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Jobcentres tricking people off benefits

OK. Right. This isn't going unanswered. Plan for unionisation:

- free membership and benefits
- each branch to have access to one long battery life security chipped netbook and internet dongle with regularly monthly data access contract
- all members asked to work one day a week outside the job centre, recruiting and advising members
- advice primarily practical (form filling, translation) and via online recognised advice services
- members to take it in turns to have custody of the netbook on the proviso that it can be returned early the following morning
- establish relationships with local cafes to hold advice clinics (and boost their takings)

Drew, if this sounds doable, I can bankroll your branch set-up if you can get two more people to make it work. #1 Branch fundraises until they can bankroll #2 Branch. Then they can fundraise for their membership.

We could do with volunteers from within DWP and those with benefits advice, CAB-style or tribunal experience to come along and offer some training days, and maybe also some training-the-trainer days, so that the skills can cascade out without needing one or two people to be available. The national (internet) Forum would pool skills and provide a free resource for everyone. Then the membership can work out what they need. Collective purchasing at the local Cash'n'Carry? Cooking workshops for cheap, good food? Transport co-ops to share the costs of car ownership?

Come on, let's do it. Shouting slogans and smashing windows is fun, but the real fight back has to start now. He wants a Big Society, we'll give him a Big Society, with Big Unions and a Big Voice.

One problem with what I've bolded above. If you're claiming JSA they can sanction you for making yourself unavailable for work.
Worth involving Disabled People Against Cuts too? (www.dpac.uk.net)
Christ i'm tired, been a busy old day, shot a couple of Jews trying to escape, set the dogs on a few gypsies and tortured a few mental health inmates..... Life is tiring as a concentration camp guard.... Oh well, better get on with gassing a few jews and commies..... Bit of luck throw a few cripples in there too......


You'll nonetheless get called before the Kommandant, gefreiter Fedayn. You didn't meet your target for sanctioning useless mouths off JSA.

Verdamnt dumkopf! :mad:
Big Society Benefits, Training and Careers Advisory Service, maybe?

With good advice about FE for jobs where there is a shortage of skilled employees (which there is in my area), we can use the new tuition fees system to give people who have no real hope of a high paid job a way into one. I can spot a potential statistician a mile off, and I teach on several good, vocational, high quality degree courses that people could be recruited too, with few qualifications barriers for mature students. Great career prospects, and no need to pay off the loan unless it works out. It's win-win for those who never expected to be able to buy a house anyway. And there's heaps of wasted talent out there.

An online learning centre, with contributions from anyone who wants to develop online learning materials in basic and not so basic skills, practical, academic or vocational.

Careers advisory service primarily focused on training and education opportunities in areas where there are jobs, or new business opportunities, and providing access to the internet for self-educational purposes. Collaborations with what local libraries are left (supported by local transport networks) to maximise access. Online volunteers sought to offer advice and free training, and training the trainer training to cascade skills.

<catches breath>
Worth involving Disabled People Against the Cuts too? (Will put link in once i find it)

Why the hell not? Unemployed workers shouldn't just mean "current workers", it should also mean those of us who would be workers if we weren't disabled (by our impairments and by the fact that employers are extremely wary of employing us).
You'll nonetheless get called before the Kommandant, gefreiter Fedayn. You didn't meet your target for sanctioning useless mouths off JSA.

Verdamnt dumkopf! :mad:

Bit difficult for me to reach a JSA target given I work on Income upport mind... Oh well, back to killing a few more Jews.
One problem with what I've bolded above. If you're claiming JSA they can sanction you for making yourself unavailable for work.

Shifts would be entirely optional and over-manned for contingencies. The netbook would be available for searching for jobs and making online applications, or saving job application forms for bulk printing overnight. There would be a branch phone available for calling potential employers, and advice on how to make yourself memorable with the interviewers.

Why the hell not? Unemployed workers shouldn't just mean "current workers", it should also mean those of us who would be workers if we weren't disabled (by our impairments and by the fact that employers are extremely wary of employing us).

Yes, asbolutely. We should seek membership from anyone who is dependent on the benefits system and aim to develop the expertise to represent them professionally and for free in any dispute, as well as developing co-operatives for minimising living expenses, work with local credit unions to make more equitable loans available to those who need them, and offer real training. And all for virtually free, unlike the parasites at A4E who take millions for providing virtually nothing.
Bit difficult for me to reach a JSA target given I work on Income upport mind... Oh well, back to killing a few more Jews.

Do not give me excuses, dumkopf! :mad:

Und remember to send half your wages to me, as usual, or I'll inform your bosses of your ancestry, and they will have you liquidated too!
VP - Yup. There's those of us who can work fine, those of us who can work a bit, those of us that can't work (both temporarily and permanently) and then there's those that have been judged fit for work and put on jsa, even though it's clearly a ludicrous proposition for them... Shout out to the United Kingdom Disabled Peoples Council too (www.ukdpc.net), a fair proportion of their staff (which included me, until a recent health relapse) are disabled, working and also involved in monitoring disabled people's human rights. They/i seemed to quite enjoy a spot of righteous anger, demands for justice, and menacingly rolling/shuffling/kicking by any means necessary against the condems and their current fuckeryings :) sorry for edit, phone swallowed half my post!
The fund-raising, recruitment and advice clinics would be run more like a social centre where anyone could drop in at any time and hang around to help out. One person would take charge of the netbook and dongle at an agreed handover time, and other equipment similarly looked after by the membership in rotation. All coordinated via the online forum, which everyone has access to at the 'office', either outside the local Job Centre or at a nearby host cafe or pub.

Anarchy in action. :cool:
Should we get tweeting? I can send this link out on Twitter and get a parallel conversation going there for those who don't want to register and participate here?
Facebook too, if there's anyone who indulges the evil empire.

Someone say yes and I'll tweet and publish what I tweeted here, so a Facebook person can get it started.
I'm happy to spend half my last quid in an internet shop setting up some facecrack stuff, if you can give me a half hour slot? Can type and copypasta like a demon.
We should have a low-paid and tax-credit dependent sub-section too. Many of the same issues and needs.

Need this thread moved to the Politics forum or non-members can't access it.

Needs a redirect from this URL, ideally, too - but can retweet instead.

Am reporting this post so a mod sees it.
OK. Right. This isn't going unanswered. Plan for unionisation:

- free membership and benefits
- each branch to have access to one long battery life security chipped netbook and internet dongle with regularly monthly data access contract
- all members asked to work one day a week outside the job centre, recruiting and advising members
- advice primarily practical (form filling, translation) and via online recognised advice services
- members to take it in turns to have custody of the netbook on the proviso that it can be returned early the following morning
- establish relationships with local cafes to hold advice clinics (and boost their takings)

Drew, if this sounds doable, I can bankroll your branch set-up if you can get two more people to make it work. #1 Branch fundraises until they can bankroll #2 Branch. Then they can fundraise for their membership.

We could do with volunteers from within DWP and those with benefits advice, CAB-style or tribunal experience to come along and offer some training days, and maybe also some training-the-trainer days, so that the skills can cascade out without needing one or two people to be available. The national (internet) Forum would pool skills and provide a free resource for everyone. Then the membership can work out what they need. Collective purchasing at the local Cash'n'Carry? Cooking workshops for cheap, good food? Transport co-ops to share the costs of car ownership?

Come on, let's do it. Shouting slogans and smashing windows is fun, but the real fight back has to start now. He wants a Big Society, we'll give him a Big Society, with Big Unions and a Big Voice.

Count me in. Barnet is ready.
Right. Thanks for giving me a reason to shuffle out the front door again :D SEE YOU ON THE INTERNETS COMPUTERSHOP FRONTLINE IN FIVE (Don't worry, i'll try be a srs cat on fb with this!)
Fuck it, why do we even need to set up a separate forum? If editor doesn't mind, we could use a sub-forum of Urban. It would be a great way to boost membership with some decent sorts, too. ;)
YMU, is it alright if i copy/paste your suggestions onto it? (and anyone else's if they want?)
YMU, is it alright if i copy/paste your suggestions onto it? (and anyone else's if they want?)

Yes! Everyone's! I think each branch should develop their own practices, as formally or informally as they like. They can each have a subforum in the National Forum we're going to ask Urban to host and use it to run their affairs democratically and by consensus.

Anyone can add anything. The best ideas will get adopted and copied. And it can't really be sabotaged because no one is in charge. If a majority of the membership want an annually elected branch treasurer, then annual elections can be held. If they want them appointed and removed by common consensus, they can do that instead. Depends on what works in each local circumstance.

Alliances with small local businesses will be good too. To get union-style perks for their members, collaborate on community development work (such as small shop late night opening and shopping transport networks), And with businesses that can offer proper apprenticeships with real job prospects afterwards.

We're all in this together. ;)
Drew, you're the de facto National Treasurer, unless you want someone else to open up the account instead?

Each branch will need its own account, also published openly for donations to be sent directly too.

All transactions and annual accounts to be published in real time on the forums. Audit by membership.

Branches to be eligible for funds from the national account for start-up equipment and costs. Phone and dongle contracts to be underwritten by national funds, with emergency funds payable on application to the National Forum.

Ooh, I feel all business-like. I'd better go and have a lie-down.
Should probably be an internet bank account in all cases. I think the Co-Op internet bank is Smile?

Open the account in the name of the Big Society Benefits & Careers Advisory Service?
right, done as much as i can afford for this eve, and got a friend seeing if they can fix laptops at home tonight.
laters :cool:
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