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Keir Starmer's time is up

Knobhead. Nothing wrong with what I posted, up to me what I post innit. The expulsion? Couldn't give a monkeys really but it does highlight what Starmer is about - which should be blatantly obvious to everyone by now anyway.
Mr. Knobhead to you. Though I do agree with you re: Starmer :)
I would also say that I did make a fair point about the expulsion highlighting what Starmer is, and that it should be obvious what he's about (a shame I have to repeat that).
I would also say that I did make a fair point about the expulsion highlighting what Starmer is, and that it should be obvious what he's about (a shame I have to repeat that).
A fair point as well but you only made it because I observed that rather than comment on the actual news you used it as an opportunity to attack the publication that carried the story.
you used it as an opportunity to attack the publication that carried the story.
I was saying what I thought of Novara Media, whats wrong with that all of a sudden?

Btw Spooky Frank has now succeeded in derailing this thread and making it about me (could've just ignored me as I say, but no doubt he's trying to get me banned from the thread like the sad authoritarian he is).
I was saying what I thought of Novara Media, whats wrong with that all of a sudden?

Btw Spooky Frank has now succeeded in derailing this thread and making it about me (could've just ignored me as I say, but no doubt he's trying to get me banned from the thread like the sad authoritarian he is).
You can’t be expected to make every thread about yourself, man’s got to have a day off

Isn't this just the perfect Starmerama policy? A dramatic-sounding but in practice minimal challenge to the status quo, which literally no-one will give a shit about enough to call him on as and when it fails to come to pass. The ruling class will shrug is shoulders, a few liberals will swoon for a bit, headline in the Graun, job done.

Isn't this just the perfect Starmerama policy? A dramatic-sounding but in practice minimal challenge to the status quo, which literally no-one will give a shit about enough to call him on as and when it fails to come to pass. The ruling class will shrug is shoulders, a few liberals will swoon for a bit, headline in the Graun, job done.
100pc agree....lords is a talking shop, makes no difference to anything. By all means abolish it but no one will notice a difference
Novara Media are just insincere, dishonest, self-serving, middle class, careerist cunts who only care about their career and status in the media. They criticise Labour a bit but they'll support Starmer come the general election. They've already been banging on about 'why we must support Labour' and 'have a general election.' Petit bourgeois liberal luvvies who can't be trusted and spout a load of bollocks.
Don't you understand the point?
What is this pose?

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