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Kamala Harris' time is up

She’s too safe, and although safety would be desirable amidst the current bin fire, I think it’s a poor motivator and people won’t turn out for her, as with Clinton. I don’t think I even know what her voice sounds like, less so what she actually stands for.

As in the UK, the (nominally) left party is terrified of saying anything that sounds even slightly left-wing because they’ll be eaten alive by a corporatist media and billionaire-funded PACs.
amongst all the talk of biden stepping aside, i've heard little to nothing about harris taking over as the candidate. but she'd have to bbe - she's been there for four years and can carry the mantle of the legislative achievements of biden's administrationn, which - let me say it again - is probably the best of my lifetime. but you know what the trump campaign will do with a thai-jamaican woman from california.
amongst all the talk of biden stepping aside, i've heard little to nothing about harris taking over as the candidate. but she'd have to bbe - she's been there for four years and can carry the mantle of the legislative achievements of biden's administrationn, which - let me say it again - is probably the best of my lifetime. but you know what the trump campaign will do with a thai-jamaican woman from california.

Wiki says Tamil Indian and Jamaican heritage...

The Trumpists have been at her for years. Not for her stance on law, but really ugly stuff - the obvious racist angle as you point to, and also misogynist accusations of her sleeping her way to the top.
and also misogynist accusations of her sleeping her way to the top.

She once called him an "albatross hanging around my neck" - she was in a relationship with Willie Brown, then Speaker of the California Assembly, for a while in the mid-90s. She was 29 and he was 60, and still married to the wife he separated from more than a decade earlier.

From USA Today:

Brown appointed Harris to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and then to the Medical Assistance Commission – positions that paid her more than $400,000 over five years, according to SF Weekly. Brown also gave Harris a BMW. "And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco," he said.

Her career didn't take off until years after she and Brown broke up but I think the relationship will probably be the focus of misogynistic attack ads if she becomes the nominee. It's mad how she will be targeted over a relationship from 30 years ago while Trump is apparently getting a free pass for being a serial rapist with a frequent-flyer pass on Epstein Airlines.
She’s too safe, and although safety would be desirable amidst the current bin fire, I think it’s a poor motivator and people won’t turn out for her, as with Clinton. I don’t think I even know what her voice sounds like, less so what she actually stands for.

As in the UK, the (nominally) left party is terrified of saying anything that sounds even slightly left-wing because they’ll be eaten alive by a corporatist media and billionaire-funded PACs.
Would this be the same Clinton they won't turn out for who who proved more popular than dt in 2016?
It’s going to be a much closer race between Kamala Harris and Trump compared to Joe Biden and Trump.
I think it is too tight to call.
Trump has being saying on CNN in the last few minutes that Kamala Harris will be easier to beat than Joe Biden, but I think he knows that this is false.
It'll be her

Just out of curiosity how is anyone in US politics let alone a Presidential candidate allowed to just say whatever he likes, lies, slander, utter bollocks etc and he isn't just kicked out of political life like they would here?

Took three years to get rid of Boris Johnson. Also, Boris Johnson was allowed to be prime minister in the first place.
It’s going to be a much closer race between Kamala Harris and Trump compared to Joe Biden and Trump.
I think it is too tight to call.
Trump has being saying on CNN in the last few minutes that Kamala Harris will be easier to beat than Joe Biden, but I think he knows that this is false.

I disagree, I think this results in a blowout victory either way - for Harris if they figure out how to attack Trump properly, for Trump if they continue down the road of critiquing him for reasons that everyone has already factored in.
It'll be her

Just out of curiosity how is anyone in US politics let alone a Presidential candidate allowed to just say whatever he likes, lies, slander, utter bollocks etc and he isn't just kicked out of political life like they would here?

because he lies, slanders, and bollocks's in a strong, manly way. the entire subtext is reactionary social politics.
Considering the deeply ingrained polarisation of the US political landscape and the general advantage the R's have in the EC I struggle to how it could result it what I'd classify as a blowout.

I mean this is not going to effect, either way, 90+% of voters in terms of the presidency.
The normal rules of political discourse just don't seem to apply to Donald Trump.

They probably do,don't be deluded by the innanity of MAGA fringe. People will want to elect somebody competent.
They probably do,don't be deluded by the innanity of MAGA fringe. People will want to elect somebody competent.
This is where I lose out by being an atheist, I can't pray that you're right.
It’s going to be a much closer race between Kamala Harris and Trump compared to Joe Biden and Trump.
I think it is too tight to call.
Trump has being saying on CNN in the last few minutes that Kamala Harris will be easier to beat than Joe Biden, but I think he knows that this is false.
what a strange username for a new poster to choose on today of all days
Considering the deeply ingrained polarisation of the US political landscape and the general advantage the R's have in the EC I struggle to how it could result it what I'd classify as a blowout.

One idea would be to examine what the GOP base are actually angry about and craft messaging for them rather than writing them off as deplorables. Trump and his surrogates bang on about elites, about sinister plots that threaten them and such like all the time - do the same to him; do to Musk and especially Thiel what they do to Soros. Put them (the GOP base) into the familiar position of joining the dots.
If Harris could be the first female President in the USA, which Hillary missed out on. But there is a very long way to go....

Bill and Hillary have endorsed Harris.

But the vast majority of the GOP base is absolutely committed to Trump and the Republicans. They've stuck with him through "Grab them by the pussy", violent attacks on the seat of government, and lawsuits. "Better" messaging is not going to shift that - certainly not over four months.

Likewise the overwhelming majority of the anti-Trump vote is committed and going to vote against him (and the Republicans).

Biden's campaign in 2020 did manage to peel off a few Republicans-leans, did well with independents and build something of a new coalition - and yet the end result was no blowout. The current polarisation just doesn't give a lot of room for big swings.
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