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Julie Burchill's attack on transsexuals...

It wasn't just trans-women and trans-men that tried to get Suzanne Moore to change two words in her article.

However, it was Moore who then went off on one and intentionally made it worse. And then wrote an article which wasn't so much mea culpa as mea, mea, mea.

And now Burchill's defended her by crowbarring in every offensive label for trans people into one column.

She's quite the writer though,

Burchill said:
“a gaggle of transsexuals telling Suzanne Moore how to write looks a lot like how I’d imagine the Black and White Minstrels telling Usain Bolt how to run would look.”

Managing to be that offensive in one sentence is amazing.
What a horrible writing style that Julie Burchill has, with irrelevant anecdotes padding out her script. These included a plug for a book she has written. I think the link could be added to the "Guardian going down the pan" thread.
It would have been if I could have found the thread.

Nice how she has to shoehorn on the bit about the lobster and champers as well.
I've always considered Burchill to be a sick lake of hate, full of spite of the least productive variety. She is the writer who has most wound me up over the years, her attitude is consistently abysmal, and in some senses I consider her to simply be a crap twist on the 'shock jock' form of attention seeking.
I've always considered Burchill to be a sick lake of hate, full of spite of the least productive variety. She is the writer who has most wound me up over the years, her attitude is consistently abysmal, and in some senses I consider her to simply be a crap twist on the 'shock jock' form of attention seeking.

That's exactly what she is. A troll, basically. She's quite good at it though, people still get wound up by her.
I don't think I've ever seen an article get such a kicking in comments (I realise that maybe because a lot of the mad yanks are not up yet),it's vile to the point Guardian staff are pointing out it's an Observer article and not the Guardian.
As a working class woman I find her one enormous bigot, completely vile who wouldn't know what live & let live was if it jumped up & bit her on the arse
Burchill's been writing shit like that for The Guardian for decades and she's always been a fucking arsehole.

^ that

I've always considered Burchill to be a sick lake of hate, full of spite of the least productive variety. She is the writer who has most wound me up over the years, her attitude is consistently abysmal, and in some senses I consider her to simply be a crap twist on the 'shock jock' form of attention seeking.

and that ^

I did always used to wonder if the sole reason the grauniad let her write a column was simply to see how many people read the glossy saturday bit by judging how many letters / e-mails they got objecting to the shite she wrote.

one a few years back that was pretty much along the lines of "all gay men are kiddy fiddlers" led me to give up reading her shite...
The Alex Callicinos v Laurie Penny thread picked up on the new wave of identity politics, and shouted about the dangers of it and got told, in far more words, shut up by LP herself before christmas.
Jb is 'off' and has been for some time imo. I've also been watching the bunfight between.Patrick Strudwick and Azaelia Banks. She seems.quite.the nasty piece of work even if.strud can be a bit precious at.times.
Managing to be that offensive in one sentence is amazing.
it was quite an achievement - she was obviously trying to think of a comparison but what on earth are black people good at? running fast of course! personally I'd have gone with the black and white minstrels telling michael jackson how to dance
Trans women are to women as black and white minstrels are to black people is the killer bit. It's the reversion to a trope to try and make a complex point simply. It's what Moore got called on as well.

It also hilariously implies Suzanne Moore is the Usain Bolt of feminist columnists.
Trans women are to women as black and white minstrels are to black people is the killer bit. It's the reversion to a trope to try and make a complex point simply. It's what Moore got called on as well.

It also hilariously implies Suzanne Moore is the Usain Bolt of feminist columnists.

i go the transphobia but it was the subtle racist undertones which really made it a standout line imo
i go the transphobia but it was the subtle racist undertones which really made it a standout line imo

Not to mention the line "The reaction of the trans lobby reminded me very much of those wretched inner-city kids who shoot another inner-city kid dead in a fast-food shop for not showing them enough "respect". Ignore the real enemy" She really means black inner-city kids. She just can't bring herself to say it.
Help me on this one. Is part of Suzanne Moore's sins the fact that she used the word 'transsexual'?
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