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Keir Starmer's time is up

Do you reckon the tory leadership have some kind of running bet as to who can be the first person to come up with something that Starmer will actually oppose?

'Our new policy will see the Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition slapped across the face with a wet fish at ten minute intervals throughout the day.'

'As a point of deeply held principle Labour will be abstaining on the fish-slapping bill.'
Well! Well! Indeed, and arhhh, as my honourable friend [indicates JRM, who chuckles smugly at the unexpected attention] has already arhhh, clarified mister speaker, such a fish would indeed be, arhhh, a happier fish - not only, mister speaker, not only because it was now a british fish, arhhh, but with the honour, nay delight, arhhh, of being the first fish in three hundred years, mister speaker, three hundred years [JRM and various back benchers jeer] mister speaker, to have, in fact, slapped a leader of the opposition. Arhhh and I think it bears adding, mister speaker, that piscem slappator, semper doggerel [eruption of tory cheers]

[Starmer chortles along because he's already a Sir and millionaire so fuck you]
"thank you for being our leader" - no longer true :D

skwawkbox have some survey figures that suggest 100k members have left, unconfirmed
Guardian reports that senior labour mp’s (cunts) have been calling on sir Kier to take on a big figure to help improve his performance.
Who the fuck are they thinking of?
Looks like Dodds is out and rachel 'harder on benefits than the tories' reeves is in. This is sure to reverse those declining poll numbers, after all what everyone wants is a right wing dickhead with a social workers demeanour.

Also touting promotion for Jess Philips and a return for Cooper and Benn. A party with zero new ideas and a belief that it's just about personality and presentation (both of which are also awful)
That would be a startling leadership team.
Let's face it, RLB was there to make a pretence at unity before bundling her out at the first opportunity. Dodds was there to ensure the soft left gave permanent inspection rights to their wallets. They'll come up with another reason to justify their ongoing support for the hard right leadership somehow.
While they were doctoring the sign, they cheered up the grumpy bloke in front of the sign too. What's that about? Was his sneer deemed insufficiently enthusiastic for the Stamer Labour party?
I wonder if we can FOIA the brief.

"Make him a bit happier. Not massively happy, no one will buy that. Can you get him to look like he's just watched some policemen twat a journalist?"
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