate your time :oldthumbsup:
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