Most of the time discussing politics on Urban is a complete waste of time due to the fact that the politics of most of you on here is absolute dogshit. The majority of you are liberals or statists of one type or another meaning that you are really no different to conservatives and are reactionary in your own way - more so than you will ever realise. And alot of you are actually very narrow minded people who stubbornly insist on clinging on to failed politics that has achieved fuck all and that you should have moved on from to try alternatives. You've stuck with politics that has actually done much more harm than good and you keep going down a path that has repeatedly failed. But it doesn't really matter because you're just a tiny, irrelevant, small minded clique who have achieved fuck all and will continue to do just that. Too many of you are blinkered, pompus people who think you know it all and most of the time discussing politics on here is completely pointless. Too many of you don't really want genuine social change.
If your politics aren't capable of convincing the generally anarchist-adjacent urban75 demographic, then good luck with the population at large.
Everyone here does want genuine social change but the question is, how to bring it about? A lot of the anarchist scene is totally inaccessible and doesn't have any discernible impact on public life. Most people aren't even aware anarchist organisations even exist, and beyond the political anoraks of Urban75 and similar virtually nobody in this country can name an anarchist organisation. I don't have any problem with anarchist ideology, I agree with a lot of anarcho-syndicalist ideas, but I don't see any practical way to join the anarchist cause. You can't blame everyone for not becoming anarchists when the anarchist organisations are impossible to get involved with and don't seem to do very much even if you do get involved.
There is a difference between having some kind of vision for the final emancipation of the proletariat and wanting some practical improvements in the short term. One doesn't necessarily contradict the other.
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