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Kamala Harris' time is up

It'll be her

Just out of curiosity how is anyone in US politics let alone a Presidential candidate allowed to just say whatever he likes, lies, slander, utter bollocks etc and he isn't just kicked out of political life like they would here?
Because the entire country has been a total cesspit, since the day that Trump allowed his nomination as a candidate.
But the vast majority of the GOP base is absolutely committed to Trump and the Republicans. They've stuck with him through "Grab them by the pussy", violent attacks on the seat of government, and lawsuits. "Better" messaging is not going to shift that - certainly not over four months.

Likewise the overwhelming majority of the anti-Trump vote is committed and going to vote against him (and the Republicans).

Biden's campaign in 2020 did manage to peel off a few Republicans-leans, did well with independents and build something of a new coalition - and yet the end result was no blowout. The current polarisation just doesn't give a lot of room for big swings.

They are committed to Trump, not the Republicans - one of the reasons the primary in 2016 was such a cakewalk for him is that there was widespread disgust at the other candidates and the party generally amongst that base. No alternatives have emerged since then that are as popular, which means that making them think of a world without Trump / not focusing on Trump is going to be a good idea.

I mean, how many of that base are going to vote for / turn out and fight for a venture capitalist turned politician controlled by the tech bro community?
Harris has released a statement:

I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. Over the past year, I have traveled across the country, talking with Americans about the clear choice in this momentous election. And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party — and unite our nation – to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.

We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.
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It's already over. There's no way Harris will win.

Biden has fucked any chance she had by refusing to accept his own clear and obvious physical and cognitive decline. He should've seen the writing on the wall ages ago and acted in the national interest and now here we are. I'd be amazed if there's any other result but a Trump victory.
As ever its the poltically unenganged, "swing" voters (and people who may not vote at all but could be persuaded) in the battle ground states who are going to win it for whoever. So it will be what resonates with them - which is going to be a wide variety of things. They will also be trying to desprately increase voter registration. It might be that (as in france) that Trump repulses enough people to send them over to harris - fucking fuck knowa tbh - lets just hope whatever they come up with it stops the absoulte calamity for the US and the entire world of a Trump presidency.
It's not a result I'd bet heavily on and I can't see America being gripped by Kamalamania but I think she's got a chance of winning - Trump may have peaked too early with the convention and surviving the assassination attempt, there's now more than 100 days in which America will be reminded that he has fuck-all new to bring to the table except the same old shit, as his convention speech showed
A presidential race between Orange Hitler and Bomber Harris would prove to me that reality is some kind of divine comedy. Just listening to TYT, even they are confused with some Bomber Harris support from the progressive types.
A presidential race between Orange Hitler and Bomber Harris would prove to me that reality is some kind of divine comedy. Just listening to TYT, even they are confused with some Bomber Harris support from the progressive types.

Like "Nutteryahoo", your use of "Bomber" Harris isn't going to catch on.

In the meantime, support for her means opposition to the fascist Trump. Doubt it means that people are particularly enamoured with maintaining the status quo.
It'll be her

Just out of curiosity how is anyone in US politics let alone a Presidential candidate allowed to just say whatever he likes, lies, slander, utter bollocks etc and he isn't just kicked out of political life like they would here?
Question for US politics geeks, assuming that Harris gets the nomination.

There would be a good argument for Biden to step down immediately after the convention. That removes the attack line that Democrats are keeping an enfeebled president in office, bolsters messaging against Trump’s age or capacity, and most importantly gives Harris a few months to look presidential then to stand as an incumbent.

But would a few months as stand-in limit Harris to only one further term? If so, she would have conflicted interests, even if Biden was prepared to go through with it.
Question for US politics geeks, assuming that Harris gets the nomination.

There would be a good argument for Biden to step down immediately after the convention. That removes the attack line that Democrats are keeping an enfeebled president in office, bolsters messaging against Trump’s age or capacity, and most importantly gives Harris a few months to look presidential then to stand as an incumbent.

But would a few months as stand-in limit Harris to only one further term? If so, she would have conflicted interests, even if Biden was prepared to go through with it.

Just checked wording and i think she can go for 2 terms as she would have done less than 2 years:

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.
Question for US politics geeks, assuming that Harris gets the nomination.

There would be a good argument for Biden to step down immediately after the convention. That removes the attack line that Democrats are keeping an enfeebled president in office, bolsters messaging against Trump’s age or capacity, and most importantly gives Harris a few months to look presidential then to stand as an incumbent.

But would a few months as stand-in limit Harris to only one further term? If so, she would have conflicted interests, even if Biden was prepared to go through with it.
I had wondered if the plan for Biden to remain as President for his full term was going to be the best option, as he can continue with the work that being President entails and let Kamala focus squarely on her campaign and the forthcoming contest.

I can however also see the value in Biden standing aside before November in order to enable her to become President and gain that not inconsiderable benefit from being the incumbent. Not only that but Trump would absolutely hate it because he already has decided that HE is to become the 47th President and probably already has all the shitty baseball caps and other tacky old tat on order, inscribed with that motif.

It would however be pretty disastrous for Kamala, as incumbent if Trump were to win. He would be even more intolerable than he already is, if it is possible even to countenance that bizarre notion.
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