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Keir Starmer's time is up

Starmer learning that the Labour right will never be happy with anything other than the reanimated corpse of Blairism

Whatever happened to all that Return of Blair noise from a while back?
David Milliband told him to get to the back of the queue perhaps?!
Courtesy of @LeftieStats on That Twitter:

Anneliese Dodds net favourability -17%
SKS net favourability -18%

Amongst 2019 Tory voters:
Dodds -29%
SKS -56%

(All YouGov 8-9 March, those figures are negative percentages)

SKS looks like a PM in waiting (Northern voters)
Does 22%
Does not 52%

Net rating in this poll was +10% in June, now -30%
(YouGov 15 March)

SKS average net approval with Opinium was +20% in September, now 0

I don't think Dodds is the issue here lads.
Genius political instincts to launch a campaign for more copper’s after recent events.
ive been thinking about this .... why? of all the things going on in the world why make law and order the focus, especially so when they've reluctantly decided not to vote for the new policing bill (for now - i can imagine that changing though after a minor ammendment).

Here's a theory: Starmer is flailing -"no one knows what he stands for" is the media refrain (we know all too well of course) - so its back to the advertising/campaign managers for help- they take Starmer aside and psychologically profile him - "Keir, who are you really? what are you passionate about?" they ask him - after some soul searching he comes back:

"'I'm the Director of Prosecutions...I'm an authoritarian....I had "authority" on my election posters...I like getting people locked up .... i like kicking all riff raff unwashed members out of the party"......i'm want to clean up this party, this country....blue lives matter.....kids dealing drugs should be in jail....what the country needs is....", okay Keir, that's great you can stop now, that was great...you see, you are passionate about something! People recognise authenticity so you should run with this! Don't hold back now, just be your true self.....be that hero inside yourself....

next day:

Opera Snapshot_2021-04-02_100618_www.urban75.net.png
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Crime, especially low level acquisitive crime and anti-social behaviour, is a massive issue in working class communities. A genuinely well worked out programme to tackle it: involving and mobilising communities, social care, youth facilities and resources would be massively popular.

Suffice to say that this is none of those things. It’s a piss poor pastiche of the 1990’s Blairite ‘tough on crime’ act. Starmer increasingly resembles a bad karaoke singer belting out the ‘classics’ to a disinterested crowd...there is also the whiff of desperation to it. It looks and feels like rapidly improvised ‘on the hoof’ stuff.
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Just thought you'd appreciate the shadow equalities minister delivering some racist leaflets:

Compounded by this lie:


She couldn't tell the truth that, as the 'star' canvasser, she would have swanned in and just put anything through a few letter boxes without even thinking to read the contents.
Compounded by this lie:

View attachment 261351

She couldn't tell the truth that, as the 'star' canvasser, she would have swanned in and just put anything through a few letter boxes without even thinking to read the contents.
Yeah I mean, was she aware of the negative connotation of "deal with"? Which is far worse than semantics over "incursion" in all honesty
tbh Labour's absolutely riddled with it regardless of faction

Also, Nichols is Jewish so there's that
Why only the other day Phillips was on about the white working class. Given her rants about the Pakistani & Bangladeshi communities "importing wives for their disabled sons" in the past you might think that the Labour right have a racism problem too
Just listening to Steve Richards, he does make the important point that Labour doesn't have a track record of deposing it's leaders. John Smith died of course but what other leader was forced out successfully?
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