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Keir Starmer's time is up

Bollocks, you're just inventing stuff again. My statement is nothing to do with "any criticism of your position equals some sort of criticism of the post-war social contract, or support for Tories." It refers to you not voting to try to get the tories out of power and telling people it's no use trying to get the tories out of power. That's what I mean by your support for tories.

It's a trade of insults - if you insult people you're going to get insults back. The clue is in the first half of my statement "You’ve repeatedly said labour’s approach is “at least we’re not the tories”. See, nothing to do with criticism of the PWSC, nomatter how many posts apart it was.

Just started on the Piketty thread by the way. So you see I will study stuff if it's suggested rather respond to someone who aggressively demands I make their argument for them. I just don't accept things because you insist that they're true.

Eta: I've got a lot of respect for people who are revolutionary socialists but who held their noses and voted labour anyway to try to get rid of the tories because they realize what utter evil shits they are to be in power.
The irony is that with Labour now totally fucked, I'd probably be recommending the same sort of actions that redsquirrel is. If I knew what they were, and despite this probably giving him apoplexy.
I think popular music has fragmented in recent years in ways that make the charts a much less relevant measure of popular culture in 2021 than it was in 1983. There's lots of amazing pop music about though, as always.
I am carrying on with the studying as recommended but I really don't understand the dismissal of the PWSC.

Assume for the moment (hahahahahaha) Corbyn had got in the election before last and people had been promised full employment, NHS, nationalizing the popular industries etc etc etc.

If then capital didn't allow it to happen, surely this is a good thing. It's going to be clear to people who voted what's going on. We've seen from Brexit how exercised the British population can get. That seems about the only chance we'd actually have of getting a revolution and confiscating the wealth of the people trying to fuck it all up.

(as an aside I apologize to revolutionary socialists everywhere for my comments about revolutionary socialists and revolutionary socialism on this and other threads, I'm really not having a go at revolutionary socialists in general, I'm having a go at redsquirrel because the contempt he clearly feels for me is mutual because of the contempt he expresses for people who don't agree with him.)
I think popular music has fragmented in recent years in ways that make the charts a much less relevant measure of popular culture in 2021 than it was in 1983. There's lots of amazing pop music about though, as always.

Yeh but the conditions have changed. We're never going to get good pop music again because the conditions have changed. The market won't allow it. :mad:
We've not even got started on insults

Bonapartist individualist

Religious Obscurantist

A snivelling coward who has besmirched our movement

Trotskyist-Bukharinist saboteur

A fake-rhinestoned buttplug in the arsecrack of capital
(OK I made that last one up)

I'm pleased to see that Sur Kieth is doing so well that he's not even the main subject of a thread on his own irrelevance anymore. :thumbs:
Meanwhile, another day, another self-inflicted wound for "Scottish" Labour. The heresy? The young candidate indicated she might be minded to support calls for a second independence referendum, a slight variance from the official line which is a Paisleyite NO to indyref2 in all circumstances for the rest of recorded time.

Candidate dropped over stance on IndyRef2

I would say that the party under various flatlining non-leaderships for the last decade and a half was a laughing stock north of the border, but that would imply that anyone actually cared anymore. Now it's just an indifferent shrug, and a further withering of a diminished vote pile.
England won the World Cup in 1966 but we'll never win it again because conditions have changed. :rolleyes:

Mind you that one's accurate :(
That’s got to be belboid quote?
I'll note it for future reference, but it aint one of Leons more interesting works.

Adventurists, fantasists, terrorist apologists, splitters, splitists, petty-bourgeois diletantes, third-worldists, permanent oppositionists, kindergarten kautsky, revolutionary re-enactment society. Tho all are barely used compared to their favored term, the classic fucking wankers.
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